similar to: How to stub a class inside a module with Mocha in Ruby?

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches similar to: "How to stub a class inside a module with Mocha in Ruby?"

2011 Sep 26
undefined method `options' for #<EventMachine::HttpClien
Hi , I am writing a rake task to consume twitter stream API. The task contains the following code: consumer =, CONSUMER_SECRET, :site => '''') access_token =,ACCESS_TOKEN,ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET) oauth_params = {:consumer => consumer, :token => access_token} do # now,
2011 Oct 16
Ruby on rails with twitter integration
after i searched, i got so many links related with the twitter integration , Then i do that with one following link after some steps with the rails console, *Then i got some errors after i gave the steps to send the tweet from the application * * client
2010 Jul 01
Close Modalpopup with RJS
hi guys: I''m scratching my head on this one: I have a twitter app where I''m trying to open a modalpopup with a twitter sign in, get them to sign in, then close the popup and refresh the main window. My code however refreshes the main window with the popup window result, which I thought was really strange: application.html.erb function OpenModalPopUP() {
2008 Jan 31
RSpec and the Basecamp API
I realise that this is kind of a basic question but I''m new to rspec and still trying to work out how to do things. I''m working on a rails project that requires basecamp integration via the api, which is fairly trivial to use via the basecamp.rb wrapper: Connection: basecamp =[''api_host''], APP_CONFIG[''api_username''],
2013 Nov 22
Descargar tweets con package twitteR
Hola a tod@s! Estoy dando mis primeros pasos con R, y mi objetivo es conseguir descargar tweets de cuentas concretas de twitter. Encontre documentación sobre el package twitteR, y he intentado aplicarlo, pero siempre tengo problemas a la hora de conseguir la autentificación con OAuth. Este es el código que estoy utilizando: options( RCurlOptions = list(verbose = TRUE, proxy =
2014 Nov 01
Pregunta (creo que simple) para usar twitteR
Hola comunidad, ¿Qué tal? Tengo una duda que creo que es sencilla, pero me veo algo torpe. Estoy tratando de darme de alta para poder acceder, vía R a la api de Twitter, soy un poco novato en esto y por esto lanzo la pregunta. Aunque ya me han ayudado y me han pasado alguno link del pasado, aún no consigo dar con la solución que seguro es algo que se me escapa He usado este código
2014 Nov 01
Pregunta (creo que simple) para usar twitteR
Hola Alfonso, buenos días: Lo he probado pero no me va, eso sí ha cambiado el error, el código utilizado es: library(ROAuth)library(twitteR) download.file(url="", destfile="cacert.pem") reqURL <- ""accessURL <- ""authURL <-
2010 Feb 12
Twitter - oauth gem - not getting callback
I redirect the user of my application to Twitter for oauth style authentication using my app''s request_token. The user is able to enter username and password on Twitter''s page BUT then, instead of calling back my application, Twitter displays a page
2012 Nov 08
twitteR return error message
I am new to the packge twitteR when using this package I came across several problems, can anybody help me on those problems? Many Thanks rm(list=ls()) library(bitops) library(RCurl) library(rjson) library(twitteR) library(digest) library(ROAuth) requestURL <- "" accessURL =
2013 Jul 25
Error al utilizar twitteR
A ver si os sirve. Desde que cambiaron la api a la v 1.1 la identificación a través de la api es obligatoria para poder acceder a información. El proceso que yo sigo es el siguiente: #Se definen los datos de la app registrada en twitter dev tw <- OAuthFactory$new(consumerKey="aquí consumerkey", consumerSecret="aqui consumer secret",
2013 Jul 24
Error al utilizar twitteR
Si, Carlos, gracias. Pero desafortunadamente el link con el PDF no funciona :( --JIV Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity and misspelling. On Jul 24, 2013, at 4:51 PM, Carlos Ortega <> wrote: Hola, ¿Viste la sugerencia/ayuda en StackOverflow?: Saludos, Carlos Ortega
2011 Oct 12
ROR setup on ubuntu machine
I am new to ROR, i need to setup ROR on my ubuntu machine. can u give some steps to follow for ROR? or some effective tutorials link to setup this? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To post to this group, send
2013 Oct 08
301 "Moved Permanently" for oauth with rails 2
Hi, Im using rails 2.3.11 with ruby 1.8.7. My oauth version is 0.4. Im getting Error ''301 "Moved Permanently"'' while calling get_request_token method. -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving