similar to: Metadata followup

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Metadata followup"

2003 Nov 15
some more granulepos questions
I've made a lot of progress on my lossless Vorbis editing project. I have a few more questions about granulepos issues I don't quite understand. granulepos is a property of Ogg pages, yet it is a field in the ogg_packet struct. When reading packets from an Ogg stream, the granulepos is set to -1 for all packets except the last packet in a page. From this I infer that - for encoding,
2005 Dec 08
A few questions how to use libogg
1.) after initializing a ogg_stream_state may I just keep calling ogg_stream_packetin with valid ogg_packet's until no more ogg_packets needs to be added? Or do I need to call ogg_stream_pageout after every ogg_stream_packetin? Iaw may I delay calling ogg_stream_pageout until there are no more packets to be added? 2.) I assume I have call ogg_stream_pageout until no more pages can be
2000 Jul 25
Library issues (BOUNCE Non-member submission from []) (fwd)
BTW, I need a volunteer to upgrade to MailMan or the like. I'm officially sick to death of majordomo. (Or, if you want to code all the features I want in majordomo, that's fine too ;-) I'm a little bit out of time, see.... ------- Forwarded Message Sender: I just brought the FreeAmp codebase up to speed with the latest Vorbis source. In doing so,
2006 Aug 30
Continued:How can I seek in Ogg Vorbis file, but not using Vorbisfile library?
Hello, All. First, I want to thank Ian Malone and Ralph Giles, thanks for your kind replies. But I still have problems about seek. As you suggested, I could use ov_open_callbacks() to supply my own read/write/seek functions. So, can you give me an example? I?m sorry for my ignorance, because I haven?t used callbacks before. I analyzed the vorbisfile.c in Tremor, and I think I
2006 Jun 05
ogg only encoding
So, I abandoned the hope of using the ogg python bindings to do pure ogg container encoding. I started looking at the libogg in the hopes of retooling the bindings to follow a better object model and it actually looks like the problem is down in libogg, not the bindings. Am I crazy or does libogg rely on libvorbis to return ogg_packets, and that there are no functions that will build an ogg_packet
2000 Apr 19
integer pcm decode patch
Hi! I've spent the last few nights digging into the Vorbis source and working to implement a vorbis_synthesis_pcmout_int() function that kicks out interleaved int16_t pcm data. I think its important to have this function available to make the job for people using the codec a little easier. This function abstracts out the conversion to int16_t and removes the extra overhead of moving the pcm
2015 Jun 19
Muxing vorbis in WebM
Hi Vorbis-Dev, I'm investigating various WebM/Vorbis bugs in chromium. AFAIK muxing Vorbis inside of WebM does not have an official specification, so I'm using ffmpeg's implementation to try to answer 2 questions: 1. Under what circumstances is it valid to find WebM Blocks containing Vorbis data with zero duration? (This would mean the next Block in the Cluster has the exact
2004 Apr 13
Can I join many ogg_packet together and decode it to PCM?
Can I join many ogg_packet together and decode it to PCM? Or I have to encode each ogg_packet at a time? If each packet is 1024 long, can I join 1.5 of packet (1024+512), and decode that 1024+512 packet, and then decode the 512 left? Or I must decode a whole packet, and can't cut it or decode only some of it (not all) Thank you, <p><p>--- >8 ---- List archives:
2017 Feb 06
libvorbis without encapulsation
L'octidi 18 pluviôse, an CCXXV, Miscellaneous a écrit : > > The RLP draft mentioned on the libvorbis docs page, are there sample > > implementations (in C) of this yet anywhere?  > Sorry that should say RTP, not RLP I am not sure I understand exactly what you are asking, but libavformat has a RTP packetizer that works for both Vorbis and Theora, implemented in rtpenc_xiph.c.
2001 Jan 01
By design or a bug?
