similar to: setting the legend scale in contour plots

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "setting the legend scale in contour plots"

2011 Dec 22
overlaid filled contour plots
I'm trying to make a set of contour plots of bivariate kernel density estimates, showing three such plots overlaid, similar to this plot except that I would like to have the contours *filled* (using transparent colors). To make this reproducible, I've saved the results of KernSmooth::bkde2D() in the following file:
2012 Sep 19
Help reproducing a contour plot
Hi All, I am trying to reproduce this using R instead. [image: Full-size image (38 K)] I tried using the following code *SChla <- read.csv("SM_Chla_data.csv")* *Atlantis <- SChla[16:66,]* *head(Atlantis)* * * Seamount Station Depth Pico Nano Micro Total_Ch dbar Latitude Longitud 16 Atlantis 1217 Surface 0.0639 0.1560 0.0398 0.2597 2.082 -32.71450 57.29733
2008 Apr 23
filled contour plots
hello everyone, I was wondering if anybody can help me solve 2 problems related to the function filled.contour. I am entering the following R command: filled.contour(xx,yy,P1, nlevels=20,color=cm.colors, plot.axes={ contour(xx,yy,P1,add=T,col="grey", nlevels=20, drawlabels=F) axis(1,1:length(xx),labels=xlabels)
2004 Jan 14
arrows on contour lines
Hello everybody I'm using contour() to draw streamlines of potential flow, eg jj <- seq(from= -4, to=4,len=20) jj <- outer(jj,jj,function(x,y){x})+1i*outer(jj,jj,function(x,y){y}) f <- function(x){x^2} contour(Im(f(jj)), nlevels=44 , labels="") How best to put arrows on the contour lines to show the direction of flow? (ie I want contour lines looking like
2012 Mar 16
plotting border over map
I am using following codes to plot map library(sp) library(rgdal) library(maps) library(gplots) library(clim.pact) library(fields) source("/R/PlotGridded2DMap.R") source("/R/image.plot.fix.R") source("/R/image.plot.plt.fix.r") seasonal_plot<-function(input,lonll=-180,latll=-90,lonres=5.,latres=3.75,write_file=TRUE,The_title=NULL){ if(is.null(The_title)){
2011 Dec 12
i can't read large NETCDF file like CRU
i use library(ncdf) to read this file as follow library(ncdf) = open.ncdf(title) lonall = get.var.ncdf(,'lon') latall = get.var.ncdf(,'lat') precip = get.var.ncdf(,'pre') close( if i use this method my pc freeze and not respond until i restart it is there -- View this message in context:
2009 Oct 29
singular variance-covariance warning in lmer
Dear R Users, I was hoping for some help with a recurrent error message in lmer. I am trying to model the effect of temperature on metabolic rate in animals (response = int.length) at different temperatures (mean.sst), with repeated measurements on the same individuals (random effect = female). Ideally I would make a random slope and intercept model where the rate can change differently with
2012 Nov 16
R-Square in WLS
Hi, I am fitting a weighted least square regression and trying to compute SSE,SST and SSReg but I am not getting SST = SSReg + SSE and I dont know what I am coding wrong. Can you help please? xnam <-colnames(X) # colnames Design Matrix fmla1 <- as.formula(paste("Y ~",paste(xnam, collapse=
2009 Feb 20
mean over previous cells
Dear RUsers, I guess this is an easy question for someone a little familiar with programming...(which I am not)... I've got 2 colummns, one shows just dates(SST_date, Class 'Date' num), the other one shows the SeaSurfaceTemperature (SST, num) at that certain date. SST_date SST 2008-01-01 22.2 2008-01-02 21.8 2008-01-03 22.8 2008-01-04 22.9 2008-01-05 23.1 2008-01-06 23.2 ...
