similar to: Swaeve, Beamer and \alt

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Swaeve, Beamer and \alt"

2010 Aug 04
Problem using R and Beamer...
Dear [R] and beamer community, I am trying to build a presentation using beamer and [R]. I can Sweave the file; however, when I run pdflatex on the file i get the following error: ! FancyVerb Error: Extraneous input `> a = 123450 > b = -0.69 \end {Sinput} \end {Schunk} \end { beamer at frameslide}\ifbeamer at twoscreenstext \beamer at dosecondscreennow {{fragile} \frametitle
2011 Apr 09
Trouble with Sweave and Beamer
Dear All, I am running Debian testing on my box and I installed latex and R from the standard repositories. I am trying my hands at sweave, but somehow I am experiencing problems (I am trying to use beamer and Sweave). Please see the snippet at the end of the email and saved as report.Rnw. When I run the command $ R CMD Sweave report.Rnw Writing to file report.tex Processing code chunks ...
2008 Jul 27
Colors in Sweave
Hi list, I was using Sweave and was wondering if anyone has had any luck changing the font colors of the code chunks. For instance, in my .Rnw preample I tried including: === \usepackage[usenames]{colors} \definecolor{darkred}{rgb}{0.545,0,0} \definecolor{midnightblue}{rgb}{0.098,0.098,0.439} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Sinput}{Verbatim}{fontshape=sl,formatcom={\color{midnightblue}}}
2006 Aug 06
Beamer and Sweave
Dear R-helpers, Here is a minimal .Rnw file which shows that builds do not work in frames that contain chunks of verbatim code: \documentclass[]{beamer} \author{} \date{} \title{Title} \begin{document} \frame[containsverbatim]{\frametitle{Here the build doesn't work} \begin{enumerate}[<+->] \item A \item \alert{B} \item C \end{enumerate} <<generateIQ>>= iq <-
2004 Dec 20
Sweave and LaTeX beamer class
Hi, has anyonne experienced problems between the LaTeX beamer class and Sweave? The following code does not work properly: ################################# \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{ngerman} \begin{document} \frame{ \frametitle{test} test <<>>= 1+1 @ } \end{document} ################################# Below is the
2008 Sep 06
Sweave and/or beamer issue
Dear Friends, I not sure whether this is an Sweave or a beamer problem. The Rnw file: \documentclass[compress,smaller]{beamer} %\documentclass{article} %\usepackage{beamerarticle} \usepackage{Sweave} \title{Psychophysics II} \date{September 9, 2008} \begin{document} \frame{ \begin{Schunk} \begin{Sinput} > ro <- 0.2 > c <- seq(from = -3, to = 4, by = 0.1) > fn <- 1 -
2011 Mar 07
Sweave with scan()-ed data
In an Sweave slide, I want to use sem::read.moments() and sem::specify.model(), which work by using scan() to read the following lines, up to the first blank line. However, Sweave throws an error: > Sweave("sem-thurstone.Rnw") Writing to file sem-thurstone.tex Processing code chunks ... 1 : term hide (label=arrests-setup) 2 : echo term hide (label=thurstone-data) Error:
2010 Sep 30
Sweave and LaTeX beamer class
I am failing to uncover Sweave chunks step by step using the LaTeX beamer class. The following minimal example: \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{Sweave} \begin{document} \begin{frame}[fragile] In the year \uncover<2->{25}\uncover<3->{\Sexpr{5*5}} \uncover<4->{ <<echo=TRUE, print=TRUE>>= 5*5*101 @ } \end{frame} \end{document} leads to an error message when
2007 Aug 31
Bugreport on integration of Sweave and latex beamer
I think I have isolated a problem with integration between Sweave and beamer. Could you please see the file: Unfortunately, it uses some of my internal libraries, so you can't run it. When I put it through Sweave, I get: which is, of course, a generic latex file which you can read and
2011 Apr 15
Sweave and Slides (Beamer)
I'm posting this for two reasons: one is to see if anyone has a better way of solving the problem or suggestions for improving my existing approach; and the other is to show what I'm currently doing in case anyone else might find it useful. The background is that I've been using Sweave for several years now to produce class notes, and I sometimes include quite a lot of raw R input and
2010 Jun 28
Lattice and Beamer
Two things I think are some of the best developments in statistics and production are the lattice package and the beamer class for presentation in Latex. One thing I have not become very good at is properly sizing my visuals to look good in a presentation. For instance, I have the following code that creates a nice plot (sorry, cannot provide reproducible data).
