similar to: UDP streaming vorbis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "UDP streaming vorbis"

2003 Oct 10
Vorbis-RTP situation
Is anyone working on Vorbis over RTP? It's been silent on this frontier for a while. I have been hearing from representatives of the IETF that they were not impressed by the previous draft, and that they were not coherent with RTP thinking and other RTP transport specs for various content. There exist a textbook on RTP which was released recently, if someone wants to learn it from the ground
2015 Nov 19
Can i relay a udp://@<multicast-address>:<port> stream using Icecast2?
Hello to all, I am a newbie to Icecat2. I already know how to use darkice as a source but I can't find any information on how to relay a udp multicast stream like "udp:// for" example. Can icecast2 stream this directly or do I need to use some source client?
2005 Dec 07
UDP multicast stream and NAT
Hi, my ISP is streaming some local concert using UDP multicasting. I followed the instructions on the site which described how to set VLC in order to view the stream, but it didn''t work. I am behind a Linux router/firewall doing NAT. Using google, I quickly found out that the netfilter/conntrack code doesn''t support NATing multicast traffic. I thought about bridging the internet
2012 Feb 28
XCP & Openstack
Hey guys, Has anyone had much success with XCP and Open Stack together? I''m in the process of putting together a open stack test cluster and I thought I might be able to use XCP dom0''s for it.. but to be honest it doesn''t look so good. I tried following these instructions on a separate XCP test machine: At a first test
2004 May 24
RFC draft for Vorbis over RTP
Hi! What happened to this document? Was it just left dying in the IETF system? Tor --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is needed. Unsubscribe messages sent to the
2000 Nov 20
Vorbis over RTP
Hi. I got bored of writing papers last week so I decided to write an app for sending and receiving multicast vorbis streams over RTP. A first version is available here: (I use the JOrbis decoder, so you need Java 2 with Javasound, e.g. JDK1.3. Since the decoding is done in Java, you probably need at least 300-350 MHz. Works with the IBM JDK1.3 on Linux on a
2000 Nov 20
Vorbis over RTP
Hi. I got bored of writing papers last week so I decided to write an app for sending and receiving multicast vorbis streams over RTP. A first version is available here: (I use the JOrbis decoder, so you need Java 2 with Javasound, e.g. JDK1.3. Since the decoding is done in Java, you probably need at least 300-350 MHz. Works with the IBM JDK1.3 on Linux on a
2000 Mar 28
password problem -- or bug?
A Redhat 6.0 linux server with Samba 2.0.6, Windows 95/98 clients. By accident I just discovered a surprising and quite disappointing password problem on our Samba network. If a user on our network has a non-empty Windows password, he is forced to supply his password to log in to the network and gain writing privilegies -- as expected. However, if the user has an empty Windows password, he is
2009 Jan 13
Lots of udp (multicast) packet loss in domU
Hello, After a few of us have spent a week google''ing around for answers, I feel compelled to ask this question: how do I stop packet loss between my dom0 and domU? We are currently running a xen-3.3.0 (and have tried with xen-3.2.1) on a Gentoo system with 2.6.18 kernel for both domU and dom0. We have also tried a 2.6.25 kernel for dom0 with exactly the same results. The goal is to
2013 Feb 18
Xen 4.2.1 unable to get domain type for domid
Hi guys, I''m running Xen 4.2.1, compiled manually so I can play with Remus and DRBD, running on Ubuntu 12.10. I keep getting this error when trying to start up my first VM to run the Ubuntu netboot installer. ----------------------------------------------------------------- root@left:/home/eross# xl create /etc/xen/ubuntu.cfg -c Parsing config from /etc/xen/ubuntu.cfg Daemon running
2010 Feb 17
udp stream multiply
Hello, Not strictly a CentOS question, but I hope someone can hint me in the right direction ... I have an incoming udp data stream to public interface that I want to duplicate and multipy to three or more destinations on the internal interface. Currently I've managed to put together netcat listener with output to pipe and socat reading from that pipe to a single destination. I hoped I
2011 Aug 13
How do I disable auto-logout ....
.... I have a 64-bit CentOS 5.6 VM running on a 64-bit FC14 host. I notice that it has an automatic logout feature after a period of idleness, see below: [wam at centos-5, CFD, 5:52:45pm] 1183 % ll -tr LIST LIST.Update /usr/local/bin/P* /usr/local/bin/*WAM* ; ps -u wam -lf ; uname -a ; date ls: No match. F S UID PID PPID C PRI NI P SZ:RSS WCHAN STIME TTY TIME CMD 5 S
2004 Dec 05
multicast vorbis stream
Hi all, is there a software to multicast vorbis streams? I could not find any, so I tried myself. However, I have timing problems. Can you point me to any documentation or sample code snipets where for example the timing issues of vorbis multicast are addressed? How do I make sure, the stream is not put out faster than the clients can process the data? Synchronization is not an option,
2008 May 06
asterisk queue cluster
I setup two asterisk servers with identical settings (same extensions, same queues, etc). Each one is connected to the same amount of incoming/outgoing links (1 PRI, 4 BRI, 1 IAX friend, etc, on each box). Most extensions are sip and they register via DNS SRV and other methods so that the two servers are load balanced. Incoming PSTN calls (BRI) reach 50% each server so that's load balanced
2010 Apr 10
Attempting to checksum a non-TCP/UDP packet errors rolling across screen
Hello, Just did a fresh install of xen-4.0 and using the dom0 kernel. I have 6 linux debian guests running, and on my host console i am getting these errors rolling pretty constantly. "Attempting to checksum a non-TCP/UDP packet, dropping a protocol 1 packet" I tried doing the ethtool -K eth0 tx off and same thing on peth0, using bridged mode for network config. Any tips?
2010 Apr 10
Attempting to checksum a non-TCP/UDP packet errors rolling across screen
Hello, Just did a fresh install of xen-4.0 and using the dom0 kernel. I have 6 linux debian guests running, and on my host console i am getting these errors rolling pretty constantly. "Attempting to checksum a non-TCP/UDP packet, dropping a protocol 1 packet" I tried doing the ethtool -K eth0 tx off and same thing on peth0, using bridged mode for network config. Any tips?
2004 Aug 06
>Multicasting would be more interesting, but firewalls would again >be an issue. >Mark Multicasting would be more interesting but not feasible for the project. The design has to be able to feed multiply end points while those end points can change sources at will as well as generate their own stream. Some of the broadcasts will be timed (on-air slots) say Friday night 1900-2200. ---
2011 Nov 07
[XCP] Error when trying to import vmware images
Hi list, I have recently migrated to XCP from Vmware Server 2 and have run into issues importing the VM''s Following citrix''s guide I tried using XenCenter to do the import directly on the vmdk files this resulted in XenCenter logging this error: "Failed to import. ---> System.Exception: Failed to import virtual disk file. ---> System.Xml.XmlException: Root element
2009 Dec 01
Does ogg can be "multicasted"?
Hi everyone, My name is Pandu, I'm from INdonesia. I just joined this mailing list two days ago. I'm doing my final project in my college, my final project is about streaming ogg video (using theora of course). I've already search about how to create multicast stream with ogg and software which can do that, but I found nothing. So, back to my subject, does ogg can be
2001 Oct 29
Some simple Q's about Vorbis...
Hello all! I am wondering if anyone can help me locate some information concerning streaming Vorbis files. I am needing to locate the information for a multimedia networking class I am taking so I can learn all this audio and networking mumbo-jumbo. For the class, I need to locate 3 streaming media types and answer the following questions: Does it use Meta