similar to: thanks for the mongrel_cluster fix!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "thanks for the mongrel_cluster fix!"

2007 Nov 14
scripts installed
On a debian production server and my os x development mcahine, there is a script at /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails On an ubuntu 7.1 machine, this script appears at /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/mongrel_rails mongrel was installed using gem in all cases. What is the cause of the discrepancy? Thanks, John -- John Joseph Bachir
2008 Jan 24
writing pid file earlier
I''m using god* to monitor my mongrels. God looks at pid files to know the status of the cluster. It seems as though mongrel does not write a pid file until it has loaded the entire rails/project environment, which in my case, takes upwards of 90 seconds. Meanwhile, god is freaking out because it thinks that there aren''t mongrels running, and it tries to start them. Thankfully I
2008 Jan 21
properly restarting mongrel instances
Hi folks. Using mongrel_rails and the mongrel_cluster capistrano recipes, I often encounter a situation where some of the mongrel processes don''t die in time to be restarted. The output of capistrano will tell me something like "mongrel on port 8001 is already up", but that''s only because capistrano/mongrel_rails failed to take it down in the first place. The solution
2007 Nov 07
find_pid broken in mongrel_cluster 1.0.4
The find_pid method no longer returns a nil by default which causes some breakage in cases where the pid can''t be found since the local variable ''pid'' becomes the entire output of the ''ps'' command. Can you add this return back in so that it behaves the way it did earlier? thanks, eric
2007 Dec 25
Review of Code for 1.9
Hello Guys, I''m reviewing the code for 1.9, and forgot about this when we first spoke on this subject. The current way we stop threads is using Thread#raise to spread StopServer exception, which will not work as expected in 1.9. 1.9 will treat raised exceptions as #kill, like JRuby does, so the worker threads will not finish serving the client and _then_ exiting, but will be
2007 Jan 10
Anyway to "dynamically" start/stop mongrel based on web traffic?
Hey all - I''ve got a question that I haven''t seen addressed anywhere and was wondering if anyone has put any thought into it or not... Here''s my setup... I have several *small* sites running apache/mongrel. Each has a single mongrel instance. Most don''t get any traffic (no one reads my blog :). And I was thinking, I could host a couple of more
2011 Sep 30
Multiple rack applications on the same server with unicorn
If I''m running two rails apps on the same server using Unicorn, I have to run two instances of Unicorn, right? If so, then here''s a place where passenger might win in terms of memory use, as the rails code will be loaded into memory twice, right? I''m still probably going with Unicorn, but just exploring this first. Thanks, John
2007 Mar 08
bad URI(is not URI?): c:\boot.ini
Please note this message is not related to my previous one from yesterday, this is on a different server (textdrive server). I have only one mongrel application running but ''randomly'' it will go down, the mongrel.log file shows: ERROR: undefined method ''request_uri'' for #<URI::Generic:0x5383948 URL:*> ERROR: bad URI(is not URI?): c:\boot.ini [FATAL]
2008 May 22
gem install of mongrel v 1.1.5 broken in jruby
Can''t install the latest mongrel (1.1.5) in JRuby (jruby revisions ranging from 6600 to 6750[trunk] checked) -- the platform is not being identified and it''s trying to do native compilation. I''m not sure it''s actually a problem with Mongrel or JRuby however -- perhaps there isn''t a mongrel-1.1.5-java.gem on rubyforge? Some investigation below: $
2007 Dec 15
Hi all, There is a bug with Mongrel on JRuby 1.0.3 that the JRuby guys want fixed before they release it. If it''s ok with people I''d like to fix that, revert (at least for now) the proxy response change, and tag that as 1.1.2 and release it. Anything wrong with this plan? Evan -- Evan Weaver Cloudburst, LLC
2007 Dec 18
First Shoot, many more to appear: Rails on Ruby 1.9
Guys, Subject says everything: Even ActionView uses Proc.binding (which isn''t correctly supported in 1.9) it appears that lot of folks will try to put their hands in Ruby 1.9 when it comes out, and of course, try to get Rails with Mongrel running in it. Zed, Wayne, Evan and ry: maybe we
2007 Nov 23
Fresh install on Debian Etch - Mongrel immediately hangs
Hi, I just did a clean install of Ruby 1.8.5 Rubygems 0.9.0 and the Mongrel and Mongrel_Cluster gems. I used only the Debian Etch package manager, nothing compiled myself. Now, on a testapp when I do a script/server, I get the: ** Ruby version is not up-to-date; loading cgi_multipart_eof_fix warning. But it''s not serving my app. Ruby is immediately on 100% CPU load (and 0.7%
2007 Dec 11
Hey so, People are asking about Mongrel Ruby 1.9 compatibility. Isn''t the point of 1.9 for library developers to have time to get ready for 2.0? It''s not like 1.9 is a production release. Evan -- Evan Weaver Cloudburst, LLC
2007 Oct 22
TST is right out
Hi Zed, I checked in a pure-Ruby URI classifier to Mongrel trunk. Ola''s Java port of the TST had some bug, and I don''t think it''s necessary in the first place. The Ruby classifier is around 25 lines instead of the 400-odd lines for the C extension and the 200-odd for the Java extension. It uses a Regexp which is perhaps shady: @matcher = do
2008 Oct 01
Mongrel_Cluster unable to access OCI8 library
Hi, I''m able to run a ROR application in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.4 environment, as long as I start my mongrel_cluster via the command line: [chris at localhost ~]$ mongrel_cluster_ctl start I take a look at the two mongrel_rails processes that were just created: [chris at localhost log]$ ps -ef | grep mongrel chris 4781 1 5 05:55 ? 00:00:02 /usr/local/bin/ruby
2007 Oct 29
Problems with mongrel on NetBSD
I seem to have a (recent) problem with mongrel on NetBSD. I''m running a development release of NetBSD (called NetBSD-current 4.99.34). When I start mongrel, it listens on the IPv6 wildcard address, but not on the IPv4 wildcard: => Booting Mongrel (use ''script/server webrick'' to force WEBrick) => Rails application starting on => Call with
2007 Sep 08
trouble with deliver in 1.0.4
Ok, here's one for the idiot file. I just installed dovecot-1.0.4 on my personal system for testing, a system which has to be the simplest dovecot configuration possible. deliver is barking about something with which version 1.0.3 has no problem. I looked over the wiki, googled, and see nothing wrong. The error: deliver(jjb): Sep 07 21:39:40 Fatal: Failed to create storage for
2007 Dec 08
Small updates and release plan
Hello Guys, I''ll like to suggest a small release fix before we start doing big changes: platform fixes. Current we''re setting MSWIN32 (mswin32) as platform for Windows gem, but we should be using Gem::Platform::CURRENT instead (i386-mswin32 as current Ruby windows implementation). Also, the jruby/java platform need to be defined. That change will ease the compatibility path
2005 Dec 14
Install problems: R-o-R on Debian with mod_ruby
Hello, I have tried to setup Ruby-on-rails on my debian Linux machine and can not get it to run. Maybe someone can help. The following was installed already: - apache2 2.0.54 (and PHP5) - Postgresql 8.1 Now, having the ''unstable'' branch in my /etc/apt/sources.list I did: apt-get install libapache2-mod-ruby and Apache reports a "mod_ruby/1.2.4 Ruby/1.8.4"
2007 Apr 09
IndexReader#terms for all fields?
Is it possible to query the index for a TermEnum for all fields in the index instead of just ? Thanks, John