similar to: ogg123 patch for title's file.

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches similar to: "ogg123 patch for title's file."

2004 Aug 06
icecast cvs patch
This is *nothing* major, just a minor tweak that makes FreeStream's rebroadcast system work smoother. It is a patch for icecast CVS( checked out at 20040505 20:00UTC), That simply adds to format_vorbis.c the ability to read more vorbis_comment information (namely; comment, info and length) Hopefully this can be useful. -- Justin Zeigler, a.k.a. Barbicane (
2004 Aug 06
icecast cvs patch
On Thursday 06 May 2004 07:33, Justin Zeigler wrote: > This is *nothing* major, just a minor tweak that makes FreeStream's > rebroadcast system work smoother. It is a patch for icecast CVS( checked > out at 20040505 20:00UTC), That simply adds to format_vorbis.c the > ability to read more vorbis_comment information (namely; comment, info > and length) > > Hopefully this
2011 Oct 16
[LLVMdev] llvm and stream error
Here is the code of the functions: int getStream()     {            int fd = _dup(fileno(stdout));            freopen("tmp","w",stdout);            return fd;     } void freeStream(int fd) {        _dup2(fd,fileno(stdout));        close(fd); } The code of main program: printf(“start tets”); int fd = getStream(); printf(“redirection”); freeStream(fd); This is a part of
2004 Aug 06
libshout1-based mp3 streaming to icecast2
According to what I've read on this mailing list, it should be possible to stream MP3 data to icecast2 using ices-0.2.3, which I assume also should be the case for any other streaming client based on libshout1. So I decided to test this out to see if we really could dispense with icecast1 altogether on the server I help administer. My results were not promising, to say the least. I wiped out
2004 Aug 06
libshout1-based mp3 streaming to icecast2
The short answer, as Geoff says, is to use ices 0.x from CVS with libshout 2. The good news is CVS ices 0 has a number of bug fixes. libshout2 may be found at libshout ices is at ices Note the different paths above! Now, a little more detail: On Sunday, 16 March 2003 at 02:41, wrote: > ices0 -b 24 -h
2008 Jun 16
minimizing title's police
in order to minimize the police of the title of my graph i tried to use: >title("nombre de fleurs donn?es journellement par 6 cereus peruvianus du 1/07/02 au 31/09/02",font=0) but this message appears: Erreur dans title("nombre de fleurs donn?es journellement par 6 cereus peruvianus de 1/07/02 au 31/09/02", : valeur sp?cifi?e pour le param?tre graphique
2008 Apr 28
time zone conversion
Hello, I'm trying to convert times in the EST/EDT (New York) format to times in the GMT/BST (London) and UTC+9 format (Tokyo). That is, if I know what time it is in New York, what is local time in London and Tokyo? Ex: Here's the conversion from New York EST/EDT time to London's GMT/BST time zone for three days in 2007. Note that the US and London change to daylight savings on
2003 Jun 14
Study in London! Earn 2 degrees
The AIU ? London BIT is designed to equip you with the technical and commercial understanding to commence a successful career in a high-tech field or in any organization, which relies on IT. click here to contact us AIU - London's unique one-year Master's degree can provide you with the most sought after and versatile IT knowledge and abilities. Complement your education and accelerate
2004 Sep 12
:)) to excercise your heart
For me it is hard to c^ontr_'ol my weight cause I always thi~n.k l~i,ve near Pizzahut or Domin-.os could be such a blessing. Dy usa m'~ed-s & nextday s_hi.p, lull, broken by Hannah, who stalked in, laid two h_o`t turn-`overs on the table, and stalked out again. These turn_`overs were an institution, and the g_i-rlsc~a,ll^ed them `muffs', for they
2004 Aug 06
libshout 2.0 released
Hi all, I've just released libshout 2.0. This is the official release, not a beta. Thanks to all the testers who provided feedback during the beta period. Libshout 2.0 adds support for icecast 2, Ogg streaming, and IPv6, as well as bug fixes relative to libshout 1. Ogg and Vorbis are now prerequisites. Changes since beta 3: * Minor
2004 Aug 06
libshout 2.0 released
Hi all, I've just released libshout 2.0. This is the official release, not a beta. Thanks to all the testers who provided feedback during the beta period. Libshout 2.0 adds support for icecast 2, Ogg streaming, and IPv6, as well as bug fixes relative to libshout 1. Ogg and Vorbis are now prerequisites. Changes since beta 3: * Minor
2008 Aug 18
Jitter in xYplot?
Hello, The simple example below plots three species by year and site. However, I would like the points to occur in groups horizontally, rather than on top of each other. I thought jitter might work, but haven't been successful in getting it to do what I want. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. John wt=rnorm(27,5,0.6) yr=rep(c(2000,2001,2002),each=3)
2017 Nov 16
Missing files on one of the bricks
Hello, we are using glusterfs 3.10.3. We currently have a gluster heal volume full running, the crawl is still running. Starting time of crawl: Tue Nov 14 15:58:35 2017 Crawl is in progress Type of crawl: FULL No. of entries healed: 0 No. of entries in split-brain: 0 No. of heal failed entries: 0 getfattr from both files: # getfattr -d -m . -e hex
2008 Jun 30
Rebuild of kernel 2.6.9-67.0.20.EL failure
Hello list. I'm trying to rebuild the kernel, but it fails even without modifications. How did I try it? Created a (non-root) build environment (not a mock ) Installed the kernel.scr.rpm and did a rpmbuild -ba --target=`uname -m` kernel-2.6.spec 2> prep-err.log | tee prep-out.log The build failed at the end: Processing files: kernel-xenU-devel-2.6.9-67.0.20.EL Checking
2009 Jul 23
[PATCH server] changes required for fedora rawhide inclusion.
Signed-off-by: Scott Seago <sseago at> --- AUTHORS | 17 ++++++ README | 10 +++ conf/ovirt-agent | 12 ++++ conf/ovirt-db-omatic | 12 ++++ conf/ovirt-host-browser | 12 ++++
2010 Nov 24
4. Rexcel (Luis Felipe Parra)-how to run a code from excel
Hi Louis, It's simple to run a r script from the excel spreadsheet. Just write your code, source("C:\\Quantil Aplicativos\\Genercauca\\BackwardSelectionNC.r"), into a cell of a workingsheet. Then right-click the cell and select "run code" in the pop-up menu. Hope this will help you. Best, Bernard -----????----- ???: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces