similar to: Where ov_read_float?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Where ov_read_float?"

2002 Jul 28
Samba and OpenLDAP integration problem
Hi people, I'm read all FAQ and HOWTO about this problem and have problem yet: ./smbpasswd -D 9 -a baikov .... New SMB password: Retype new SMB password: ldap_open_connection: starting... ldap_open_connection: connection opened ldap_connect_system: succesful connection to the LDAP server ldap_search_one_user: searching for:[(&(uid=baikov)(objectclass=sambaAccount))] ldap_search_one_user:
2002 Sep 21
I have problem with winbindd in 2.2.6pre2
After starts with winbind -i, i get this error: Creating get_dc_name_cache entry for MOSFILM.RU Could not look up dc's for domain MOSFILM.RU Could not open a connection to MOSFILM.RU for \PIPE\lsarpc (NT_STATUS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_NOT_FOUND) Retrying startup domain sid fetch for MOSFILM.RU returning negative get_dc_name_cache entry for MOSFILM.RU Could not open a connection to MOSFILM.RU for
2002 Jan 16
Problem with ov_read_float()
Greetings, I'm having some sort of problem using ov_read_float(). Everything looks good to me, but I'm trashing memory somehow, so clearly I'm screwing something up. What confuses me is why it takes a ***float for the buffer. I call it like so: float **buffer bytes_read = ov_read_float(&vf, &buffer, 0) memcpy (b, *buffer, 0); This compiles fine, but after a few reads,
2005 Oct 09
ov_read_float vs. ov_read
Hello, Am I missing something? float** pcm_channels; int bitstream; int where = ov_pcm_tell(&vf); -> The Result is "0"; ov_read_float(&vf, &pcm_channels, 1, &bitstream); -> pcm_channels[0][0] is "0.000338580" ov_pcm_seek(&vf, 0); char* buffer = new char[2]; ov_read(&vf, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, 2, 1, &bitstream); short temp =
2002 Jan 03
Suggestion for libvorbisfile: scaling
I've been experimenting with the ideas of Replay Gain[1] and find that ogg123 doesn't have a way of specifying the scaling applied to replayed samples (like -f in mpg123). Looking at libvorbisfile, I see no function exactly matching this possibly desirable behaviour. ov_read() scales by either 128 (byte output) or 32768 (word output), but there's nothing in between. ov_read_float()
2004 Jun 16
ogg123 volume?
Hi, I need to adjust the output volume from ogg123 the same way that mpg123 has the "-f n change scalefactor [32768]" option. I need to do this within ogg123, instead of alternatives that involve pipes, such as piping the output to sox. I do not believe that this is currently possible in ogg123, and I'm looking for some suggestions as to how it can be accomplished by modifying
2004 Jun 16
ogg123 volume?
Hi, I need to adjust the output volume from ogg123 the same way that mpg123 has the "-f n change scalefactor [32768]" option. I need to do this within ogg123, instead of alternatives that involve pipes, such as piping the output to sox. I do not believe that this is currently possible in ogg123, and I'm looking for some suggestions as to how it can be accomplished by modifying
2003 Feb 02
Observations about the floating point data in vorbisfile
Hello. I noticed that when reading data with ov_read_float(), you can get values outside [-1..1] when the stream is encoded at lower quality, but with higher quality, the values trim down to inside [-1..1]. Looking at the plot from -q10, the data from ov_read_float seems clipped. I've made some plots of encoding the start of Rammsteins Feuer from the xXx soundtrack (it's a pretty loud
2002 Jul 20
small mistake in docs
Hi, in ov_read_float.html there is a small mistake: long ov_read(OggVorbis_File *vf, float ***pcm_channels, int *bitstream); hould read: long ov_read_float(OggVorbis_File *vf, float ***pcm_channels, int samples, int *bitstream); It seems this function has been changed (compared to the RC3). Anything else worked fine for me with the 1.0 release. Olaf <p>--- >8 ---- List archives:
2003 Apr 30
float to PCM packing in libvorbisfile
Is there any particular reason why ov_read() packs floats to integer PCM inline, rather than being implemented in terms of ov_read_float() and a separate packing fucntion? There are obviously many advantages doing audio manipulation on the floats before packing, but right now you have to reinvent the packing stage yourself - in a replaygain backend that I'm working on, I ended up copying
2002 Apr 09
Replay Gain for vorbis
I had completely forgotten about Replay Gain until Mr. Seibert reminded me. Wasn't there talk of adding this to vorbis-tools? Anyway, I went here: And downloaded the source for the replay gain tool. Unfortunately, I cannot compile it. The errors regard parameters to ov_read_float. Is there updated source somewhere else? -- -:-:-
2006 May 11
Speed up?
