similar to: Empty cluster / segfault using vanilla kmeans with version 2.15.2

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2013 Mar 13
Empty cluster / segfault using vanilla kmeans with version 2.15.2
Hello, here is a working reproducible example which crashes R using kmeans or gives empty clusters using the nstart option with R 15.2. library(cluster) kmeans(ruspini,4) kmeans(ruspini,4,nstart=2) kmeans(ruspini,4,nstart=4) kmeans(ruspini,4,nstart=10) ?kmeans either we got empty always clusters and or, after some further commands an segfault. regards, Detlef Groth ------------ [R] Empty
2010 Dec 02
kmeans() compared to PROC FASTCLUS
Hello all, I've been comparing results from kmeans() in R to PROC FASTCLUS in SAS and I'm getting drastically different results with a real life data set. Even with a simulated data set starting with the same seeds with very well seperated clusters the resulting cluster means are still different. I was hoping to look at the source code of kmeans(), but it's in C and FORTRAN and
2012 Jan 14
Error: unexpected '<' in "<" when modifying existing functions
Hi. I am trying to modify kmeans function. It seems that is failing something obvious with the workspace. I am a newbie and here is my code: myk = function (x, centers, iter.max = 10, nstart = 1, algorithm = c("Hartigan-Wong", + "Lloyd", "Forgy", "MacQueen")) + { + do_one <- function(nmeth) { + Z <- switch(nmeth, { + Z
2006 Aug 07
kmeans and incom,plete distance matrix concern
Hi there I have been using R to perform kmeans on a dataset. The data is fed in using read.table and then a matrix (x) is created i.e: [ mat <- matrix(0, nlevels(DF$V1), nlevels(DF$V2), dimnames = list(levels(DF$V1), levels(DF$V2))) mat[cbind(DF$V1, DF$V2)] <- DF$V3 This matrix is then taken and a distance matrix (y) created using dist() before performing the kmeans clustering. My query
2005 Jun 14
KMEANS output...
Using R 2.1.0 on Windows 2 questions: 1. Is there a way to parse the output from kmeans within R? 2. If the answer to 1. is convoluted or impossible, how do you save the output from kmeans in a plain text file for further processing outside R? Example: > ktx<-kmeans(x,12, nstart = 200) I would like to parse ktx within R to extract cluster sizes, sum-of-squares values, etc., OR save ktx in
2009 Dec 11
cluster size
hi r-help, i am doing kmeans clustering in stats. i tried for five clusters clustering using: kcl1 <- kmeans(as1[,c("contlife","somlife","agglife","sexlife",                         "rellife","hordlife","doutlife","symtlife","washlife",                       
2009 Apr 26
eager to learn how to use "sapply", "lapply", ...
After a year my R programming style is still very "C like". I am still writing a lot of "for loops" and finding it difficult to recognize where, in place of loops, I could just do the same with one line of code, using "sapply", "lapply", or the like. On-line examples for such high level function do not help me. Even if, sooner or later, I am getting my R
2008 Jul 03
Otpmial initial centroid in kmeans
Helo there. I am using kmeans of base package to cluster my customers. As the results of kmeans is dependent on the initial centroid, may I know: 1) how can we specify the centroid in the R function? (I don't want random starting pt) 2) how to determine the optimal (if not, a good) centroid to start with? (I am not after the fixed seed solution as it only ensure that the
2013 Jun 24
K-means results understanding!!!
Dear members. I am having problems to understand the kmeans- results in R. I am applying kmeans-algorithms to my big data file, and it is producing the results of the clusters. Q1) Does anybody knows how to find out in which cluster (I have fixed numberofclusters = 5 ) which data have been used? COMMAND (kmeans.results <- kmeans(mydata,centers =5, iter.max= 1000, nstart =10000)) Q2) When I
2005 Sep 20
2 pause before effect.appear
I''ve created a simple script (below) which calls the effect.appear script in order to make a group of items appear at the page load. I would like to have the images randomly appear at different times; e.g. the 3rd image might start appearing 2 seconds after load, the 6th image immediately after load, the first image 1 second after load, etc... How can I achieve this affect? ---
2009 Jun 11
Cluster analysis, defining center seeds or number of clusters
I use kmeans to classify spectral events in high and low 1/3 octave bands: #Do cluster analysis CyclA<-data.frame(LlowA,LhghA) CntrA<-matrix(c(0.9,0.8,0.8,0.75,0.65,0.65), nrow = 3, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) ClstA<-kmeans(CyclA,centers=CntrA,nstart=50,algorithm="MacQueen") This works well when the actual data shows 1,2 or 3 groups that are not "too close" in a cross plot.
