similar to: two lines in axis title combined with 'substitute' command

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches similar to: "two lines in axis title combined with 'substitute' command"

2009 Oct 23
data.frame tall skinny transformation
Hi, I have a data.frame that looks something like this. feature 5637 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1321N1 feature1 -0.568750616 -0.934748758 feature2 -0.913080902 -0.941455172 feature3 0.442477294 -0.257921866 I want to change it to look like this. feature ? ? ?cell.line ? ? value feature1 5637 -0.568750616 feature2 5637 -0.913080902 feature3 5637 0.442477294 feature1 1321N1
2018 Jan 17
Assessing calibration of Cox model with time-dependent coefficients
I am trying to find methods for testing and visualizing calibration to Cox models with time-depended coefficients. I have read this nice article <>. In this paper, we can fit three models: fit0 <- coxph(Surv(futime, status) ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = data0) p <- log(predict(fit0, newdata = data1, type = "expected")) lp
2008 Feb 27
problem with creation of eSet
Hi, I am having troubles with creating an eSet and would appreciate any help on the following problem. I am trying to create an eSet using the following code pd <- read.table(file="pdata.txt",header =TRUE,row.names=1); colnames(pd) <- c("type","tumor","time","id"); pdN <- list(type =
2018 Jan 18
Time-dependent coefficients in a Cox model with categorical variants
First, as others have said please obey the mailing list rules and turn of First, as others have said please obey the mailing list rules and turn off html, not everyone uses an html email client. Here is your code, formatted and with line numbers added. I also fixed one error: "y" should be "status". 1. fit0 <- coxph(Surv(futime, status) ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = data0) 2. p
2005 Jul 28
conversion from SAS
Hi, I wonder if anybody could help me in converting this easy SAS program into R. (I'm still trying to do that!) PROC IMPORT OUT= WORK.CHLA_italian DATAFILE= "C:\Documents and Settings\carleal\My Documents\REBECCA\stat\sas\All&nutrients.xls" DBMS=EXCEL2000 REPLACE; GETNAMES=YES; RUN; data chla_italian; set chla_italian;
2017 Nov 26
withTimeout does not timeout nlme anymore
Hello, I was relying on withTimeout (from R.utils) to help me stop nlme when it ?hangs?. However, recently this stopped working. I am pasting a reproducible example below: withTimeout should stop nlme after 10 seconds but in this example it does not. I tried this both on a linux (64 bit, CentOS 7, R 3.4.1, nlme 3.1-131 R.util 2.6) and mac (Sierra 10.13.1, R 3.4.2, same versions or nlme and
2017 Nov 27
withTimeout bug, it does not work properly with nlme anymore
Hello, I was relying on withTimeout (from R.utils) to help me stop nlme when it ?hangs?. However, recently this stopped working. I am pasting a reproducible example below: withTimeout should stop nlme after 10 seconds but the code will generate data for which nlme does not converge (or takes too long) and withTimeout does not stop it. I tried this both on a linux (64 bit, CentOS 7, R 3.4.1,
2020 Sep 24
How to use `[` without evaluating the arguments.
Hello R-devel, I am currently attempting to implement an API similar to data.table wherein single bracket subsetting can accept an unquoted expression to be evaluated in the context of my object. A simple example from the data.table package looks like this: DT <- data.table(col1 = c('a', 'b', 'c'), col2 = c('x', 'y', 'z')) DT[col1 ==
2006 Jan 22
Rank Product
Hello Guys, I'm using the package RankProduct to determine the differential expression of genes in 2 classes. The importance of the thing is to know: - How can I determine which class is the class of up-regulated genes and which to the down regulated gene - How can i interpret the results : $pfp, $RPs, $RPrank, Orirank,
2013 Jan 29
Bioconductor flowcytometry
Hi, This is a quiet a specific question, but i really need help. I'm using the flowCore package coming from BioConductor. No i would like to do a transformation, a log tranformation. Although i think i put everything like it should, i get this error: Error in log(x, logbase) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function which looks like a general calculating problem. the code i use now
2003 Apr 27
bug and proposed fix in print.trellis 1.7.0 (PR#2859)
This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. ---1678264062-154654637-1051422990=:2626055 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII ---1678264062-154654637-1051422990=:2626055 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII;
2005 Oct 15
1 for samba 3.0.20
Hi, I downloaded 3.0.20 from, ran to create samba pkg for Solaris. The install base for the new version locates in /opt/samba and the smbd locates in /etc/samba. I tried to modify the to put everything under /usr/local/samba as follow: Delete: ==== --localstatedir=/var/lib/samba \ --with-piddir=/var/run \
2010 Feb 10
LDAP backend replication?
Hi to all! I've set up Zimbra LDAP (2.4) as master, and I want to use RHEL v5 LDAP (2.3) as a slave. This is relevant part of my slapd.conf on LDAP 2.3: # syncrepl directives syncrepl rid=101 provider=ldap:// bindmethod=simple binddn="uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra" credentials=PASSword searchbase="dc=company,dc=com" schemachecking=on
2018 Mar 08
LDAP BDC- Classic Domain
Hi Guys, We're trying to add a BDC in Samb4 classic domain setup. The Samba 3 How -To and Samb3 by Example covers this but uses the old slapd.conf option, we are using the slapd.d config. I couldn't find a similar document for Samba4 Can you please advise that the following steps will work? LDAP in the existing PDC is working using the smbldap tools - Setup the LDAP in BDC
2014 Jan 16
Samba authentication across AD forests
Hello all, I am currently trying to connect a Samba server (running on CentOS 6.5) to a Windows 2008R2 AD domain (domain A), which itself has a two-way transitive forrest-trust to another Windows 2008R2 AD domain (domain B). The Samba server is joined to domain A and should be able to authticate users in domain B. Is this currently possible using some version of either Samba3 or Samba4 ? If so,