Hello, hope you're fine. And hopefully someone can help me. I wrote a short demonstration to show you my problem (see below). I'm asking always for 64 samples. When "ov_read_float()" is finished, I want to seek back to sample 1, and ask immediately for the next 64 samples. But when I run this small app, I get an totally high CPU load. Is there a way to it speed up? Or do I
2001 Nov 01
Socket error
I'm forwading your request to the wine-users mailing list. Someone there can help you. On Sun, 2001-10-28 at 14:11, Christos Michail wrote: > Helo from Athens Greece > > I got and compile wine on a suse 7.1 Linux (running Kernel 2.4) > The compilation and installation went straight forwrd without any problem > The applications run exept one thing When i try to use the network
2015 Dec 02
A few questions about libvorbis from a newbie
First off, I don't even know if this is the right place to ask these kind of questions, but I haven't been able to find answers anywhere else, so 1. I have found that "pcmTotal * vorbisInfo->channels * 2" gives the uncompressed size of every ogg vorbis file I have used. What is a more robust way of getting the full uncompressed file size? 2. How do I read a certain amount of
2002 Jul 21
Vorbis 1.0 DLLs
My compiler isn't locating 'ov_read_float' from the prebuilt vorbisfile.dll. Was that function missed from vorbisfile.def before compilation of the Windows SDK files? <p><p>J. <p>--- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to
2002 Aug 05
Problem in 3.0a18 (join computers to domain (W2k))
Hi developers, [2002/08/05 17:22:24, 3, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)] rpc_server/srv_samr_nt.c:_api_samr_create_user(2292) _api_samr_create_user: Running the command `/usr/local/sbin/ -g 1000 -w ivc-scan2$' gave 0 [2002/08/05 17:22:24, 3, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)] rpc_server/srv_samr_nt.c:_api_samr_create_user(2304) attempting to create non-unix account ivc-scan2$
2013 Nov 14
beta package for 3D PDF output
Dear All, recent desktop versions of Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader have built-in support for 3D models in PDF. You can take a look at for a gallery of professional results achieved with a commercial tool. For an overview of what 3D PDF can be used for I (naturally) suggest the article .
2010 Dec 14
Changes with nginx 0.8.54 14 Dec 2010 *) Bugfix: if there was a single server for given IPv6 address:port pair, then captures in regular expressions in a "server_name" directive did not work. *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process, if the "auth_basic" directive was used.
2018 Apr 16
Inverse Gaussian distribution not working in glm funciton
Hello everybody, I have encountered a problem with the inverse Gaussian distribution. It is very likely that it will not work regardless of the data input. I have programmed this regression and it works fine no matter which distribution the response comes from. If you run this example (first tried and already got the error) set.seed(1234) y = abs( rnorm(150) ) glm( y ~ ., iris, family =
2012 May 25
Preparing for 2.6.4
Hi, I'll be retaining a bit more 2.6.4, since I'm still missing some feedback and checks to maximize confidence... > The remainder on my side is: > - some completion on HP SNMP, > - merge branch-var-range > - merge LiebertPSP-2012-05-09.diff from Charles > - a massive update on blazer HCL, all this is done > - shut switch (mge-shut->mge-shut-old ;