similar to: libvorbis configure script fails on Irix

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "libvorbis configure script fails on Irix"

2002 Feb 16
libvorbis config error
Hi all. I found some references to a problem similar to mine in the archives, but none of the solutions posed there worked, so I'm left to ask again. I'm running Debian 2.2r5, libc6, and as far as I know all other necessary libraries for compilation. libao and libogg compile and install fine, but when I try run ./configure for libvorbis, it fails and says it can't find libogg.
2008 Aug 28
Error while cross compiling libvorbis 1.2.0
Dear All, I am trying to cross compile the dependencies of ices for arm linux. I have been able to compile libxml2 (2.6.32) and libogg (1.1.3) successfully but I am getting stuck at compiling libvorbis (1.2.0). Making install in examples make[1]: Entering directory `/home/sr/armlinux/stream/libvorbis-1.2.0/examples' /bin/bash ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link /usr/local/arm/bin/arm-linux-gcc
2013 Apr 20
compile error
I've been trying to figure out for a couple of days why I can't get libvorbis to compile. It has me stumped, though I'm not a whiz at compiling from source. I'm installing on Mac OSX 10.8.2. The relevant commands are: export CC=clang ./configure --prefix=${TARGET} --build=x86_64 --with-ogg-libraries=${TARGET}/lib --with-ogg-includes=${TARGET}/include/ --enable-static
2002 Jan 10
Trouble building libvorbis-1.0rc3
Hi all, I was just trying to build myself a RC3 set of Ogg/Vorbis libs and tools, but the build of libvorbis bombs out on me while making all in examples. I've ./configure'd with no options, which gave no warnings or errors. After that a normal make gives the below attached output. Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong ? I've also tried removing the examples/ directory. After
2007 Oct 22
problems building libvorbis-1.2.0 on Solaris 10 (sparc)
Hello, I'm running into problems while trying to build libvorbis. My build platform is Solaris 10 (sparc) (11/06) with GCC 3.4.6. The build fails with the following error : Making all in examples gmake[2]: Entering directory `/afs/' gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../include
2000 Nov 09
libvorbis compile failure
The latest CVS update of libvorbis fails to compile on SuSE Linux 6.4. The error is below. Also, what happened to the xmms plugin directory in cvs? It complains that it is missing when I do a 'cvs update'. gcc -DPACKAGE=\"libvorbis\" -DVERSION=\"1.0beta3\" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H=1 -DHAVE_ ALLOCA=1 -I. -I. -I../include -O20 -ffast-math -mno-ieee-fp -D_REENTRANT -fs
2001 Oct 27
libvorbis won't compile on LFS.
This is a linux from scratch based on the 2.4.13 kernel. I'm using a GCC 2.95.3, autoconf 2.52, and automake 1.5. Libvorbis compilation fails with a Signal 11 error as shown below. I had the same results with 2.4.12, 2.4.10, and 2.4.9. I've compiled hundreds of other packages without getting this error, and I've even tried changing the memory. This is my configure line, I used
2001 Oct 27
libvorbis won't compile on LFS.
This is a linux from scratch based on the 2.4.13 kernel. I'm using a GCC 2.95.3, autoconf 2.52, and automake 1.5. Libvorbis compilation fails with a Signal 11 error as shown below. I had the same results with 2.4.12, 2.4.10, and 2.4.9. I've compiled hundreds of other packages without getting this error, and I've even tried changing the memory. This is my configure line, I used
2002 Jul 19
compile optimization error in libvorbis-1.0
Wow, I've never seen an FSF gcc crap out like this on a non-overheating system. When lib/envelope.c is compiled with -march=i686, gcc gets a signal 11, but not with -march=i586. I'm not sure whether to blame gcc or libvorbis. There are apparently three other files in libvorbis where this same behavior is seen. jeffrey@diddl:/usr/src/build/libvorbis-1.0/lib$ gcc
2002 Sep 27
the built version of R (built using shared libraries) doesn't appear to find tcl/tk: Please help. Details: SGI configuration: compilers from SGI uname -aR = IRIX64 mendel 6.5 6.5.16f 04101930 IP35 We built R on an SGI system using the following configure script: # explicitly choose vendor compilers for R rather than GNU # optimise output to support highest level of performance
2016 Jul 08
Dynamic selection of assembly mnemonic strings
Thanks for the quick answer Bruce. So far as I can tell (from a quick read), this is really for integrated assemblers/disassemblers - but we use an external assembler. When invoking clang we would provide ‘-mcpu=chip_v1’ or ‘-mcpu=chip_v2’, and the mnemonic ‘LD32’ is only valid when compiling for ‘chip_v1’, while ‘LD.32’ is only valid when compiling for ‘chip_v2’. But I will study the
2002 Jul 20
libvorbis 1.0 compile time err.