Happy new millenium! Summary: I'm having a problem queueing up the ogg_packet results of vorbis_analyze() for later writing to an .ogg stream. The docs don't seem to say if this is permissable or not. Hence, I don't know if I'm using the API incorrectly, or if this is an actual bug. ----- Attached is a short patch to vorbis-tools/oggenc/encode.c (from CVS head, 01/01/01... I
2009 Nov 25
encoding image from a webcam
I'm trying to encode a picture from my webcam using the theora codec. The final "product" must encode a frame, send it over the network and decode it on "the other side". For now, it must only work locally so we don't care about the transmission. This is what I've understood till now: I have a char * buffer from the camera RG24,I convert it to YCbCr 4:4:4, I
2017 Feb 06
libvorbis without encapulsation
L'octidi 18 pluviôse, an CCXXV, Miscellaneous a écrit : > I've built some simple code on the excellent libvorbis API overview on > the site, but the example relies on the ogg_packet struct for > final output and input to decoder, and shows now examples on how to do > without it. Why do you not want it? It is just a simple C struct to carry the packet's metadata.
2002 Mar 14
Ogg in MP4 file, Unexpected result from _vorbis_unpack_books
Hi. I'm trying to implement Ogg/Vorbis support for the MPEG4IP project. The goal is to support Ogg/Vorbis audio for MPEG-4 streaming. So far I have managed to make the encoder save Ogg packets as an Audio object in an .mp4 file. As a side effect, it can also save Ogg pages in an .ogg file playable by xmms, but that's no big deal. So what I'm doing is this. First the init part. a)
2006 May 04
Howto get playtime
Hi, Searched in Google, browsed xiph vorbis sites but found no good information about how to get the current playtime out of the granuleposition of the ogg_packet. Anyone knows if there is any 'Programming with libvorbis' documentation out there, cause on xiph's site ( there's nothing :( Any help? THX, Tom
2006 Jun 07
ogg encoding
I was wondering. When doing ogg only encoding, how do you mark end of stream? I am setting ogg_packet.e_o_s and then submitting it via ogg_stream_packetin() and then, because its the last potential page ogg_stream_flush()ing it. But when I walk through the file, EOS is not set on that logical bitstream. I have been using oggenc.c/encoder.c and oggdec.c/decoder.c for examples, but because the
2000 May 22
hypot(x,y) instead of pythag(a,b) ?!
Some of you may have seen the pythag() part in the R API definition in "Writing R Extensions" (source = doc/manual/R-exts.texinfo). or followed the report and Prof. Brian Ripley's answer about pythag()'s availability from R's binary. As we say in above manual >> `pythag(A, B)' computes `sqrt(A^2 + B^2)' without overflow or >> destructive
2008 Jan 04
ogg packets get lost
Hi, I am actually working on a c++ wrapper for ogg/theora. It will be a small library to easily create command line tools to cut/cat video-files and to extract and join the video and audio stream etc. However, I started the project and found some very strange behaviors: I stored some ogg_packet objects (which are created on the heap) in a list. When I make several calls to ogg_stream_pagein()
2015 Oct 17
Why does this code not generate a valid opus file?
Hi. I assume that I am deeply stupid and have missed something obvious, but why does this bare-bones code not generate a valid (If trivial) opus file? Running opusinfo I ge the following which I interpret this to mean that not even the first packet gets a pass: New logical stream (#1, serial: 1f0cce42): type opus WARNING: Could not decode Opus header packet 0 - invalid Opus stream (1) WARNING:
2008 Feb 25
eos on continued page
On 25-Feb-08, at 9:34 AM, wrote: > I'd say both; libogg should ignore the incomplete packet or flag a > structural error, and the spec should be clarified. I guess libogg should return -1 if you try to ogg_stream_packetout() after the eos packet. The eos flag pretty clearly applies to the *page* not the packet, so I think how that gets translated into the
2011 Mar 19
Undefined symbol "Rf_pythag" while loading spatstat
Today I installed the newest R develepment branch R version 2.14.0 Under development (unstable) (2011-03-18 r54866) on FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT (amd64). All seems fine so far. After that I updated my R packages with option 'checkBuilt=TRUE'. There are four packages (spatstat, pscl, adehabitatLT, adehabitatHR) which gives an error like this: Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :