similar to: effect() error: non-conformable arguments

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "effect() error: non-conformable arguments"

2005 Mar 25
We just released our new Asterisk Installation CD set. with 24/7 monitoring
Here's our recent announcement of our new Asterisk Installation CD set: Signate has announced its new Asterisk Installation 2005 CD Set. It's, a complete software PBX (private branch exchange) telephony appliance in a single package. The CD set installs Linux pre-configured for telephony, a stable 1.0x distribution of the open source Asterisk PBX, and Signate's optional, free PBX
2006 Jan 30
predict.lme / nlmmPQL: "non-conformable arguments"
I'm trying to use "predict" with a linear mixed-effects logistic regression model fitted with nlmmPQL from the MASS library. Unfortunately, I'm getting an error "non-conformable arguments" in predict.lme, and I would like to understand why. I have used the same call to "predict" with "glm" models without problems. I assume I'm doing
2011 Apr 18
Predicting with a principal component regression model: "non-conformable arguments" error
Hello all, I have generated a principal components regression model using the pcr() function from the PLS package (R version 2.12.0). I am getting a "non-conformable arguments" error when I try to use the predict() function on new data, but only when I try to read in the new data from a separate file. More specifically, when my data looks like this #########training data
2013 Jan 14
Tukey HSD plot with lines indicating (non-)significance
Dear list members, I'm running some tests looking at differences between means for various levels of a factor, using Tukey's HSD method. I would like to plot the data as boxplots or dotplots, with horizontal significance lines indicating which groups are statistically significantly different, according to Tukey HSD. Here's a nice image showing an example of such a graphical
2009 Sep 24
Non-ActiveRecord based model being passed as string?
I have a model that looks like this (with various other methods) class HsdPair attr_accessor :hsd def initialize(hsd) @hsd = hsd @current_display = 0 @has_changed_flag = false end end After initializing this object in the controller @hsd_pairs = using it in the view various times and in various ways, when I try to pass this object back to the
2010 Jul 23
installing xen on dell poweredge 2600
I have a poweredge 2600 and trying to installing the xen hypervisor. The server has been wiped, nothing on it. How do I go about installing, new to servers ;-) -- Elisha _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2012 Sep 28
Anova and tukey-grouping
Hello, I am really new to R and it's still a challenge to me. Currently I'm working on my Master's Thesis. My supervisor works with SAS and is not familiar with R at all. I want to run an Anova, a tukey-test and as a result I want to have the tukey-grouping ( something like A - AB - B) I came across the HSD.test in the agricolae-package, but... unfortunately I do not get an output
2007 Mar 30
ANOVA and confidence intervals plot
Dear *, I would like to obtain for each factor of my anova model the "response variable vs factor" plot with means and 95% Tukey HSD intervals. I would appreciate any information on how to do that. Cheers -------------------------------------------------------------------- Max MANFRIN Tel.: +32 (0)2 650 3168 IRIDIA - CoDE, CP 194/6
2011 Jan 07
Error in x %*% coef(object) : non-conformable arguments
Hello, and thanks in advance! What does the error message "Error in x %*% coef(object) : non- conformable arguments" when indicate when predicting values for newdata with a model from bigglm (in package biglm), and how can I debug it? I am attempting to do Monte Carlo simulations, which may explain the somewhat interesting loop which follows. After the code I have included the output,
2007 Jul 16
LSD, HSD,...