Hi there I get the following err. while compiling libvorbis: gcc -O20 -ffast-math -mno-ieee-fp -D_REENTRANT -fsigned-char -DUSE_MEMORY_H -static -o decoder_example decoder_example.o ../lib/.libs/ -L/usr/lib -lm /usr/lib/ -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/mnt/gnu/source/console/libs/libvorbis/libvorbis-1.0/lib/.libs /lib/*IND*+0x0): multiple definition of ^__xstat64'
2003 Jun 03
libvorbis install prob
I'm haivng trouble compiling the libvoribis source. I'm getting errors I don't understand, could somebody please look at the below and tell me if they have any ideas?? <p>make[2]: Entering directory `/root/libvorbis-1.0/lib' source='mdct.c' object='mdct.lo' libtool=yes \ depfile='.deps/mdct.Plo' tmpdepfile='.deps/mdct.TPlo' \ depmode=gcc3
2016 Jul 08
Dynamic selection of assembly mnemonic strings
Hi LLVM Dev, I have an old problem that I've wanted to clean-up for some time. Our chip has gone through a number of iterations in the past few years, but with each revision there have been changes to some of the mnemonics for instructions. These are mostly very simple, for example we had a 32-bit load from memory instruction named 'LD32' in one version of the chip, but for a
2004 Nov 01
compile libvorbis using mingw?
I downloaded libogg-1.1.2 and libvorbis-1.1.0, and want to compile them using mingw32. In libogg-1.1.2 directory, 'sh configure --prefix=/mingw' and 'make' and 'make install' works smoothly. It create libogg.a, ligogg.dll.a, in my /mingw/lib and header files in /mingw/include/ogg, so I think the gcc compiler will find them easily. After switching to
2012 Jul 27
dredge solely offset models in MuMIn
hello everyone, I'm modelling in lmer an average chick weight defined as "Total.brood.mass ~ offset(chick.number), with three fixed and two random effect. Next, I want to use function dredge from MuMIn package for model averaging. Not sure why, but in consequence the offset variable is treated as a predictor, so I get a table that mixes models with and without that offset term (the first
2002 Apr 18
trouble compiling R on Irix
Dear R-help, I'm trying to compile R-1.4.1 on Irix, and run into the following error when making R.bin: The linker (ld32) complained that "gzeof", "gzgetc", "gztell", and "gzseek" are unresolved symbols in connection.o. Are these supposed to be in libz.a? My suspicion is that maybe the libz.a on this system is outdated. Any hints? TIA! Andy
2002 Apr 18
trouble with tcltk (was RE: trouble compiling R on Irix)
Hi, Thanks to Profs. Ripley and Tierney for their tips, I compiled zlib from source and gotten further. Here's where I get stuck, when it tries to compile the tcltk package: ld32: FATAL 12 : Expecting n32 objects: /usr/local/lib/ is n64. Now I'm confused. Sounds like 32-bit vs. 64-bit problem. What can I do at this point? (This is on Irix.) Regards, Andy
2002 Oct 17
Installing R1.6.0 on SGI
I am currently trying to install R 1.6.0 on an SGI Octane running: > uname -aR IRIX64 hcu091 6.5 6.5.9m 07201608 IP30 and I am receiving a fatal error during the make step. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Here is the final output from "./configure"... ---------- R is now configured for mips-sgi-irix6.5 Source directory: . Installation directory:
2007 Mar 23
openssh 4.6p1 bug / IRIX
hello, little problem compiling openssh 4.6p1 on irix using mipspro 7.4.x. c99 -o sshd sshd.o auth-rhosts.o auth-passwd.o auth-rsa.o auth-rh-rsa.o sshpty.o sshlogin.o servconf.o serverloop.o auth.o auth1.o auth2.o auth-options.o session.o auth-chall.o auth2-chall.o groupaccess.o auth-skey.o auth-bsdauth.o auth2-hostbased.o auth2-kbdint.o auth2-none.o auth2-passwd.o auth2-pubkey.o