similar to: mdct question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "mdct question"

2000 Oct 23
More mdct questions
Sorry for starting another topic, this is actually a reply to Segher's post on Sun Oct 22 on the 'mdct question' topic. I wasn't subscribed properly and so I didn't get email confirmation and thus can't add to that thread. So Segher, if the equation is indeed what you say it is, then replacing mdct_backward with this version should work, but it doesn't. Am I applying
2001 Jan 02
mdct explanation promised. This describes the mdct used in my d.m.l patch. I think it is the same as the Lee fast-dct. I typed it in a kind of pseudo-TeX, 'cause the ascii art would kill me. Hope you can read TeX source; if not, ask someone who can to make a .ps/.gif/.whatever of the TeX output, and put it on a webpage or something. I'm to lazy to do it (and besides, I don't have access to TeX,
2017 Apr 11
MDCT implementation and his overlapped relationship
Dear all I'm working on the implementation of the MDCT for the processor ARM-Cortex-M4 I'm trying to replicate the behavior of the MDCT for several overlapped values however I realized that current implementation of the MDCT is very close to the theory only in case in which we have and overlap exactly equal to N/2 where N is the size of the input vector as is shown in the examples for
2005 Jan 26
Butterflies in mdct.c
In mdct.c there's some functions including some-point butterfly. In 32-point and 16-point there are calling of smaller-point function everytime twice on each half of data. When I looked on it I found that's just linear algebra. So it can be rewritten to matrix multiplication. Some one can say: there's optimization on in register working. But imagine there's one calling 32-point,
2013 Jul 08
Request for MDCT theoretical reference
Dear Experts, Can anybody please direct me to proper MDCT theory reference which will help me understand the code better? I'm trying to optimize MDCT for a embedded platform. So need good understanding about theory behind & implementation. Thanks in advance for your time. Warm Regards, Mahantesh -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2002 Mar 19
mdct as hardware
Hi vorbis-dev! I'm working with Pattara in the oggonachip project, and wondering about the implementation of mdct.c as hardware. According your recomendations about using the floating point version, I would say, we have to implement the integerized version of mdct as a core, and use the fpu only to round the input values. By doing that, you think the result would be still acceptable? How
2002 Mar 26
size of vectors to be fed to MDCT
Hi, as we are trying to implement MDCT in hardware, we are caring now about the "n" (size of input and output vectors to and from MDCT). As I have looked in the code, this "n" is chosen from the Ogg/Vorbis stream data in info.c:_vorbis_unpack_info() which means this "n" can vary aribitrarily (as the power of 2) depending only on the value got from song data? or is
2005 Feb 20
Well decomposed mdct
I did composition of butterfly8 and butterfly16 and I found, that these functions are well decomposed - decomposition doesn't lower computional speed. On the other hand the same can be done with butterfly8 - decomposition to butterfly4 (further decomposition is not possible) but there's no reason to do this. I think little improvement can be done by inlining them. Compiler and processor
2002 Aug 21
MDCT input and output data blocks
Hi, I'm trying to determine how the frequency data that is passed to the MDCT, and output time domain data obtained from the MDCT, is changed when setting #define MDCT_INTEGERIZED For instance, the trig array, for a size 256 window begins 1.000000 0.000000 0.998795 -0.049068 0.995185 -0.098017 if INTEGERIZED is set, then it begins 16384 0 16364 -803 16305 -1605 which is simply a left shift
2014 Feb 05
Make check failure on clone from 31 January
Hi, Apologies if this is a known issue, but running make on revision e3187444692195957eb66989622c7b1ad8448b06 fails one of the tests when using fixed point configuration (floating point is ok) on my linux x86. Note that libopus1.1, as extracted from the tar ball, is OK. Specifically, the tests that fail are in celt/tests/test_unit_mdct: nfft=32 inverse=0,snr = 85.341197 nfft=32 inverse=1,snr =
2003 Jul 12
mdct query
Hi, I have a doubt regarding MDCT window size for OggVorbis decoder. Can the MDCT window size vary from 64 samples to 8192 samples? Specification says that "legal frame sizes are powers of two from 64 to 8192 samples" . Is this same as MDCT window size? Please help me out.. Regards, shikha <p>--- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage:
2003 May 22
Description of MDCT
The Vorbis audio format, uses something called the Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (MDCT). I was interested in how this worked, but did not know where to start. Is this the name of a particular algorithm, or does it just mean something like a cosine transform, but not quite right? So I asked the Vorbis mailing list. Nobody answered. It was not a high priority, so I did other things for
2002 Mar 14
Hi vorbis-dev, I'm investigating the mdct* function in libvorbis and writing a small client program to test it. I found that I have to set ARRAYSIZE when mdct_init(lookup, ARRAYSIZE) to minimum value of 62 otherwise it will segfault with mdct_backward. Is there any lower limit or it is more likely that my code has bug? Thank you very much, Pattara -- Please avoid sending me Word or
2002 Aug 01
mdct.h - PI1_8, PI2_8 etc.
In vorbis/lib/mdct.h the following are defined: for integer: #define TRIGBITS 14 #define cPI3_8 6270 #define cPI2_8 11585 #define cPI1_8 15137 #define FLOAT_CONV(x) ((int)((x)*(1<<TRIGBITS)+.5)) for floats: #define cPI3_8 .38268343236508977175F #define cPI2_8 .70710678118654752441F #define cPI1_8 .92387953251128675613F #define FLOAT_CONV(x) = x Could someone explain where these values
2005 Feb 01
mdct.c optimization
I took function mdct_butterfly_8 and write out transformation matrix. Then I rewrote this matrix into sequence of additions and substractions (see attachement). As I suspected I got the same as in the original code but I swaped some rows to get little higher speed. I hope I'll do the same with 16 point butterfly function combined with 8 point butterflies in a month. Who still believe that this
2003 May 31
faster mdct's
Hello Vorbis folks, I'm one of the FFTW authors (, and a few days ago I was playing with our codelet generator for fun and modified it to spit out hard-coded MDCTs of small sizes. The code (at for 256 samples (128 outputs) seems to be almost twice as fast as the Vorbis MDCT code for that size on my 2.2GHz P-IV (gcc 3.2.2 and flags "-O1
2011 Aug 01
formula used by R to compute the t-values in a linear regression
Hello, I was wondering if someone knows the formula used by the function lm to compute the t-values. I am trying to implement a linear regression myself. Assuming that I have K variables, and N observations, the formula I am using is: For the k-th variable, t-value= b_k/sigma_k With b_k is the coefficient for the k-th variable, and sigma_k =(t(x) x )^(-1) _kk is its standard deviation.
2008 Dec 02
question on lmer function
suppose something like probability(passing test) is driven by 1. fixed effects -- sex 2. district effects - district funding 3. school effects - neighborhood income, racial composition, % two parent families, ... 4. class effects - teacher quality measurement, 5. individual random effects - IQ. how would such a model be setup in lmer? I can't find much discussion on the
2017 May 03
MDCT implementation and his overlapped relationship
Dear all In the paper section describes how CELT and SILK had implemented a look/up head delay of (2.5ms), (5ms) respectively , could you explain me> 1) those values are fixed. 1) how you guarantee those values independent of the architecture's performance. Thanks so much On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 10:05 AM, Diego Alejandro Parra Guzman < daparrag at>
2013 Jul 11
Request for MDCT theoretical reference is an OK place to start. On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 7:33 AM, Mahantesh Belakhindi <girishec28 at>wrote: > Dear Experts, > > Can anybody please direct me to proper MDCT theory reference which will > help me understand the code better? > > I'm trying to optimize MDCT for a embedded platform. So need