similar to: ogg+vorbis editing tool

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "ogg+vorbis editing tool"

2001 Jun 15
Offtopic: royalty free music for multimedia presentation.
Hi! Sorry for being somewhat offtopic but I'm hoping someone can help me. I need to download some music I can use in a one-time non-commercial multimedia presentation (technically speaking I'll be demo-ing ogg123 :-)). I don't care what it is, only it musn't suck and be somewhat suitable for general audience. RMS's speeches simply don't cut :-) So far all music I found on
2001 May 08
ogg123 STDIN-control patch
Hello ppl! I asked some time ago how about adding the option to control ogg123 interactively from command line, similar to mpg123. So I got fed up waiting and added it myself today. The code initially comes from mpg123, I already adapted it to work with aviplay and vlc so it's proven and shouldn't introduce many problems. The only problems I see now: - in order to compile ogg123 now
2001 May 04
wav output to stdout status?
Hi! The version of ogg123 (or perhaps libao I think) says that the wav output can't go to STDOUT. Is this feature supported already in the current CVS? Bye, Peter Surda (Shurdeek) <>, ICQ 10236103, +436505122023 -- The three Rs of Microsoft support: Retry, Reboot, Reinstall. <HR NOSHADE> <UL> <LI>application/pgp-signature attachment: stored
2001 May 11
comments to my STDIN-control patch?
Hello! I was wondering if someone took a look at my patch I posted on tuesday. I just checked and it applies to current cvs too. Anyone has comments about functionality, idea or whether it should/should not be commited? Sorry if this looks like I'm impatient but I just want to be assured someone responsible will eventually take a look and then give me a yes or a no so I can stop worrying and
2001 Jan 23
feature request: control in ogg123
Hi people! I think it would be cool if ogg123 had a mode in which you could conrol it with stdin. pausing, quitting/stopping and seeking would be enough imho. mpg123 already has something like this (I think -e). I'd do it myself but I'm busy. Shouldn't take much time. Bye, Peter Surda (Shurdeek) <>, ICQ 10236103, +4369910964300 -- The dark ages
2000 Jul 28
HTTP streaming / mime type
Hi! - what is the mime type for ogg? - does the current implementation (xmms/winamp plugin) support http streaming? Bye, Peter Surda (Shurdeek) <>, ICQ 10236103, +4369910964300 -- Press every key to continue. --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage:
2000 Jul 13
Patch: ogg123 -> esd
Dear developers, I patched ogg123 so that it can use esd (only local socket currently). In order to compile you need to copy esd.h from the esound-devel to the vorbis-tools directory. Usage: ogg123 -e -d something file.ogg the "something" is not important I don't intend to maintain this patch, but perhaps somebody could make it more nicer and incorporate it in the
2000 Jul 31
piping vorbize's stdout/stderr
Hi! I want to pipe stdout/stderr from vorbize for wrapper scripts. But as it doesn't send any "\n"s it doesn't work correctly. I solved it by adding if (param.verbose == 1) { fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } into appropriate position in vorbize.c. Could somebody please implement this nicely? Something like "-e" option in cdparanoia. Thnx. Bye, Peter Surda
2005 May 15
IPRoute2 vs Iptables
Hi all, As I read into the forum, NATting (SNAT) is expensive, using iptables to translate IP sucks the performance of the system. I just want to know if IProute2 can handle NATting and if it handels NATting can it performed faster than iptables? thanks, Wennie
2001 Sep 13
split an ogg file
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi! A question, is it possible to split a ogg-vorbis file in two parts without reencoding? I want is to make a utility to scan a vorbis file for 30seconds+ of silence, split the file to two files and call the second file "Bonus track" or something... It's annoying to have the last song of an album being 30minutes with 26 minutes of
2004 Sep 09
UDP routing issues with multiple NICs
Ok, the story is this, I''m running an Unreal Tournament 2004 server. It''s running on a system that has two external NICs that are connected to different ISPs. I would like players to be able to connect to the server from either link. My default gateway goes through NIC1. For traffic through NIC2 to work I simply added an extra routing table and rule. The extra routing table has
2009 Jun 18
Fixing ogg vorbis corruption caused by bad metadata
On 6/18/09, Conrad Parker <conrad at> wrote: > This sounds like it needs a new tool specifically for fixing broken > Ogg files. I see two solutions: 1) the new vcut which I reckon will fix the problem since it has to split and rebuild the audio in a new Ogg 2) an Hex editor, even if just to check what's wrong in the metadata section -Ivo
2003 Sep 07
thesis project dealing with Vorbis
This is a heads up to let you know of my plans to work on a senior thesis project dealing with editing Vorbis losslessly in Audacity. You can find more information about my plans and what I'm up to here: "vcut" from vorbis-tools will be an excellent starting point for me. I notice that it's marked "experimental"; why is
2003 May 14
: cutting ogg vorbis file into parts, again
hello, everybody! i record radio programmes through 'hard disk ogg 220'. as someone here has adviced me to do ;] it's brilliant. but after recording, i would like to cut off some material, to prepare an advertisement free version of the file. i use musicutter 071 to do this. but it gives me the following error when i'm trying to cut my file: 'Process time:
2002 Mar 26
how to cut a vorbis file?
Hi, Maybe this question is very trivial, but how do I cut a vorbis file into pieces? For example, I have a two hour recording in vorbis, and I want to cut it into 4 pieces, a half hour of sound each. Thanks, <p>Akos <p>--- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to
2009 Jun 05
cutting (audio) stream stored in ogg (vorbis encoded)
Hi, I am saving vorbis encoded stream in a ogg file. Which tool I can use to cut the file without any decoding / encoding? Just to delete unvanted begin and end. I am using UNIXes or Windows. Thank you, Jiri -- Jiri Navratil,, +420 777 224 245
2003 Jun 16
vorbis-tools: %Ld format specifier
Andrew Williams <> has tipped me off that vorbis-tools uses a format specifier "%Ld" in vcut/vcut.c and ogginfo/ogginfo2.c. This is plain wrong. The L modifier only applies to floating point. The modifier corresponding to "long long" is ll, e.g. "%lld". -- Christian "naddy" Weisgerber
2005 Feb 09
Ogg/Vorbis Cutter
I've written an ogg-cutting program (sample accurate for cutting vorbis audio). vcut was the "inspiration" behind it, but vcut (as Michael Smith has said) is limited. Michael recommended i email this list to see if anyone is interested in this. I would just include the code but i'm not sure of the etiquette of that so... craig
2004 Jan 07
How to split an Ogg Vorbis stream?
I looked through the archives and I didn't really seem to find the answer to what my question. I used wget to get an audio stream from a site and now I would like to be able to split up the stream into the individual songs. The site is nice enough to encode the artist and track name in each new song. This info is displayed in Winamp when the song plays. Doing an xxd dump of the file I can
2008 Sep 18
vorbis-tools 1.3.0 BETA - Help testing.
Dear vorbis-dev lurkers, I bring you the first beta release of vorbis-tools 1.3.0. It has quite a few new features and the final version will have even more, so I am sure it is to everyone's benefit that it gets as much tested as possible so we can do a quick release. Here's the changelog so far: * Fixed an error in; --with-speex/flac work again (#1319) * Corrected