similar to: Understanding tinc edge connections and re-routing

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2008 Dec 09
creating standard curves for ELISA analysis
Hello R guru's I am a newbie to R, In my research work I usually generate a lot of ELISA data in form of absorbance values. I ususally use Excel to calculate the concentrations of unknown, but it is too tedious and manual especially when I have 100's of files to process. I would appreciate some help in creating a R script to do this with minimal manual input. s A1-G1 and A2-G2 are
2013 Sep 05
binary symmetric matrix combination
Hi, May be this helps: m1<- as.matrix(read.table(text=" y1 g24 y1 0 1 g24 1 0 ",sep="",header=TRUE)) m2<-as.matrix(read.table(text="y1 c1 c2 l17 ?y1 0 1 1 1 ?c1 1 0 1 1 ?c2 1 1 0 1 ?l17 1 1 1 0",sep="",header=TRUE)) m3<- as.matrix(read.table(text="y1 h4??? s2???? s30 ?y1 0 1 1 1 ?h4 1 0 1 1 ?s2 1 1 0 1 ?s30 1 1 1
2010 Feb 02
Subset and point plot
OK, I need help plotting. I have column headings of Day, Wgt, Foodin, Rep, Grp and Tanks. Rep=c(1,2,3) and Tanks=c(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6, c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6, h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6). I created a subset where I only would like Rep=2, and Tanks=c(a4,c4,h4) and would like to graph (points) of Wgt and Day. I would think that I only need 3 colors, but when I run with only 3, only 2 lines show up. When I add
2010 Jan 09
I have a data set with four columns and need to make boxplots from them. Data is as follows: tank Tanks Total cons_hat 1 a a4 5.651017 5.59 2 a a5 5.017499 5.29 3 a a6 4.894238 4.69 4 c c4 3.986347 3.40 5 c c5 4.099442 3.58 6 c c6 4.150522 3.64 7 h h4 5.187792 6.32 8 h h5 6.713422 6.44 9 h h6 5.168555
2015 Jun 11
tinc as layer 2 switch doesn't automatically mesh with other nodes
We have a handful of nodes set up. Some are NAT'd but a few have direct access to the Internet. Sample confs: HostA: Name = HostA AddressFamily = any Interface = tap0 Mode = switch Connectto = HostB GraphDumpFile = /tmp/mesh HostB: Name = HostB AddressFamily = any Interface = tap0 Mode = switch Connectto = HostA GraphDumpFile = /tmp/mesh And so on. If I use HostA as the main meta sever.
2020 Aug 08
User mapping?
On 08/08/2020 19:43, Simon Matthews wrote: > On 8/8/20 12:21 AM, Rowland penny via samba wrote: >> On 07/08/2020 22:44, Simon Matthews via samba wrote: >>> >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>> This is where your problems start, you do not have enough lines, I >>>>> would expect something like this:
2017 May 01
Concept clarification between multiple ConnecTo and multiple netname
Hi, Etienne Thanks for your clarification, and this helped a lot. And in order to get a better understanding for the mechanism of Tinc and the purpose of ConnectTo statement, can I think the ConnectTo is the way to get the node into the Tinc VPN domain, instead of establish VPN connection between nodes. Once any node ConnectTo the Tinc VPN domain, it learns all other nodes, subnets, and
2010 Nov 28
TCPOnly is required since 1.0.13?
Hi, I upgraded some of my Tinc nodes from 1.0.8 recently and found something strange. All of a sudden, the vpn would not work as a full-mesh. Certain nodes were not contactable. I re-generated my rsa-keys, and checked my configuration. My vpn uses the following in tinc.conf, as I am routing both ipv4 and v6. === name = node1 mode = switch AddressFamily = any PMTU = 1280 PMTUDiscovery = yes
2017 May 01
Why host-up script triggered even not ConnectTo?
H, Narcissus Quick one for the below case, if node A have a direct connection to node B, and node B have a connection to node X, then I found node A will be able to talk to node X, but the communication path is go through node B, instead of build direct connection between A and X, is that right? I tested this in my environment. A >> B >> X > On 1 May 2017, at 3:07 PM, Narcissus
2017 Apr 29
Concept clarification between multiple ConnecTo and multiple netname
Hi, Tinc experts I’m on-boarding for Tinc for just quite a few days, and trying to setup the connection between one client to multiple server, where multiple vpn tunnels from the client to different server. From the documentation, it indicate the tinc.conf can support multiple ConnecTo, also the tinc can support multiple netname, like /etc/tinc/net1, /etc/tinc/net2. My question is, for my above
2010 Sep 20
Tinc performance on a Dir-300
Hi, we are using Tinc in our Freifunk Network in Oldenburg for internode connections over the internet. So Tinc is running on OpenWrt 10.03 on Dlink Dir-300 Routers. We all have enough internet bandwith (1,6 MB/sec and more) but we only get a maximum speed of ~350KB/sec between two tinc nodes because then tinc uses 99% of the cpu. Is it possible to get more Speed with tinc on this machines?
