similar to: Lancer 20060302 is out

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Lancer 20060302 is out"

2006 Aug 24
Lancer 20060824 is out
Lancer 20060824 (based on aoTuV Release 1) - fully optimized libvorbis for x86 CPUs - Changes: 2006/08/24 Lancer 20060824 * Lancer is based on aotuv-r1_20051117 now. * add SSE optiomizations to _vp_couple. * add the dividing code of multi channel processing to xmmlib.h. * _vp_quantize_couple_memo, _vp_quantize_couple_sort is multithreaded under the OpenMP.
2006 Aug 08
Lancer 20060807 is out
Lancer 20060807 (based on aoTuV 4.51) 2006/08/07 Lancer 20060807 Changes: * fix SSE optimization code in mdct_forward, mdct_backward. * reintroduce vorbis_oggpack_write for only static version. * fix problem in local_book_besterror_dim1x4. 2006/08/06 Lancer 20060807(test version for memory problem) Changes: * Since heap memory error occurs, remove
2009 Aug 21
Floor1 encode/decode and FLOOR1_fromdB_LOOKUP
Hello, I have two questions concerning floor1 encoding/decoding. First I'll ask about the FLOOR1_fromdB_LOOKUP table: what is it's purpose? Is it to convert the amplitude differences between [floor1_Y] values to a dB scale? And, if I'm right with that, here comes the 2nd question: when render_line0 is used to encode floor1, then floor1_inverse2 must be used in decode (in order to
2006 May 15
Lancer 20060512 is out
Lancer 20060512 (based on aoTuV 4.51) Changes: * resolve resource conflict in multithread code * integrate two multithread code in mapping_forward
2001 Oct 12
Hello, You know, I always worry about the precision and the float constants... and there is a large lookup table in the floor1.c ... and I figure out a way to keep the code size and speed, but to improve the precision at this lookup table. (the difference is small, but audible) Here is the modifications in the floor1.c: tatic unsigned long FLOOR_fromdB_LOOKUP[256]={
2005 Mar 14
Archer RC1 is out
Seems we got a release candidate today. And oh yeah, thanks for blocking me from participation on this list: " SMTP error from remote mailer after initial connection: host []: 550 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using; Dynamic/Residential IP range listed by NJABL
2002 Sep 23
More errors in the file format specification Was: Test files for decoder implementation
Hi, I've found some more errors in the file format specification (or at least points, where the specification and actual libvorbis implementation mismatch): - Floor 1 / curve computation / step 1: amplitude value synthesis 21) vector [floor1_final_Y] element [i] = [predicted] - (([val] - 1) divided by 2 using integer division) hould be: 21) vector [floor1_final_Y] element [i] =
2002 Oct 15
Specification change requests
Hi, as Conrad suggested, I've made a complete list of all points in the specification, which I beleive are errors, or where the explanation is unclear, contains unneccessary steps and so on. I hope someone has time to look through the points and if and when accepting or rejecting them be so very kind and inform me about it. I will also once again try to work through the residue
2002 Aug 13
Specification documents
Hi everyone, after having an extensive look at the reference decoder as well as the specification documents, I'd like to point out what I think to be some minor omissions/flaws in the latter, and suggestions for correcting them. --- #1: in vorbis-spec-floor1.html, packet decode: Between 14) and 15) a crucial step is missing. Please insert: 14a) [cval] >>= [cbits] ---- #2: in
2000 Aug 29
optmizing encoding
Is there any reason to avoid looking at optimizing the encoding process? From just a simple profile run, it looks like a big chunk of the time is in seed_curve, sqrt, dradf4 and log. Are there big changes to the encoding part that are coming that would invalidate optimizations done now? -tim --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage:
2011 May 19
Can't install Microsoft Data Access Components
I am trying to run the program Bioedit in a Mac OS X 10.6.7. I have Wine+Winebottler 1.1.44 and Wineskin Winery 1.1. I can install Bioedit without problems, but when I try to run it this appears: Error creating object. Please verify that the Microsoft Data Access Components 2.1 (or later) have been properly installed. So I downloaded MDAC v2.81 from CNET (couldn't get it from Microsoft) and
2004 Aug 06
icecast2 alpha 1 (09/19/03) seg fault
Hi, icecast2 doesn't want to run stable on my Slackmachine: Linux tyson 2.4.18 #9 Fri Oct 4 17:13:35 CEST 2002 i586 unknown I followed the guidelines at I use Winamp v2.81 in combination with Oddcast DSP plugin. I can get the stream up and running. I also can connect to it and listen to it through another instance of Winamp. The seg fault is reproducable: 1. I
2007 Apr 20
lancer R en batch
hello, I'd like know if it's possible to run R with the options BATCH it means not interactively thanks. ___________________________________________________________________________ Découvrez une nouvelle façon d'obtenir des réponses à toutes vos questions ! Profitez des connaissances, des opinions et des expériences des internautes sur Yahoo! Questions/Réponses
2004 Nov 02
bug query
Hi, a newbie query about a potential bug in VorbisLib (I tried using bugzilla with no success): My problem is that I encountered a divide by zero exception that I tracked down to bark_noise_hybridmp() in PSY.C. I don't pretend to know what bark_noise_hybridmp() does but there are a few instances of the following in that routine: D = tN * tXX - tX * tX; R = (A + x * B) / D; When I
2005 Feb 10
[Fwd: Re: Low level optimization]
Urgh... I misrouted this to sorry for this. -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: Maik Merten <> Subject: Re: [Vorbis-dev] Low level optimization Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 16:39:25 +0100 Size: 959 Url:
2005 Sep 25
Can't access from Japan
Can't access from Japan. Probably it can't access from the other non-English countries. Please fix it. $ telnet 80 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. GET / HTTP/1.0 Accept: */* Accept-Language: ja Host: HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 18:00:47 GMT Server: Apache/2.0.53 (Ubuntu)
2004 Mar 10
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 16:15:12 +0530
Hello !! While reading I am facing lot of problems . Doing reserve enginnering without any document is really putting in trouble . ( that is not the case in ac3 , mp3 ) . The problems are ----> 1. How physcoacoustic model is generated . I was reading noise masking . I have understood that FFT of 2048 samples is used for finding tone masking . And MDCT of same samples is used for
2006 Feb 11
oggdropXPd V1.6.11c
I've tried 3 times to drop a 250kb wav file on oggdrop, and oggdrop crashes each time. Is this too large of a file for oggdrop? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2005 Feb 10
Low level optimization
Hi to all of vorbis developers! I think it is time to do core optimizations to vorbis-coder/decoder in asm. I`d like to help. What you think about that?
2005 Feb 10
Low level optimization
Hi to all of vorbis developers! I think it is time to do core optimizations to vorbis-coder/decoder in asm. I`d like to help. What you think about that?