similar to: Error in vorbis-tools.spec

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Error in vorbis-tools.spec"

2001 Jan 23
prebeta4 rpms
prebeta4 rpms (redhat 7.0 style (rpm 4.x)) up at redhat 6.2 (rpm 3.x) version going up soon jack. --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is
2001 Jan 23
prebeta4 rpms
prebeta4 rpms (redhat 7.0 style (rpm 4.x)) up at redhat 6.2 (rpm 3.x) version going up soon jack. --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is
2001 Jan 22
prebeta4 tarballs
Once again I'm providing prebeta4 releases for people to test and playwith. Right now the tarballs are up. RPMS and the like should come soon.. jack. --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing
2001 Jan 22
prebeta4 tarballs
Once again I'm providing prebeta4 releases for people to test and playwith. Right now the tarballs are up. RPMS and the like should come soon.. jack. --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing
2001 Apr 30
Error in vorbis-tools.spec / Incompatibility with libsafe?!?
Hello, I found the error in the nightly snapshot of Apr 30 21:19 GMT. I cannot find it in the bugzilla. I really tried. What is the bug id? I also found another bug: I am using Mandrake 8.0 and the libsafe library was installed. Then some files cannot be encoded. Some work. I do not know why. Is this bug known? Otherwise, I will file an entry into bugzilla and look into it. Several calls to
2001 Feb 28
patches to beta 4 spec files
Hi, Attached are patches for the beta 4 distribution, fixing minor problems in RPM spec files. One question: are there any reasons not to include vorbiscomment in the vorbis-tools binary package? I've added the long-awaited utility program into the revised spec file, but I wonder if it is a wrong change... Regards, -- KAJIYAMA, Tamito <> diff -ru
2004 Dec 23
searching Jonathan Baron's R Site
First, my site will be down December 27-28 because of a network upgrade at Penn. It will also be down at least one day before that, while I upgrade the operating system. (And another day some time in January because of a planned power outage.) Second, I have replaced the search engine in my R site: I am now using Namazu instead of HtDig. The direct link to the
2006 Nov 20
sem package subscript out of bounds error
I'm having the most curious error while using the sem package. For the model I'm working with, I keep getting the following error: Error in J[cbind(1:n, observed)] <- 1 : subscript out of bounds I''ve used debug=TRUE with sem, and there don't appear to be any problems with model - there are no latent variables in this model. The variables in the covariance matrix
2011 Mar 29
List extraction
I have created a list of tables with the same columns but different number of row. Example (actual list has ~200 elements): > temp1<- data.frame(ID=c("Herb","Shrub"),stat=c(4,5),pvalue=c(.03,.04)) > temp2<- data.frame(ID=c("Herb","Shrub", > "Tree"),stat=c(12,15,13),pvalue=c(.2,0.4,.3)) > L<-list(a=temp1,b=temp2) > L $a
2009 May 27
Sort matrix by column 1 ascending then by column 2 decending
I've got a matrix with 2 columns and n rows. I need to sort it first by the values in column 1 ascending. Then for values which are the same in column 1, sort by column 2 decending. For example: 2 .5 1 .3 1 .5 3 .2 Goes to: 1 .5 1 .3 2 .5 3 .2 This is easy to do in spreadsheet programs but I can't seem to work out how to do it in R and haven't been able to find a solution anywhere.
2010 Jan 27
using functions with multiple arguments in the "apply" family
typically, the apply family wants you to use vectors to run functions on. However, I have a function, kruskal.test, that requires 2 arguments. kruskal.test(Herb.df$Score,Herb.df$Year) This easily computes the KW ANOVA statistic for any difference across years.... However, my data has multiple sites on which KW needs to be run... here's the data: Herb.df<-
2007 Sep 29
templates with same name before extension are cached
Hi all, I was just wondering if this is the intended behavior. Here is my setup: controller def index respond_to do |f| f.xml { render :xml => true } f.html { render :layout => :none } end end In my views I have a file for each type index.herb index.xerb The first request I send is cached and interferes with the other one. For example, if I send an xml request
2010 Feb 24
extracting results from wilcox_test (package::coin)
Recently, I ran a series of Kruskal-Wallace tests [kruskal.test()] using by() to group by site Output is a list: >Herb.KW Herb.df$ID: 10-1 Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test data: Indicator_Rating by Year Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 15.24, df = 7, p-value = 0.03302 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herb.df$ID: 18-1
2009 Jun 04
Plot and lm
I want to make a log-log plot with a regression line, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. What I'm trying is: plot(mass,area, log="xy", pch=as.numeric(food)) abline(lm(mass~area)) or plot(mass,area, log="xy", pch=as.numeric(food)) islands$logmass <- log(mass) islands$logarea <- log(area) attach(islands) abline(lm(logmass~logarea)) But that does
2006 Oct 12
Extrapolated regression lines
Dear list members, When I create a simple scatterplot with a regression line (se below) the line is automatically extrapolated outside the range of data points. Why is this and how can I prevent R from extrapolating the regression line? Thank you in advance, Johan model<-lm(Herb~Para) plot(Para,Herb) abline(model)
2008 Nov 05
Sort help
Geneset_name #Chromosome #Hit_in_Biomart original_geneset_len Missing.genes [1,] "AGUIRRE_PANCREAS_CHR12" "1" "51" "59" "8" [3,] "AGUIRRE_PANCREAS_CHR9" "1" "24" "24"
2010 Nov 09
new column from column in another df
If I have a data frame where a species occupies several rows with different phases such as (both col's ar factors): species,phase Populus tremula,1 Populus tremula,2 Populus tremula,3 Calluna vulgaris,1 Calluna vulgaris,2 Betula alba,1 Betula alba,2 Betula alba,3 Primula veris,1 Primula veris,2 and another df where each species only have one row: species,growth_form Populus tremula,tree Acer
2011 May 12
Simple order() data frame question.
Clearly, I don't understand what order() is doing and as ususl the help for order seems to only confuse me more. For some reason I just don't follow the examples there. I must be missing something about the data frame sort there but what? I originally wanted to reverse-order my data frame df1 (see below) by aa (a factor) but since this was not working I decided to simplify and order by
2010 Feb 18
Extracting values from a list
I have run a kruskal.test() using the by() function, which returns a list of results like the following (subset of results): Herb.df$ID: 4-2 Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 18.93, df = 7, p-value = 0.00841 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Herb.df$ID: 44-1 Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 4.43, df = 6, p-value = 0.6187 So then, how do extract a vector
2002 Feb 15
Samba Team? - " ls: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/lib/ symbol socket: referenced symbol not foun d"
I've recompiled samba 2.2.3a and still any time I do a ls -l in a directory where there are files from a PC I get the error : ls: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/lib/ symbol socket: referenced symbol not found If I shut off winbind or take winbind out for my /etc/nsswitch.conf file, I can get a directory listing and it lists the users ID that winbind assigned to