similar to: rpvm arch check

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "rpvm arch check"

2005 Apr 07
build rpvm under cygwin
I tried ot build rpvm in my own makefile. But runs into some linker errors like e.g. undefined reference to `_R_alloc' My enviornment looks like this: CYGWIN pvm 3.4 compiled under cygwin myself R installed from the rw2001.exe setup file. I guess that the R under rw2001.exe was build with some other compiler? I then tried to compile R myself under CYGWIN but runs into the following
2006 Aug 11
rpvm/snow packages on a cluster with dual-processor machines
Hi, does anybody know how to use the dual processors in the machines of a cluster? I am using R with rpvm and snow packages. I usually start pvm daemon and add host machines first, and then run R to start my computing work. But I find that only one processor in each machine is used in this way and the other one always stays idle. Is there any simple way to tell pvm to use the two processors at
2006 Aug 11
rpvm/snow packages on a cluster with dual-processor machi nes
Caveat: I've only played with this a couple of years ago... I believe you can just add each host _twice_ (or as many times as the number of CPUs at that host) to get both CPUs to work. Andy From: Paul Y. Peng > > Hi, > > does anybody know how to use the dual processors in the > machines of a cluster? I am using R with rpvm and snow > packages. I usually start pvm
2011 Dec 12
(no subject)
Hi all, I'm trying to get the snow package with mpi working on my linux ubuntu 10.04 machine. When I tried to install it (see below) it already had problems with the dependencies. R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31) Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You
2005 Dec 15
Problems with snow and rpvm
Dear Friends, I'm trying to learn to use parallel computation using snow & rpvm Now, I have two boxes: 1) Pentium 4, pvm 3.4.5, R 2.2.0 with FreeBSD 5.4 (box uffbsd); 2) PowerPC, pvm 3.4.5, R 2.1.1 with Debian Linux latest stable (box powerpclinux); I'm using the instructions in (found in snow.pdf) http://www.stat.uiowa. edu/~luke/R/cluster/cluster.html. Now ** from the box
2002 Aug 19
question about Rpvm, SNOW, etc.
Dear R-devel, Inspired by Michael Li's talk at JSM, I decided to try rpvm and snow on our two linux boxes. It only took me a couple of hours of screwing around to get it working (sooner if I had RTFM). Our setup is: 2 dual PIII-866 Xeons, one with 2GB RDRAM, the other with 1.28GB RDRAM. The first machine is acting as the NIS/NFS server. both /usr and /home are exported to the second
2006 Nov 14
Installing package rpvm under Windows
Hello, I'm trying to install the rpvm package under Windows, but I am having problems. I have pvm3.4 installed properly. I've defined the system variables PVM_ROOT = C:\PROGRA~1\pvm3.4\ PVM_ARCH = win32 When I try to install, I get this: C:\R\Packages>Rcmd INSTALL rpvm_1.0.1.tar.gz ---------- Making package rpvm ------------ **********************************************
2005 Mar 24
build failed of package
I am trying to install the rpvm package doing this: C:\R\rw2000\bin>rcmd install rpvm_0.6-2.tar.gz '.' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. '.' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. make: *** /rpvm: No such file or directory. Stop. make: *** [pkg-rpvm] Error 2 *** Installation of
2007 Nov 07
PVM error message
Hello R enthusiasts, I am working with a Fedora Core 6 OS and R 2.5. I have just finished loading PVM on my test cluster and this is working properly. Also, rpvm has been loaded in R. However, when I try to load my test program, I receive this error: Loading required package: rpvm Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) ; unable to load shared library
2008 Sep 30
rpvm for windows anyone ?
Dear R Users, Is there a version of rpvm available for windows ? I have recently had some problems with snow using SOCKS and was considering PVM as an alternative. Thanks in advance, Tolga Generally, this communication is for informational purposes only and it is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument or as an official confirmation of
2005 Dec 01
Snow & rvpm
At office, using the internal LAN at my disposal, I'm having a go at parallel computing - to begin with - with pvm, rpvm & snow. The two boxes are as follows Remote machine uffbsd: CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz (1994.13-MHz 686-class CPU) Origin = "GenuineIntel" Id = 0xf24 Stepping = 4 real memory = 260046848 (248 MB) This machine NbBSD: CPU: Mobile Intel(R)
2003 Sep 30
Adding Tk extensions to R for windows
Hi, I'm developing an R/TclTk application which uses the BWidget and Tktable Tk extensions and I'm trying to make it easy to install. For now, I'm focusing on Windows users who start with nothing. I have built Tcl/Tk and Tktable for windows using Msys/MinGW. (BWidget contains only Tcl scripts so does not need building.) I have then copied Tktable and BWidget into the lib subdirectory
2004 Mar 22
Distributed computing
Dear all, does anyone know if there exists an effort to bring some kind of distributed computing to R? The most simple functionality I'm after is to be able to explicitly perform a task on a computing server. Sorry if this is a non-informed newbie question... Best regards Anders Sj?gren PhD Student Dept. of Mathematical Statistics Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden
2002 May 08
Suggestions for poor man's parallel processing
Almost all of the heavy crunching I do in R is like: > for(i in long.list){ + do.something(i) + } > collect.results() Since all the invocations of do.something are independent of one another, there is no reason that I can't run them in parallel. Since my machine has four processors, a natural way to do this is to divide up long.list into 4 pieces and then start 4 jobs, each of which
2008 Sep 04
Erlang-style message-passing in R: Rmpi, Snow, NetWorkSpaces, etc.
I see about 7 different R packages for multi-process parallel programming. Which do you think is the best, most complete, and most robust to pick for general purpose Erlang-style message-passing programming in R, and why? First here's my use case, and then my analysis so far. I often have code whose basic organization looks something like this: 1. Fetch step: For each date, gather up or
2004 Nov 25
R multithreading skills
Hi folks, is it possible to read more things about R behavior in multiprocessor / multihost environment ? Is there any distributed computation project associated to it ? Laurent
2008 Feb 16
R on a computer cluster
Dear all, I usually run R on my laptop with Windows XP Professional. Now I really want to run R on a computer cluster (4 processors) with Suse Linux Enterprise ver. 10. But I am new with computer cluster. Should I modify my functions in order to use the greater performance and availability than that provided by my laptop? Is there any R manual on parallel computations on
2002 Apr 16
[Fwd: Re: Multithreading]
Oops. Seems I only sent this to myself. T. -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: "Timothy H. Keitt" <tklistaddr at> Subject: Re: [R] Multithreading Date: 16 Apr 2002 12:34:52 -0400 Size: 2091 Url:
2002 May 10
Summary of Suggestions for poor man's parallel processing
Thanks to Luke Tierney, Agustin Lobo, Stephen Eglen, A.J. Rossini, Simon Wood and Timothy H. Keitt for responding to my question about poor man's parallel processing. Much of the substantive material was cc'ed to r-help already, but my take is as follows. 1) Currently, there is nothing "simple" for solving my problem. 2) I thought that Timothy Keitt's description of the use
2008 Nov 06
Looking for suggestions on how to debug pvm/snow proc's
Hi All - I'm running a faily long script that uses rpvm & snowFT to spawn off multiple processes with the 'clusterApplyFT' function. Specifically, what happens is that the head node generates a number of seed clusters that are then spawned off to the pvm cluster (in this case, nodes on a 4 dual-core machine) using clusterApplyFT to apply a function to each seed cluster that