similar to: 8192 frame and floo0 sample.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "8192 frame and floo0 sample."

2005 Aug 25
what is max and min bitrate supported in OggVorbis?
Hi All, I am planning to implement Ogg Vorbis Decoder on a 24 bit DSP. I have following doubts: 1) What is min and max bitrate? 2)What is max Audio Packet size ? 3)What is the max size of setup header? 4)Any idea how to start for making a 24Bit fixed point reference code? Shall I start with floating point or Tremor or Tremor Low Mem Version? 5) What window sizes in Ogg Vorbis are normally
2004 May 24
Testing floor0-Decoding
Do anybody know, from where I can get an Ogg Vorbis File, which uses floor0 coding. I know that the current encoder doesn't use floor0. Anyway, to be fully compliant with the Vorbis Specification the decoder still must be able to decode floor0. I am working on a Vorbis port to a DSP. I want to go sure, that if the need of floor0 decoding will again occur, this also will work properly.
2003 Aug 08
where to get vorbis files with all configuration the spec support
Hi According to vorbis I spec, there are several configurations. There are 2 formats of floor, 3 formats of residue and 3 look up types of VQ codebook, etc. I think to get all kinds of vorbis file with these configurations but what I have got from network only support some of the formats (Ex. floor1, residue 1 & 2, VQ lookup type0 & 1). I downloaded several freeware vorbis encoder
2003 Oct 24
Test .ogg files
Is there a archive with a collection of different .ogg files encoded with different settings that can be used to verify compatibility? * Different window size (e.g. != 256,2048) * Much larger codebooks and other extreme cases that are not generated using a standard encoder. * floor0 Regards -- / Johannes Sandvall --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project
2003 Oct 15
Hello I'm working on a fix-point decoder for AOS/Bluebottle - the proprietary OS of ETH Zurich. I've some problems with Floor0-curve-computation: I don't know what the little omega [cos(w)] stands for, line 3 of the official Vorbis documentation. Does anybody knows what this value means? I've tried to get the answer from the jOrbis and Tremor, but both seem to do - among
2003 Mar 25
problems with beta4 encoder
Hi, Am trying to run beta4 encoder on a Sun machine. Want to compare floor0 and floor1. Do not have autoconf and automake. Got the encoder to compile with a simple makefile. The only define i am using is NO_FLOAT_MATH_LIB. The encoded file when played(winamp) gives out plain noise. Am i missing any other flags/defs? -Cathy <p>--------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo!
2014 Mar 20
BARK implementation (or specification) error
Hi, In the course of some work which I describe below, I have found a very significant difference between the BARK function described in the Vorbis specification and its implementation in libvorbis. In the specification bark(x) = 13.1arctan(.00074x) + 2.24arctan(.0000000185x**2 + .0001x) In the libvorbis code
2001 Jun 03
[ [xiph-cvs] cvs commit: vorbis/vq huffbuild.c latticetune.c]
Go monty! jack. ----- To: Subject: [xiph-cvs] cvs commit: vorbis/vq huffbuild.c latticetune.c Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 22:50:13 -0700 (PDT) From: (Monty) Precedence: bulk Reply-To: xiphmont 01/06/03 22:50:12 Modified: lib codebook.c codebook.h floor0.c mapping0.c os.h res0.c vq
2000 Aug 14
Hi all, I'm busy doing optimizations for vorbis. Don't have time for it, but still doing it :-) Some suggestions: there are some double function names: forward/inverse pack/unpack look/free_look/free_info and maybe more. If they were renamed to time0_forward etc. profiling would be a lot easier. Oh, and add -fno-inline to $PROFILE in the Makefiles (or configure). Most expensive
2004 Dec 21
Hi, I need another clarification regarding the standard. In floor0 header decode (setup), the point no.7 says that if any of [floor0_order], [floor0_rate], [floor0_bark_map_size], floor0_amplitude_bits], [floor0_amplitude_offset] or [floor0_number_of_books] are less than zero, the stream is not decodable But as we see, all those values are read as unsigned integers. Now I'm not able to
