similar to: libao - patch for NAS plugin

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "libao - patch for NAS plugin"

2003 Jun 23
wrote a NAS plugin for libao
Hello, I wrote a NAS output plugin for libao v.0.8.3. You'll find the sources attached. Hope you'll _like_ it. Cheers, Antoine Mathys <p><p> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: nas.tar.gz Type: application/x-gzip Size: 5585 bytes Desc: nas.tar.gz Url :
2004 Jun 21
libao NAS compilation and playback issues
I saw that libao has a NAS plugin and wanted to try it out, especially with ogg123. However, I had/have several problems. My platform is Solaris 9/SPARC 12/02, NAS 1.6, libao 0.8.5, curl 7.10.8, libogg 1.1, libvorbis 1.0.1, and vorbis-tools 1.0.1. PROBLEM ONE: ------------ I had to specify LDFLAGS="-lXt -lsocket -lm" before running ./configure with "--enable-nas" in order
2006 Apr 22
libao - libsndfile plugin
Hello, I have written a libsndfile ( file output plugin for libao. For the moment I haven't done any changes to the core of libao. However some changes could make this more useful. Before I embark on anything like this I'd like to have your opinion on a few things. --- First, what do you prefer ? 1a. Keeping the AU/WAV/RAW plugins and adding
2004 Oct 22
libao-0.8.5 patch
Hi! There are some little inconvenience in libao-0.8.5. - The biggest is may that: the documentation and the header file declare the ao_file_extension function, which give a hint for the file extension where the device is realy a sound file. This function is missing. -An other: the alsa 0.5 and the alsa 0.9+ drivers short name. It will be better if the alsa 0.5's name will be alsa05 and the
2010 Mar 26
Xiph.Org releases libao 1.0.0, libVorbis 1.3.1, and vorbis-tools 1.4.0
Xiph.Org announces the release of libao-1.0.0, libvorbis-1.3.1 and vorbis-tools-1.4.0. This is a coordinated update of the audio libraries and tools to deploy improved surround-sound support across the libraries and toolchain. libao improvements: - AO returned to active development - Added surround channel mapping API and capability - Updated all drivers on modern installs - New config file
2010 Mar 26
Xiph.Org releases libao 1.0.0, libVorbis 1.3.1, and vorbis-tools 1.4.0
Xiph.Org announces the release of libao-1.0.0, libvorbis-1.3.1 and vorbis-tools-1.4.0. This is a coordinated update of the audio libraries and tools to deploy improved surround-sound support across the libraries and toolchain. libao improvements: - AO returned to active development - Added surround channel mapping API and capability - Updated all drivers on modern installs - New config file
2007 Apr 02
win32 driver for libao
Hi there. Sorry I may be a little off topics with this mail but I have already written to the official libao maintainer ( and he is the one who suggest me to write here. As I did not see any more suitable mailing list here I am. My point is that I have recently written a win32 driver for the libao and I would be glad to see this contribution include to the official
2006 Oct 04
problem using libao on OSX 10.4
Hello, I built the entire Vorbis kit on my PowerMac G4 running OSX 10.4.6. I'm having problems however doing anything with the libao package. Any time I try to use the library to link it errors out with the following message: /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols: _dlsym_auto_underscore collect2: ld returned 1 exit status If I try to run the ogg123 application I get this:
2001 Sep 03
Building vorbis-tools without libao
Hi All, For my new file (and thus mp3) server I've decided to switch completely to Ogg Vorbis. This means having to reencode ~30GB worth of 128Kb MP3's, but i figured that it would all be worth the effort. So I downloaded the sources for libogg, libvorbis and vorbis-tools and fired up my trusty old compiler. libogg and libvorbis built and installed like a charm. Not so for
2001 Mar 11
Raw driver for libao
In January I submitted a new "raw" output driver for libao that lets you write the audio samples directly to a file without any headers or anything else. It never got committed. Is it too late in the beta cycle to add it? I've been contacted by an author of a CD recording application whose problem could be solved by the inclusion of the raw driver. I need to make a change to the
2006 Oct 06
problem using libao on OSX 10.4
I installed fink and now I have the /sw/lib, however that didn't fix my problem. I went as far as to take out the - Ddlsym=dlsym_auto_underscore out of the configuration files. Now however the libao package won't build at all and yips about this: [ukiel:/MP3/OGG/libao-0.8.6] wind% make Making all in src Making all in plugins Making all in oss make[3]: Nothing to be done for
2003 Aug 02
Cross Platform Mixers and LibAO
Hello Vorbis Developers. I'm in the proccess of writing an OggVorbis audio player using libao and libvorbisfile. I've greatly appreciated the simplicity of the API and good documentation with the souce of the libraries. I've descided that I really want a mixer on my player, and I'm unsure how to best go about it. LibAO (unless I'm absolutely blind) doesn't
2009 Apr 14
Does libao use /dev/sound for audio ?