2011 Feb 11
Using filled.contour and contour functions together
Dear R help contributors, I'd like to plot ground temperature with time on X-axis and depth on Y-axis on this datasets ( NEdaily.csv ), and to do so I use the following commands: library(RSEIS) xNE <- seq(1, as.numeric(as.Date(max(NEdaily[[1]])) - as.Date(min(NEdaily[[1]]))), 1) yNE <- rev(c(-0.3, -0.5, -0.7, -0.9, -1.1,
2007 Jan 01
Help with filled.contour()
The following plot is a first approximation to what I need: *********************************** mu1 <- 0 mu2 <- 5 s <- 1 x <- seq(-2.5, 7.5, length = 41) y <- seq(-2.5, 2.5, length = 41) f <- function(x,y){ term1 <- 1/(2*pi*sqrt(s*s)) term2 <- -1/2 term3 <- (x - mu1)^2/s term4 <- (y - mu1)^2/s term5 <- (x - mu2)^2/s term1*(.5 * exp(term2*(term3 + term4)) + .5 *
2011 May 06
read a netcdf file _Fill_value=-32768
Hello I am a new user of R . and I ve problem with R and netcdf . I succed installation , I could use all examples . But when I take my netcf it is different . I want to do statistic on this kind of file . 1) first calculate mean . my data is like that through ncdump -h netcdf test { dimensions: lat = 301 ; lon = 401 ; time = UNLIMITED ; // (80 currently)
2009 Nov 20
problem selecting 330 to 30 longitude
Hello, This is probably very simple but I am trying to select a region from the OIv2 SST dataset that crosses 0 longitude. The longitude variable is arranged from 0 to 360 and I get an error message when trying to go from 330 to 30 for example. The data are from a NOAA netCDF file. *temp = open.ncdf("c:/documents and settings/theoni/desktop/") print(temp) y1 = get.var.ncdf(
2006 Nov 26
GLM and LM singularities
Hi- I'm wrestling with some of my data apparently not being called into a GLM or an LM. I'm looking at factors affecting fish annual catch rates (ie. CPUE) over 30 years. Two of the factors I'm using are sea surface temperature and sea surface temperature anomaly. A small sample of my data is below: CPUE Year Vessel_ID Base_Port Boat_Lgth Planing SST Anomaly 0.127
2009 May 11
Plotting colors on a world map
Hi useR's I have created a simple map of the world using the following code: m <- map(xlim=c(-180,180), ylim=c(-90,90)) map.axes() I then create a grid of dimension 36x72 using the code: map.grid(m, nx=72, ny=36, labels=FALSE, col="black") This gives 2592 grid cells. In a separate data set of dimension 36x72, I have 2592 temperature values (some missing values are present)
2008 Apr 28
error in summary.Design
Dear list, after fitting an lrm with the Design package (stored as "mymodel") I try running a summary, but I get the following error: dim(mydata) [1] 235 9 names(mydata) [1] "id" "VAR1" "VAR2" "VAR3" "VAR4" "VAR5" "VAR6" "VAR7" "VAR8" summary(mymodel) Error in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`,
2003 Jan 03
Take care with codes()! (was type of representation)
Ahh yes, sorry about that. Here's the corrected snippet: # Create an Example Data Frame Containing Car x Color data carnames <- c("bmw","renault","mercedes","seat") carcolors <- c("red","white","silver","green") datavals <- round(rnorm(16, mean=10, sd=4),1) data <- data.frame(Car=rep(carnames,4),
2008 Jun 19
contour plot - line passing through z values
Dear all, there is much in these forums about adding a line to a contour/filled.contour plot, but I haven't found hints for the following. I apologize in advance if I just missed the right one. I'm having a standard filled.contour plot to which I want to add a line passing through some specific z-values at some specific x, without knowing the y coordinates. There should be a way of
2008 Oct 29
Suppressing internal grid in filled.contour
Rers: I can't seem to locate the command to suppress what appears to be a faint internal grid when running the following command to make a filled contour plot of some data I have (x,y,z being the inputs):
2010 Nov 05
filled.contour colorbar without black color separators?
Dear list members, I have been using filled.contour in order to plot EEG data. For the colors, I used a conventional ramp from blue to red (blue - green - yellow - red), and 100 color levels to make the plot looking smooth: (...) color.palette = colorRampPalette(c('blue','green', 'yellow','red'), space='rgb'), nlevels = 100 (...) My problem ist that