similar to: Question about blocksizes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Question about blocksizes"

2005 Aug 30
BlockSize Length in Vorbis Encoder
Hi, How does vorbis encoder decide upon the variable block/frame size length? Ravi -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2009 Mar 06
Association broken when upgrading from rails 1.2.6 to 2.2.2
I have an app with the following models: course belongs_to :semester semester has_many: courses belongs_to :education education has_many :semesters In my old app (rails 1.2.6) I was able to access variables via controller @courses = Course.find(:all) view file: <% for course in @courses %> <%= %> <- this line works <%= %> <- this is now
2002 Feb 19
ext3fs: Bad super block
I've got this poor ext3-partition which I can't access. I have tried a lot of things but it doesn't seem to solve the problem. I've got quite important files on that particular partition. I can't even get the block groups from my /dev/hda3 with dumpe2fs! It all happened after a crash. GRUB wouldn't give me the graphical UI. I decided I had to get my dosbootdisk and do an
2005 Sep 14
block size
Hi, we are implementing FLAC decode on an embedded device. FLAC, as you know, can have block sizes up to ~65K. For an embedded implementation, memory is limited: what would be the maximum block size we should support? We have seen the encoder encodes either 1152 or 4608 in its default setup. Should we support other block sizes? Also another unrelated question: given most existing files
2008 May 20
are 588 sample frames subset or nonsubset?
Hi I am thinking of ripping albums to a single flac file with embedded cuesheet. As track and index points have to be on a 588 sample boundary due to the CD TOC standard working in 588 sample frames, I thought it may be beneficial to rip CDs with a blocksize of 588 samples. According to the format page on sourcefourge a stream is subset if "The blocksize bits in the frame header must be
2003 Mar 05
Questions about window sizes
Hello, I have a few questions about the block size in ogg vorbis 1. The allowed blocksizes are powers of two between 64 and 8192 Samples. As I understood , there are fixed sizes for long and short blocks . The encoder can pick any allowed value for long blocks and onother value, that must be smaller or equal to the first one, for short blocks. On which base does the encoder choose the size for
2012 Jul 18
Question on 4k sectors
Hi. Is the problem with ZFS supporting 4k sectors or is the problem mixing 512 byte and 4k sector disks in one pool, or something else? I have seen alot of discussion on the 4k issue but I haven''t understood what the actual problem ZFS has with 4k sectors is. It''s getting harder and harder to find large disks with 512 byte sectors so what should we do? TIA...
2007 Mar 21
package:AlgDesign and .Random.seed
Dear r-helpers, Could you please help me solve the following problem: When I run require(AlgDesign) trt <- LETTERS[1:5] blk <- 10 trtblk <- 3 BIB <- optBlock(~., withinData = trt, blocksizes = rep(trtblk, blk)) In response to the last command, R complains: Error in optBlock(~., withinData = trt, blocksizes = rep(trtblk, blk)) : object ".Random.seed" not found The
2006 Nov 26
ext3 4TB fs limit on amd64 (FAQ?)
Hi, I've a question about the max. ext3 FS size. The ext3 FAQ explains that the limit is 4TB. | Ext3 can support files up to 1TB. With a 2.4 kernel the filesystem size is | limited by the maximal block device size, which is 2TB. In 2.6 the maximum | (32-bit CPU) limit is of block devices is 16TB, but ext3 supports only up | to 4TB.
2007 Nov 12
mounting filesystems with blocks larger then 4k over a loop device
So I'm playing around with S3 and elasticdrive, and I create a filesystem on it with a block size larger then 4k. mkfs.xfs -b size=8k /mnt/ed5/ed0 -f This completes fine and sets up the proper filesystem. When I try to mount it, however, I get: mount /mnt/ed5/ed0 /mnt/eds35/ -o loop mount: Function not implemented looking at dmesg I get: XFS: Attempted to mount file system with
2005 Aug 05
debugging question.
Hi, I am using libvorbis-1.0.1 and I am trying to debug the example decoder (examples/decoder_example.c) using gdb. I have compiled the source tree for debug and can single step through the program. However i am facing the following problem (which I think is more of C than vorbis) 1. after single steppig I finally arrive at the function shown below (in file lib/info.c) static int
2004 May 07
Samples inside a packet
Hi, Just to confirm: for blockSizes of 256 and 2048 (0 and 1 respectively) the number of sample inside this audio packet will be acording to table below: LastWind ThisWin Samples 0 0 128 0 1 576 1 0 576 1 1 1024 Correct?? thanks a lot. --- >8 ---- List archives:
2023 Mar 29
ChaCha20 Rekey Frequency
On Wed, 29 Mar 2023, Chris Rapier wrote: > I was wondering if there was something specific to the internal chacha20 > cipher as opposed to OpenSSL implementation. > > I can't just change the block size because it breaks compatibility. I can do > something like as a hack (though it would probably be better to do it with the > compat function): > > if
2014 Jan 03
Exact FLAC subset constraints
I'm misleading about FLAC subset constraints... Please help me understand exact FLAC subset limitation.
2014 Jan 09
Exact FLAC subset constraints
Any progress? > I agree. Please keep up informed. >> FLAC__format_blocksize_is_subset() was introduced by commit #8ab0138 >> ( >> over 5 years ago and available in the latest stable release 1.3.0. >> >> It would be nice if the official FLAC documentation used common >> adopted
2009 Mar 30
Encoding multiple tiny audio files
Hi all, I want to make a static database containing hundreds of thousands of very short audio files, each having not more than 100 milliseconds. These are made by splitting larger audio files into tiny pieces. I encode all the little files separately, but do not store 3 vorbis header packets, which are the same for all the files. I do not use ogg stream, only store plain vorbis packets.
2023 Mar 29
ChaCha20 Rekey Frequency
I was wondering if there was something specific to the internal chacha20 cipher as opposed to OpenSSL implementation. I can't just change the block size because it breaks compatibility. I can do something like as a hack (though it would probably be better to do it with the compat function): if (strstr(enc->name, "chacha")) *max_blocks = (u_int64_t)1 << (16*2);
2014 Nov 13
free() invalid pointer
Hi, Apparently the new presets are triggering an invalid free in some code. I was running the test suite on ARM, and it gets stuck with small blocksizes. > Testing blocksize variations... > noise8m32 (--channels=1 --bps=8 -8 -p -e -l 0 --lax > --blocksize=16 ): > noise8m32 (--channels=1 --bps=8 -8 -p -e -l 1 --lax > --blocksize=16 ): encode...***
2014 Dec 12
Parts of the standard not supported in reference decoder?
I am working on creating a set of FLAC files for a ?decoder compliance test corpus? and am looking for examples of things that are part of the standard but not supported in the reference decoder. I am not looking for things missing from the reference encoder (such as variable block sizes). I seem to recall someone on this list (most likely lvqcl or Martijn van Beurden) mentioning something about
2014 Dec 11
Two new CVEs against FLAC
Op 11-12-14 om 10:05 schreef Miroslav Lichvar: > but I'd rather see the real seeking bug fixed instead I think I might have a fix, but it touches quite a bit of code, so it'll take some time. I think the problem is that because bogus headers might pop up in the stream of which the CRC checks out, the whole frame is decoded to validate that a frame is correct. The bogus header