I am using the Versatile Application baseboard and intend to use the ogg vorbis libraries . I have been able to install all the modules related to sound . However I think there's something wrong with the /sev/sound folder in my kernel , hence everytime we do cat > /dev/audio It throws an error cant create device /dev/audio even though /dev/audio is present . My question is
2001 Jun 12
libao and recent ALSA builds
I had a go at building libao-0.6.0 and it barfed on the alsa output part, complaining that snd_pcm_channel_status_t is undeclared - probably due to me running alsa 0.9.0 beta4. So the question is, should I try and beat the configure stuff into letting me disable alsa support and just use OSS, or would I be better off trying my luck with the nightly builds? And if so, can I get away with just
2001 Jun 12
libao and recent ALSA builds
I had a go at building libao-0.6.0 and it barfed on the alsa output part, complaining that snd_pcm_channel_status_t is undeclared - probably due to me running alsa 0.9.0 beta4. So the question is, should I try and beat the configure stuff into letting me disable alsa support and just use OSS, or would I be better off trying my luck with the nightly builds? And if so, can I get away with just
2009 Dec 23
svn access for libao patches
Hello, Can I get svn access for applying some libao patches? It seems that nobody maintains libao currently. This is really bad because there are many projects out wich using it. BTW: Not all kind of apps need all available audio controlling settings. My current plans: 1. extending ao_pulse for controlling prebuffering and latency 2. later extending libao api with volume control (softvol). 3. I
2001 Apr 23
building libao under Debian
Here are some of my notes with building and using vorbis-tools-1.0beta4 under Debian Linux 2.2. 1) building libao: make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/jeremy/src/ogg/libao-0.6.0/src/plugins/alsa' Making all in arts make[3]: Entering directory `/home/jeremy/src/ogg/libao-0.6.0/src/plugins/arts' /bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=compile gcc -DPACKAGE=\"libao\"
2015 Jun 14
Sound glitch when using libvorbisfile and libao
Hi there, I've been grappling with this for some time, so I'm finally breaking down and trying this list. I'm trying to integrate libvorbisfile and libao to create a simple sound file player, a la ogg123. To do this, I borrowed heavily from ao_example.c and vorbisfile_example.c. I feed the buffer from ov_read into ao_play in a simple loop. It usually works, but occasionally all it
2001 Nov 05
libao on OS X
OK, wanted to check out the macosx driver for libao on me new iBook. Everything compiles beautifully (given some utils from the fink project, like automake), but... but the dynamic plugin system is broken. 1) on OS X, dll's en in .dylib, not .so, as is hardwired in. this should be an easy fix. 2) dlopen chokes on opening the .dylib the plugin is never loaded. i know not enought
2001 Nov 05
libao on OS X
OK, wanted to check out the macosx driver for libao on me new iBook. Everything compiles beautifully (given some utils from the fink project, like automake), but... but the dynamic plugin system is broken. 1) on OS X, dll's en in .dylib, not .so, as is hardwired in. this should be an easy fix. 2) dlopen chokes on opening the .dylib the plugin is never loaded. i know not enought