Hi, I'm designing a experiment in order to compare the growing of several clones of a tree specie. It will be a complete randomized block design. How can I decide what model of mean comparision to choose? LSD, HSD,TukeyHSD, Duncan,...? Thanks in advance
2006 Feb 01
predict.lme / glmmPQL: "non-conformable arguments"
> I'm trying to use "predict" with a linear mixed-effects logistic > regression model fitted with nlmmPQL from the MASS library. > Unfortunately, I'm getting an error "non-conformable arguments" in > predict.lme, and I would like to understand why. I'd like to briefly describe how I ended up working around this problem. The issue is that predict.lme
2011 Jul 13
Tukey HSD with repeated measure ANOVA
Hi, I need to determinate HSD value from a matrix like that Thesis Days A1 Cx 0 66.07 Cx 0 60.24 Cx 0 42.86 Tw 0 66.07 Tw 0 60.24 Tw 0 42.86 Aa 0 66.07 Aa 0 60.24 Aa 0 42.86 Qe 0 66.07 Qe 0 60.24 Qe 0 42.86 Cx 56 310.86 Cx 56 223.17 Cx 56 186.77 Tw 56 149.42 Tw 56 127.75 Tw 56 138.59 Aa 56 130.24 Aa 56 214.83 Aa 56 137.95 Qe 56 186.64 Qe 56 189.09 Qe 56 187.87 this is my script
2005 Mar 14
Question about Tukey HSD (stat package)
Dear all, I would be glad if someone could tell me if Tukey HSD (function of stats library) accept the NA values and could correct the unbalanced design (different number of sample in each group) Thanks for help Alice Le Bars
2009 Jul 07
Error due to non-conformable arrays
Hello, Consider this function for generalized ridge regression: gre <- function (X,y,D){ n <- dim(X)[1] p <- dim(X)[2] intercept <- rep(1, n) X <- cbind(intercept, X) X2D <- crossprod(X,X)+ D Xy <- crossprod(X,y) bth <- qr.solve(X2D, Xy) } # suppose X is an (nxp) design matrix and y is an (nx1) response vector p <- dim(x)[2] D<- diag(rep(1.5,p)) bt
2010 Feb 17
Split Plot and Tukey
Hi, I did the analysis of variance of a split-plot and the effect of treatment was significant. I would like compare treatment means using Tukey. I can't extract the mean square to apply HSD.test to use in agricolae package. anava = aov(ganhos ~ Blocos + Trat*Supl + Error(Blocos/Trat)) names(anava) summary(anava) require(agricolae) HSD.test(ganhos, Trat, df, MSerror, alpha = 0.05)
2006 May 09
Error in x[good, ] * w : non-conformable arrays
>From posts in Sep 2004 and Feb 2005, glm() was raising "Error in x[good, ] * w : non-conformable arrays". I can reproduce this error using: df1 = data.frame(u=1:10, v=rpois(10,10), z=array(1,10,dimnames=list(1:10))) glm(v~u+offset(log(z)), data=df1, family=poisson) -- which seems to be due to the variable z have dimnames. In, the error is
2011 Oct 03
Compact letter display for interaction effects
Hello, I am interested in generating a compact letter display for the results of Tukey HSD tests that contain interaction effects. The 'cld' method in the 'multcomp' package seems only to work for main effects. Does such a thing exist already? Thank you for any thoughts, Josh -- Joshua Caplan, PhD Postdoctoral Associate Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
2008 Aug 29
non-parametric Anova and tukeyHSD
I have insect data from twelve sites and like most environmental data it is non-normal mostly. I would like to preform an anova and a means seperation like tukey's HSD in a nonparametric sense (on some sort of central tendency measure - median?). I am searching around at this time on the internet. Any suggestions, books, etc. would be greatly appreciated. -- Stephen Sefick Research
2009 Apr 21
broken example: lme() + multcomp() Tukey on repeated measures design
I am trying to do Tukey HSD comparisons on a repeated measures expt. I found the following example on r-help and quoted approvingly elsewhere. It is broken. Can anyone please tell me how to get it to work? I am using R 2.4.1. > require(MASS) ## for oats data set > require(nlme) ## for lme() > require(multcomp) ## for multiple comparison stuff > Aov.mod <- aov(Y ~ N + V +
2005 Sep 15
means comparison in R (post-hoc test)
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi. I have been using SAS for some time, and now I have discovered R. I am very happy with it, but I have not found out how to perform some of the multiple comparisons I was used to do in SAS. With the SAS/STAT, I generally used the MEANS (for comparison of arithmetic means) and the LSMEANS (for adjusted means) statements of the GLM procedure (I