2009 Mar 17
Combining Sweave and fancyvrb
I find Sweave very useful and I was trying to combine it with the latex package fancyvrb. I was trying to get line numbering and labels in order to reference the lines where particular commands occur. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to do it. Maybe somebody can help me. The following is a sample Rnw file: the first part shows what I would like to get, the second what I
2009 Jul 13
SweaveListingUtils question
Hello, recently I read about the SweaveListingUtils package and now I want to try it out. However, I can not make it work... Below a minimal example. The problem seems to be the following line (generated by SweaveListingPreparations()?): \ifthenelse{\boolean{Sweave@gin}}{\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.6\textwidth}}{}% If I comment out this line, it works. What can I do about this? I am using the
2010 Oct 05
SweaveInput + keep.source = TRUE trouble
Dear all, I have trouble with R-beta sweaving files that include definitions with \SweaveInput in combination with keep.source = TRUE Symptom: SInput is taken from too far down the input file (the shift is the number of lines of the included file). Is that known? Searching didn't turn up anything, yet I think there are more people than just me using keep.source. Example: $
2012 Feb 23
Sexpr not getting expanded in Sweave
An Sweave file, 'test.Rnw': \documentclass{article} \title{Sweave minimal} \author{MK} \begin{document} \maketitle We try Sweave: <<1>>= data(airquality) summary(airquality) x <- airquality[1, 1] @ I try Sexpr: \Sexpr{x} We plot: \begin{center} <<2, fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE >>= boxplot(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality) @ \end{center} \end{document} I check the
2010 May 13
Using Sweave in hostile environments
I'm trying to put together a poster using the LaTeX a0poster package and including some things from pstricks to get gradient shading, etc. The problem is that the default environments used by Sweave don't work where I need them. A simple code chunk like <<eval=FALSE>>= x <- 1 @ buried in a minipage within a psshadowbox gives the error Runaway argument? > x <- 1
2012 Aug 21
Sweave: R chunk inside caption?
Hi Folks, I'm surprised, but I didn't find this question addressed anywhere. I'd like to generate a LaTeX caption with R code. I've tried the code below, but I get the following TeX error: ! Argument of \@caption has an extra }. <inserted text> \par l.21 } Any thoughts? Perhaps I'll have to write the "\caption{}" text with R? thanks!
2013 Jan 29
Sweave files generating miktex errors
Dear useRs-- I have been using Sweave with miktex for years, but on a new install on Windows XP, miktex seems to be hung up on single quotes. See example below. Digging through stackexchange, I found using \usepackage[noae]{Sweave} in the tex file solved the problem. My questions are: --Why would this happen? I have the ae package installed. --If inserting [noae] is the solution, how do I
2012 Jun 15
Rename output file in Swaeve and Tex
HI, I am working on R and Latex. R CMD Sweave Test.Rnw (this generates Rnw.Tex file ) R CMD pdflatex Test.tex (It generated Test.pdf) Is there any way to change the name of of output file (Test.pdf). I want it to pass the output file name as parameter. R CMD Sweave Test.Rnw Output_File R CMD pdflatex Output_File.tex So output file name will be Output_File.pdf Regards -- View
2012 Jan 19
Sweave question - Setting Soutput code chunks to stay inside page margins?
Hello all, Sometimes I get to make an R code chunk (in Sweave) which is longer then the margins of the page. Is there a way to force it to "go to the next line" (in Sweave) once that happens? Here are two cases this happens in the resulting .tex file (one is a "hard" case, and the other is simpler) \begin{Schunk} \begin{Sinput} >