2003 Nov 08
Compiling problems libvorbis 2.0
Hi Guys, I want to compile libvorbis, but I get this error message if I made a make. I use Sun Solaris 9 on a UltraSPARC Server and gcc 3.3 can anyone help me, please? <p>Best Thanks Daniel Here the message output from compiling. ----------------------------------------- /usr/ccs/bin/ld -G -z defs -h -o .libs/ mdct.lo smallft.lo block.lo envelope.lo
2002 Sep 24
Floor type 0 and residues type 0 and 1
Hi, it seems to me as if all vorbis-files only contain floors of type 1 and residues of type 2. Is it possible to "force" the encoder to somehow create a vorbis-file with the other floor and residue types? Tor <p><p><p>=================================================================== EASY and FREE access to your email anywhere:
2011 Apr 18
Error in floor0 decode specification
Hello, It seems there is an error in the algorithm for floor0 decode in section 6.2.2 of the Vorbis specification. Here's the relevant part: 3 3) [coefficients] is an empty, zero length vector 4 4) [booknumber] = read an unsigned integer of ilog( [floor0_number_of_books] ) bits 5 5) if ( [booknumber] is greater than the highest number decode codebook ) then
2003 Apr 07
Vorbis spec bugs
Hi there ! I'm kinda "yet another guy who tries to implement a vorbis decoder from scratch only by using the vorbis spec". (pure Java, OO-style) (I downloaded the long-awaited-all-in-one-PDF) The data structures are quite ready, I can successfully load the codec setup packet and all its components it's containing. <p><p>So far so good.... Here's my first note
2000 Nov 18
Problem linking libvorbisfile on Mac OS X
I'm working on getting the Darwin/Mac OS X port of Vorbis up and running again and have run into problems building libvorbisfile. I have installed the latest libtool (1.3.5) and modified it to handle Darwin/Mac OS X better (to create shared libraries, dylibs, that can be linked against other dylibs instead of creating bundles which cannot be used as input to the linker). But, when it tries
2002 Sep 11
floor0.c and lsp.c optimisations
Hi, I think that the introduction of the lsp_look lookup array isn't ideal and found a better change that can be applied. in floor0_map_lazy_init() you can replace look->linearmap[W][j]=val; by look->linearmap[W][j]=vorbis_coslook(M_PI*val/look->ln); and in vorbis_lsp_to_curve you then replace float w=vorbis_coslook(wdel*k); ... }while(map[i]==k); by float w=map[i]; ...
2005 Feb 25
Sorry for the crosspost but it's relevant to Vorbis and Icecast I believe. I'm seeing more and more streaming stations using AACplus, with many listeners being amazed at the sound quality. Most say that a 48kb/s sounds better than a 128kb/s MP3, which would put Ogg Vorbis at around 96kb/s IMO. That means only half the bitrate is required in AACplus compared to Ogg Vorbis for the same
2005 Feb 25
Sorry for the crosspost but it's relevant to Vorbis and Icecast I believe. I'm seeing more and more streaming stations using AACplus, with many listeners being amazed at the sound quality. Most say that a 48kb/s sounds better than a 128kb/s MP3, which would put Ogg Vorbis at around 96kb/s IMO. That means only half the bitrate is required in AACplus compared to Ogg Vorbis for the same
2000 Dec 08
Some scratches with beta3
Hi, I have included the oggvorbis encoding and playback stuff in the Linux-Mandrake distro back in August 2000. At that time I put the "nightly CVS" version, which worked just fine. Then on Mon Nov 27 I noticed some RPM's labelled "1.0beta3" on the website so I upgraded with these ones. Since then we have had some serious problems in encoding: approx 20% of the WAV
2000 Oct 01
CVS Problem
I've been kind of busy lately, but I wanted to see what's up with ao after the build change. I was able to check out the vorbis module, but when I tried to check out the ao module I saw this: [stan@volsung vorbis]$ cvs co -r branch_postbeta2 ao cvs server: Updating ao cvs server: Updating ao/doc cvs server: Updating ao/include cvs