2007 Nov 29
Prorating scale items
Hello, I am hoping for some advice as to how I can prorate a number of scale items that comprise a score. At least 69 of 159 cases have at least 1 value missing (65 cases have H7 missing). The maximum number of missing is 5. I want to compute a total score, a score for the H items, the R items and C items. H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 I am
2010 Jan 11
Point plot comparisions
I would like to create a point plot with the following two sets of points: #1 plot(Day,Total) and #2 (Day,cons_hat). Total is the actual value seen and cons-hat is a predicted value. If possible, I do not want to stack them as they are quite long. (FYI, I did use the reshape on a previous post, thanks, but this one is different). Day Tank Tanks Total cons_hat 1 a a4 5.651017 5.59
2005 Jan 15
ADSI unlock codes
Program your locked ADSI phone not by unlocking it but by using the feature slot FDN download descriptors of ADSI SEC security code telco provider lock number key from database list. ch33s3 First reset phone. Set clock to Jan 1 12:00AM (options-2?). exit to main screen. press options, (mute/flash/speaker/?) until you see firmware version. press # to reset. google more info, bam ch33s3d ;
2012 Feb 15
a few problems/questions with tinc
Hi everyone , i have a few questions/problems with tinc , which i need to address ASAP , so i'll make it brief . i have 33 sites , connected with each other using wan , in each site , there are two linux firewalls + 3-4 more servers , i preferred to have a full mesh within my network , but unfortunately it was not possible , when i wanted every site to be connected to every other , as the
2011 May 19
trouble with summary tables with several variables using aggregate function
Dear all, I am having trouble creating summary tables using aggregate function. given the following table: Var1 Var2 Var3 dummy S1 T1 I 1 S1 T1 I 1 S1 T1 D 1 S1 T1 D 1 S1 T2 I 1 S1 T2 I 1 S1 T2 D 1 S1 T2 D 1 S2
2009 Oct 11
Solving a nonlinear System of equations
Hello there, I wish to solve the following nonlinear System of equations: + u1 - Vmax11*S1/(S1 + Km11 *(1 + S2/Km21)) - Vmax12*S1/( S1 + Km12 *(1+S2/Km22)) == 0 + u2 - Vmax22*S2/(S2 + Km22 *(1 + S1/Km12)) - Vmax21*S2/( S2 + Km21 *(1+S1/Km11)) == 0 + Vmax11*S1/(S1 + Km11 *(1 + S2/Km21)) + Vmax12*S1/( S1 + Km12 *(1+S2/Km22)) - d1*P1 == 0 + Vmax22*S2/(S2 + Km22 *(1 + S1/Km12)) + Vmax21*S2/( S2 +
2018 Mar 15
issues connecting in other sites
Hi Team, I admit that I am not familiar with Tinc very well, but have Tinc running at approximately 20 sites and functioning as a mesh vpn/network. I am having issues adding an additional site as it will not communicate with the rest. I have taken the firmware of one and flashed it on another router to make it duplicate and then tested it working but when I change the hostname, and IP to what we
2017 May 01
Why host-up script triggered even not ConnectTo?
Hi, Tinc Expert in my tinc.conf, the ConnectTo to host X is commented, like below: #ConnectTo = X and there is a script: /etc/tinc/netname/hosts/X-up, I thought commented the ConnectTo X wouldn’t trigger the X-up, but it did. Why? What’s the logic behind to trigger host-up? How can I avoid this except remove the host-up file? Bright Zhao
2005 Dec 01
Minimizing a Function with three Parameters
Hi, I'm trying to get maximum likelihood estimates of \alpha, \beta_0 and \beta_1, this can be achieved by solving the following three equations: n / \alpha + \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} ln(\psihat(i)) - \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} ( ln(x_i + \psihat(i)) ) = 0 \alpha \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} 1/(psihat(i)) - (\alpha+1) \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} ( 1 / (x_i + \psihat(i)) ) = 0 \alpha \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} (