similar to: more on 128k listening tests

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "more on 128k listening tests"

2010 Sep 21
reshape is re-ordering my variables
Is it an undocumented (at least I missed it if it's documented) feature of the reshape function to do numeric variables followed by character? I ask because that seems to be the case below. > str(rcw) 'data.frame': 23 obs. of 21 variables: $ ICU : int 1 18 17 9 22 19 6 16 25 26 ... $ Q6.RC.1 : chr "SM" "JF" "IW"
2002 Jun 23
peeling as I understand it (was Re: When will quality increase be unnoticable?)
>> Is bit-peeling going to be real (or just a rumor forever)? > Apparently the RC3 streams are capable of being bit peeled, however the > tool to do so was looking likely to be quite complex. I believe the plan > was to have RC4 produce streams that left better hints for the peeling > tool, so as to make the tool simpler and faster, but I doubt we'll see it > until
2003 Jan 29
PlusV algorithm
Important (imho)! I found this site in the internet: PlusV is an audio enhancement algorithm similar to SRB of Mp3Pro, but 1) better than SBR 2) Fully open-source It seems to me wise to include PlusV into new versions of Ogg Vorbis. P.S. what about some long-awaited features in Ogg Vorbis? 1) ability to turn off the frequency filter in the encoder (especially for high
2008 Feb 01
the "union" of several data frame rows
Hi, I have a question about how to obtain the union of several data frame rows. I'm trying to create a common key for several tests composed of different items. Here is a small scale version of the problem. These are keys for 4 different tests, not all mutually exclusive: id q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 1 A C 2 B D 3 A D B 4 C D B D I would like
2011 Jul 06
Tables and merge
----- Original Message ----- From: "Silvano" <silvano at> To: <r-help at> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 9:07 AM Subject: Tables and merge > Hi, > > I have 21 files which is common variable CODE. > Each file refers to a question. > > I would like to join the 21 files into one, to construct > tables for each question by CODE. >
2003 Jun 05
Buying Vorbis Music
('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Hello, I don't know if you knew that there's a russian site where you can buy your music in Ogg Vorbis. There are many albums where you can decide what Codec (MP3, AAC, WMA, Vorbis, MP+) and Bitrate (or quality for Ogg) should be used to encode and download the files encoded specifically for you. The prices are somewhat low.
2015 Feb 04
Interpretación de coeficientes en un cox proportional hazards con variable strata
Buenas. Abajo pongo la salida de un modelo de cox , dónde he estratificado por una variable de país (Countryb) y por otra (Q6). Además hay interacción entre la variable mobilityPDurG2 (es una variable 0,1, y 0 es la categoría de referencia) país. La categoría de referencia para país es "united kingdom". Mi duda surge si quiero calcular el hazard ratio para los que tienen un 1
2003 Jun 22
Bit Rate Peeling Quality
Hi All, Let me ask this question of the group: When bit rate peeling becomes available, how will the quality of the peeled Vorbis file compare to a file encoded at the target quality directly from the original? So, for: a.wav --> b.ogg (at q6) --> c.ogg (at q2) a.wav --------------------> d.ogg (at q2) how are c.ogg and d.ogg likely to compare in terms of audio
2005 Nov 12
computation on a table
Hello, I have a table (1) of the form q1 q3 q4 q8 q9 A 5 2 0 1 3 B 2 0 2 4 4 I have another table (2): q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 C 10 7 4 2 6 9 3 1 2 I would like to divide the numbers in table (1) by the number of the appropriate column in table (2): q1 q3 q4 q8 q9 A 5/10 2/4 0/2 1/1 3/2 B 2/10 0/4 2/2 4/1 4/2
2001 May 11
[ spectral band replication]
Jan, I'm forwarding this message to the rest of the developers. Hopefully one of them will have a good answer to your question. --------- Does someone want to take this one? Just make sure you copy him on the answer, as he's not on the list. jack. ----- Forwarded message from ----- From: To: Subject: spectral band replication
2001 May 14
Spectral band replication
>> Do you (or the ogg vorbis community) understand how SBR works? There is >> info on >> bnut I am guessing this infop is not enough to explain the technology. Robert Voigt: >I haven't heard about SBR before. After reading that webpage I can say the >following: [ . . . ] I don't think SBR will give an
2009 Feb 03
cronbachs alpha - score.items(psych) vs reliability(Rcmdr)
Dear all, I like the way the Rcmdr package computes reliability. E.g reliability(cov(d[,c("q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5", "q6")], use="complete.obs")) will not only give me the alpha score, but also for each variable, alpha.score if deleted. However - when writing scripts it's very tiresome to load the whole Rcmdr GUI just
2009 Nov 12
Transforming a dataframe into a response/predictor matrix
I currently have a data frame whose rows correspond to each student and whose columns are different variables for the student, as shown below: Lastname Firstname CATALOG_NBR Email StudentID EMPLID Start 1 alastname afirstname 1213 * 10295236 # 12/2/2008 2 anotherlastname anotherfirstname 1213 ** ## 10295236 9/3/2008 Xattempts Q1
2001 May 06
just a reminder
Just a reminder to keep testing. The latest builds should be rock solid. The url is: You can now get stats ouptut by pointing a browser to: We're looking for more win32 freeamp reports, and any other clients besdies the standard ones (sonique, winamp, xmms, etc). Oh, and I stuck some silly station ids in between
2001 May 06
just a reminder
Just a reminder to keep testing. The latest builds should be rock solid. The url is: You can now get stats ouptut by pointing a browser to: We're looking for more win32 freeamp reports, and any other clients besdies the standard ones (sonique, winamp, xmms, etc). Oh, and I stuck some silly station ids in between
2004 Aug 06
SV: Speex modes
Thanks! Btw, have you tried using SBR-technology or similar with speech codecs? That might be a good idea I thought.. But I don't know if it produces as good quality with speech codecs as it does for music codecs. Do you know if there is any open source variant of SBR? /Pontus -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- Från: []För Jean-Marc
2014 May 14
Error starting Virtual Machine Manager: Failed to contact configuration server
I just updated and rebooted a VM host server which runs CentOS 6.5/x86_64. After rebooting, I can't start the virtual-manager due to the error: Error starting Virtual Machine Manager: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See [^]
2019 Jan 07
Solr -> Xapian ?
Maybe a dumb question (I admit I haven't followed this thread very closely)... But why are you writing a new FTS driver? If squat allegedly does everything you need it to do, why don't you just take that plugin and fix it up to do what you need? That seems way easier than trying to create a FTS driver from scratch. michael > On January 7, 2019 at 7:05 AM Joan Moreau via dovecot
2009 Jul 21
strange bug? with R CMD check
Hello, I am trying to get a package to pass R CMD check on an iMac running Mac OS X. When the package is named safeBinaryRegression I get the following warning from R CMD check: * checking whether the name space can be loaded with stated dependencies ... WARNING Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : function 'make_lp' not provided by package 'lpSolveAPI'
2005 Feb 25
Sorry for the crosspost but it's relevant to Vorbis and Icecast I believe. I'm seeing more and more streaming stations using AACplus, with many listeners being amazed at the sound quality. Most say that a 48kb/s sounds better than a 128kb/s MP3, which would put Ogg Vorbis at around 96kb/s IMO. That means only half the bitrate is required in AACplus compared to Ogg Vorbis for the same