2006 Jan 07
Clustering and Rand Index
Dear WizaRds, I am trying to compute the (adjusted) Rand Index in order to comprehend the variable selection heuristic (VS-KM) according to Brusco/ Cradit 2001 (Psychometrika 66 No.2 p.249-270, 2001). Unfortunately, I am unable to correctly use cl_ensemble and cl_agreement (package: clue). Here is what I am trying to do: library(clue) ## Let p1..p4 be four partitions of the kind
2004 Sep 06
A naive lsoda question....
Hello, I am an R newbie, trying to use lsoda to solve standard Lotka-Volterra competition equations. My question is: how do I pass a parameter that varies with time, like say, phix <- 0.7 + runif(tmax) in the example below. # defining function lotvol <- function(t,n,p){ x <- n[1]; y <- n[2] rx <- p["rx"]; ry <- p["ry"] Kx <-
2007 Jul 09
factanal frustration!
Hi. It seems that nearly every time I try to use factanal I get the following response: >faa2db1<-factanal(mretdb1,factors=2,method="mle",control=list(nstart=25)) Error in factanal(mretdb1, factors = 2, method = "mle", control = list(nstart = 25)) : unable to optimize from these starting value(s) > In the case cited above, mretdb1 is synthetic data created
2005 Dec 02
k-means / role of 'nstart'
Hello, the k-means {stats} help and the Hartigan&Won paper say nothing about the way random sets works (parameter nstart). I would expect to get the different results for each random initial set but I always obtain only one result: how is it selected? Charles Raux
2009 Jun 10
Weird behavior in receive_data function
Dear List, I'm trying to get diff/removed data and it's offset out. So I write a functions in receive_data. When I run backup, I found there is a weird behavior which I don't understand. i = recv_token(f_in, &data) will receive (i = -1, offset2 = 0) some where in the middle of the transfer procedure. That's to say, it's going to transfer the first data block from sender,
2007 Jul 04
Kmeans performance difference
Hi All, A question from a newbie using R 2-5-0 on windows XP. Why is it that kmeans clustering with apparently the exact same parameters behaves so differently between the two following examples : > cl1 <- kmeans(subset(pointsUXO15555, select = c(2:4)), 10) Takes about 2 seconds to deliver a result > cl1 <- clust(subset(pointsUXO15555, select = c(2:4)), k=10,
2013 Jul 26
variación en los resultados de k medias (Alfredo Alvarez)
Buen día, no sé si estoy utilizando bien la lista, es la primera vez. Si lo hago mal me corrigen por favor. Sobre tu comentario Pedro, muchas gracias. Lo qeu entiendo con tu sugerencia de set.seed es qeu de esa forma fijas los resultados, pero no estoy seguro si otra agrupación funcione mejor. Es decir me interesa un método de agrupación que genere la "mejor" agrupación y como los
2013 Jul 25
variación en los resultados de k medias
Buen día a todos. mi pregunta es si alguien sabe si el algoritmo de k medias siempre da los mismos resultados con los mismos datos de entrada. o si al correrlo dos veces con los mismos datos de entrada se pueden obtener grupos distintos. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Aug 28
K-Means clustering Algorithm
I was wondering if there was an R equivalent to the two phased approach that MATLAB uses in performing the Kmeans algorithm. If not is there away that I can determine if the kmeans in R and the kmeans in MATLAB are essentially giving me the same clustering information within a small amount of error? -- View this message in context: