Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Predictions from the Segmented Package"
2009 Sep 04
predicting from segmented regression
I'm having trouble figuring out how to use the output of "segmented()"
with a new set of predictor values.
Using the example of the help file:
o<-## S3
2012 Jan 26
adding additional information to histogram
I am a beginner with R, and I think the answer to my question will
seem obvious, but after searching and trying without success I've
decided to post to the list.
I am working with data loaded from a csv filewith these fields:
order_id, item_value
As an order can have multiple items, an order_id may be present
multiple times in the CSV.
I managed to compute the total value and the
2003 Jul 11
3d plot with different levels done in different colors
I would like a 3d plot of a matrix such that individual trapezoids
that make up the surface are colored according to the z-value of that
point (or preferably the midpoint of its four corners, or something
similar). MS Excel has something like that.
I know that persp can have an nx by ny matrix its "col" argument, I
just don't know how to generate that matrix. To calculate the
2011 Jan 01
DHCPD troubleshooting..? help!
i've setup dhcp as such:
yum install dhcp
vim /etc/dhcpd.config
# DHCP Server Configuration file.
#?? see /usr/share/doc/dhcp*/dhcpd.conf.sample?
#ddns-update-style interim;
ddns-update-style interim;
ddns-rev-domainname "in-addr.arpa";
ignore client-updates;
subnet netmask {
?????? option routers?????????????????; #Default
2008 Oct 01
Unknown dict module: mysql
I'm trying to set up the dict/expiry plugins, but the dict server always
tells me it can't find the modules although they should be there and
compiled in.
System is: Centos 5.2 64 bit, Using rpm from
dovecot --version
Relevant config:
dict {
quotadict = mysql:/etc/dovecot-dict-quota.conf
expire = mysql:/etc/dovecot-dict-expire.conf
2007 Oct 30
R segmented package
Most of the data sets I'm dealing with exhibit a time trend.
We would like to get rid of the time trend.
The plot shows in some cases a monotonic increase of the dependent variable
with time. This is the easiest case.
In some other cases the plot shows a time trend where the dependent variable
changes slope 4-5 times along the observations measurement period.
I've attempted a segmented
2012 Mar 01
Help with segmented package
Hi everyone.
I'm using segmented package to find break point in a bi-linear relationship.
In a particular case, I find 1 pointcut (so 2 slopes).
I would like to know if it is possible to retrieve information in the
segmented object that could let me to plot 1 particular segment with a
different color.
For example, in that folowing example, I would like to plot the second
segment in red.
2012 Aug 05
Problem with segmented function
I appreciate your help with the segmented function. I am relatively new to
R. I followed the introduction of the 'segmented'-package by Vito Muggeo,
but still it does not work.
Here are the lines I wrote:
/error in segmented.lm(lr_test, seg.Z ~ x,
2007 Oct 30
Where can I find package "segmented" ?
I tried to install "segmented" from three different repositories but I keep
getting the following message on R window: ... Please, advice where to find
this package.
Thank you in advance.
> utils:::menuInstallPkgs()
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Warning: package 'segmented' is in use and will not be installed
> utils:::menuInstallPkgs()
2012 Jan 10
Problem with segmented
Hi everyone.
I'm trying to use the segmented function with the following data:
For instance, I use segmented package as follow:
myreg2 = lm(xy$y ~ xy$x)
mysegmented = segmented(myreg2, seg.Z=~x, psi=c(245000), control =
Which get me to the following error :
As a break point, a starting guess of 245000 seems fair.
Anyone has an idea why I'm getting such
2012 Sep 28
Annotate a segmented linear regression plot
I have produced some segmented regressions with the segmented package by
Viggo Mutteo. I have some example data and code below. I want to annotate
the individual segments with the slope parameter (actually it would be
nicer to annotate with 1000*slope and add some small amount of text as
well). How can I do it? Reading the docs for segmented I can access all of
the slope parameters via a
2003 Feb 24
segmented regression
Hello all,
I'm trying to find out how to perform a 'segmented regression'. I have some data and the 'classical' model used is:
y(t) = a + bx(t) + cx(t)^2 + u(t) for x(t) < x(0)
y(t) = a + bx(0) + cx(0)^2 + d(x(t) - x(0)) + u(t) for x(t) > x(0)
and u(t) = rho.u(t-1) + eps
(It's a model using an ARIMA-model, in this case AR(1)-process)
The parameters to estimate here
2012 Nov 16
Interpretation of davies.test() in segmented package
My data:
I have raw data points that form a logit style curve as if they were a time
series. Which is to say they form 3 distinct lines with 3 distinct slopes
in backwards z pattern. A certain class of my data looks essentially flat
to the eye with marginal oscillation. What is important to me is the x
value at which the state change is occurring, in other words, the break
Use of
2006 Jan 18
Breakpoints for multiple variables using Segmented
Hi all,
I am using the package ?Segmented? to estimate logistic regression models
with unknown breakpoints (see Muggeo 2003 Statistics in Medicine
22:3055-3071). In the documentation it suggests that it might be possible to
include several variables with breakpoints in the same model: ?Z = a vector
or a matrix meaning the (continuous) explanatory variable(s) having
segmented relationships with
2008 Oct 03
NA's in segmented
I am trying to fit a very simple broken stick model using the package
"segmented" but I have hit a roadblock.
> str(data)
'data.frame': 18 obs. of 2 variables:
$ Bin : num 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 ...
$ LnFREQ: num 5.06 4.23 3.50 3.47 2.83 ...
I fit the lm easily:
> fit.lm<-lm(LnFREQ~Bin, data=id07)
But I keep getting an error
2013 Mar 12
Constrain slope in segmented package
I'm currently using the segmented package of M.R. Muggeo to fit a
two-slope segmented regression. I would like to constrain a
null-left-slope, but I cannot make it. I followed the explanations of
the package (http://dssm.unipa.it/vmuggeo/segmentedRnews.pdf) to write
the following code :
fit.glm <- glm(y~x)
fit.seg <- segmented(fit.glm, seg.Z=~x,psi=0.3)
2013 Jan 11
problems with package 'segmented'
Dear R-users,
I am trying to understand how the 'segmented'-package works to determine
breakpoints and slopes of regression lines in broken-line regression models.
However, I am not able to repeat the example on the "plant"-dataset,
which was reported in the accompanying paper of the package. (V.M.R
Muggeo, "Segmented: an R package to fit regression models with
2011 Aug 11
[LLVMdev] Segmented Stacks: Breaking libgcc compatibility
Hi llvmdev!
I've been working on implementing support for segmented stacks in LLVM
(towards GSoC '11). Currently I'm working on adding intrinsics for
coroutines. The problem is this:
Till now I had been depending on libgcc for runtime support (and was
being 100% libgcc compatible in the process). However, since all the
stack allocation routines in libgcc depend on TLS variables to
2008 Jul 08
package segmented problem
Hi, while using package "segmented" (version 0.2-4) by Vita Muggeo to
investigate a possible change point (around time = 222) in admissions
for a specific medical condition I had the following error message:
fit2.seg<-segmented(fit2, seg.Z=~time,psi=222)
Error in segmented.lm(fit2, seg.Z = ~time, psi = 222) :
(Some) estimated psi out of its range
"fit2" is a simple
2015 Jan 22
CALLERID(ani2) inserting
I checked
But I cannot find a way to insert CALLERID(ani2), which I can read, but
when I try to set it for a new call, I get a runtime error.
This information, known as isup-oli comes embedded in the From header,like
<sip:9087311878 at;isup-oli=62>;tag=sansay1724414rdb124
and it can be read