similar to: Differences In Libraries??

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Differences In Libraries??"

2004 Feb 17
Vorbisfile Problem...
OK, I have a minor problem with the 'vorbisfile' libraries. I copied both the normal and dynamic DLLs to my program directory, and they load fine. Thing is, if I link with 'vorbisfile.lib' and use 'ov_open', the application just locks up. If I link with 'vorbisfile_d.lib' and use the function, Windows brings up a standard crash window, and I can just use that to
2009 Apr 21
realizing virtual ssh_authorized_key
I''m trying to use ssh_authorized_key to manage my user''s ssh keys. I basically have this (across a couple of files): class user::virtual { @user { "seph": ensure => "present", uid => "2001", comment => "seph", home => "/home/seph", shell =>
2007 Nov 08
Best practice for users/groups on solaris
Hi all, I''m a new puppet user and I''m running into some weirdness around creating users on solaris. (puppet version 0.23.2) The virt_all_users way of managing users seems pretty reasonable, but I don''t see how to deal with user specific groups with that. I have: class virt_all_users { @user { "seph": ensure => "present",
2007 Oct 09
dlls and encoder_example
hello, i have vorbis sdk 1.0rc2 and i have could compile encoder_example.c in a console aplication project on VC 6. But when i execute the program, only appears the black visual display screen without obtaining result. where is my problems?? other question: in sdk there is for example, vorbis.dll and vorbis_d.dll, which is the difference? i have could compile any project like libvorbis
2007 Mar 29
wondershaper and dmzs
I have a pretty simple setup. I''ve got a linux nat box, with some internal hosts. I''ve also got some servers in a dmz. It looks something like this: Internet | (external network) | | | | linux dmz nat hosts |
2009 Apr 20
CA different than hostname?
I''m trying to setup a puppetmaster, and I''ve got a couple of questions. The first, is a design question. Since I expect to eventually have multiple puppetmaster servers, I''d like to name this one to be named But I''d like my clients to connect via a cname as Is this pretty standard? Is there some more common way?
2006 Jan 05
multiple links and nat
Hi, this might be a dumb question, but I''m not finding much information online. I''m trying to setup a 2.6 linux box to run nat across multiple upstream links as a simple way to aggregate bandwidth. I found the instructions in lartc section 4.2 ( fairly clear and straightforward. I implemented those, and a couple of trivial
2006 Nov 06
Bug#397359: pae kernel?
Package: xen-hypervisor-3.0-unstable-1-i386-pae Version: 3.0-unstable+hg11561-1 It's great having a pae hypervisor packaged for debian, but it'd be a lot more useful with a pae kernel seph
2007 Dec 05
machine network interfaces, dhcpd.conf, and zone files
I''m still thinking about how my puppet deployment will go. Right now, I''m thinking each of my machines will have their network interfaces defined/configured by puppet. But, I''d like to generate my zone files and dhcpd.conf from this data as well. How do people generally do this? I expect I''ll end up generating the nodes.pp files from some database, but
2004 Feb 19
Channels set to zero?
I seem to have run into a slight problem in my decode/cache routine. For some reason, my ov_info struct is saying that the channels in the bitstream are zero. Is this normal for certain files, and zero signifies something, or is something wrong? The ov_info struct DOES get filled (it isn't NULL), but channels gets set to zero. This of course can cause problems while calculating the buffer
2009 Jul 30
arrays, loops, etc
Inspired by the recent thread titled "Array input of dirs, ensuring their existence" I thought I''d write up the problem I''m running into. I was chatting on irc about it, I don''t think puppet has a clean solution. Like the other poster, I''m defining an object that takes an array. In my case, I''m defining gpg keystore, which can contain a
2010 Apr 19
getting a list of rules out of iptables
I''ve been using camptocamp''s iptables module. It works pretty well, lets me define rules in various modules, etc. Now I find myself needing to generate a commented list of it''s rules. I notice that the README has a nice exec suggestion. But, when I try it, I can''t get it to work. In my iptables/manifests/init.pp I have: Iptables { before =>
2005 Nov 01
predictability of buffer size for decoding
I am wondering if buffer size for my decoding to pcm can be predicted dependably as follows. So far, the one problem I have had is when I have played a file of only about 5k. The buffer was a little less than 10% too small. I "solved" that by padding the result with an extra 20 percent. However, I have been told that I should be able to rely on the value of ov_pcm_total. char*
2006 Jul 02
A samba share mounted multiple times cannot be unmounted without root
Hello, recently I've ran into the problem that if a user mounts a share multiple times, then it cannot be mounted, except by root. Here is the relevant fstab line: //sephiroth/E /home/unity/Sephiroth smbfs ro,users,noauto 0 0 A user can mount and unmount the fs fine: unity@oaklandgardens ~ $ cd ~unity/ unity@oaklandgardens ~ $ mount Sephiroth/ Password: unity@oaklandgardens ~ $ mount |
2009 Nov 17
SSH Keys
Hi all, I want to use puppet to distribute keys to multiple users. I wanted to do something like we have already: - define a key per real person - define groups containing several keys, people can be in multiple groups - deploy these groups of keys to specific users however it looks like the ssh_authorized_key resource ties a key and a user together so it looks like I fall at the first
2010 Feb 18
Augeas pam.d argument checking
I''m trying to change the password complexity requirements in pam.d/system-auth using augeas. I can append the values (lcredit=-1, ucredit=-1, etc) onto the correct place, but if another value is already present (i.e. lcredit=-2), the onlyif match statement doesn''t seem to support checking regular expressions inside of strings. How do I check that any numeric value exists in the
2007 Dec 01
Building files from snippets
Hi there, I''m facing a problem that I think it''s common enough to be solved directly by puppet or at least have a best practice recommended: building a config file from snippets. I''m thinking for example about a dns zone and hosts inside that zone, ldap server and ldap databases, samba server and samba shares, a firewall config and firewall rules,... The first part of
2002 Feb 05
Documentation Suggestions
I'm a developer for a game company and I'm almost done adding support for Vorbis to our game engine. As such, I wanted to simply plug in the read function, let it decode, and then send the PCM data on to DirectSound just like I always have. There were several occasions where I spent 4 or 5 hours trying to fix a bug, digging through newsgroups and sound-format specs, when that info could
2010 May 05
puppet for switches
This might be a crazy idea, but it just popped into my head, and I wanted to know if it''s possible. Perhaps not possible right now, but possible in a theoretical sense. Is it possible that puppet could be modified to be used to manage switches that have a command line based interface? When I manage our Allied Telesis switches (which have a CLI similar to cisco IOS) I wonder if I could
2004 Dec 05
ov_open error !
#include <stdio.h> #include "vorbis/codec.h" #include "vorbis/vorbisfile.h" #include <io.h> #include <fcntl.h> #pragma comment(lib, "vorbisfile_d") int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fp; OggVorbis_File obf; if(argc < 1) return -1; if((fp = fopen("f:\\testogg.ogg", "rb")) == NULL) { printf("Open Files