similar to: Embedded vorbis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Embedded vorbis"

2001 Jan 15
Has anyone made an attempt to create an embedded version yet? Is there a plan to have embedded examples as part of the open source? If I want to create four independent decode streams, is there any decode work which can be shared, or is it going to be four times the work? How many MIPS does it take to decode a single stream? --tnx --tom --- >8 ---- List archives:
2007 Aug 06
Data space crunching-how small can I get?
Hi, I am using speex 1.2beta2 on a C5416, 16 bit, narrowband. The project I am implementing speex into is very limited in Data space. In the speex decode_init and encode_init there are allocs that, combined, take up 0x0F94 of data memory. I do not know why the various allocs are sized the way they are but that number is too big to fit into our project. I was wondering if those numbers (for
2007 Jul 24
Shoehorning speex is confusing a newbie
Jean-Marc was correct in that the 16bit value was the culprit for my encoding woes. after I changed that to a 32 bit value I believe it encodes correctly, but I really don't have much of any way to know this absolutely. I am using the 1.2beta2. I would use the enctest program, I have looked it over and based a lot of what I am doing on that code but the project I am developing this on is
2007 Jul 24
Shoehorning speex is confusing a newbie
Mike, Generally "Invalid mode encounterd" == "frames are misaligned" You should be getting 20 bytes from the encoder each time, and passing 20 bytes to the decoder each time. Is it correct that you have modeled your main loop after testenc-TI-c5x.c? If you look at encoded silence with a binary editor, you should be able to see the 20-byte repetition pattern. You can also
2007 Jul 24
Shoehorning speex is confusing a newbie
I thought I should be getting 20 words because in the windows app the command line repeats "nbBytes = 20" through the entire decode phase. I wonder how the frames got misaligned...right now I get 10 words of data followed by 10 words of 0's which I look at through a memory window in code composer. now I am pretty sure there is a terminator word that gets in there so that would make
2007 Aug 29
high-pass filter issues
Hi, I am using 1.2beta2 on a C5416 doing narrowband in the decode function I am having a problem with the execution of my program vectoring off to random interrupts that are not used. I have tracked down the error to the highpass function called in nb_decode -very close to the end of the function-context: it is called here: ln 1719 for me if (st->highpass_enabled) highpass(out,
2007 Mar 21
lock file on embedded device
Hi. That's my first post. it's driving me crazy. I'm trying to get dovecot working with vpopmail on Openwrt, an embedded linux-like OS for some routers . So actually my aim looks like get dovecot working with little hardware resources (32 MB of Ram, 8 MB of disk mem.) I've cross compiled it well(it looks like). the login against vpopmail works. using mmap it cannot even select
2006 Mar 14
Where to put ported (embedded DSP) versions of Vorbis?
Hi all, Sorry for the somewhat off-topic post, but I haven't come up with a good answer to this question yet. MDS did a port of Vorbis to the Philips TriMedia processors. Others have taken that port and extended/fixed it a bit. We provide the code to anyone who asks, but at this point we think it would be better off in some sort of public repository so that patches can be maintained,
2009 Jun 26
[LLVMdev] Using LLVM on an embedded device
Hi Evan, Sorry for the delayed reply. We've compiled llvm on Linux with only the x86 target, which produced an lli executable that's about 5.5MB. The LLVMX86CodeGen.o alone is 1.7MB. We've configured with --disable-assertions --enable-optimized --enable-targets=x86 --disable-debug-runtime --enable-bindings=none --disable-ltdl-install --disable-shared --enable-static Are there any
2004 Jan 07
embedded vorbis player?
hello :-) i would like to publish a recorded interview on my website using the ogg vorbis format; i would like to know if it's possible to sort of embed a multi-platform vorbis player into a webpage, so that visitors can click on 'play' and hear the recording; like for instance you can with the macromedia flash player; /bruno __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!?
2009 Jun 16
[LLVMdev] Using LLVM on an embedded device
Hi, I am researching a possibility of running LLVM components (such as JIT) on an embedded device, where the memory footprint and RAM usage are the main concerns. So I was wondering if anyone could share their experience with running LLVM on an embedded device. What is the approximate code footprint that we are looking at? For example, on an x86 with a minimum set of optimizations and with
2006 Jan 20
Samba domain support on an embedded platform
Hi All, I've been reading through the archives, and am still reading through now, but I figured I would ask this anyways. My task is to support domain users and groups on an embedded network device using Samba 3.0.14a (upgrading would be difficult, due to the qualification testing our QA department would require). I'm trying to determine the minimum set of required libraries and
2001 Dec 20
embedded vorbis players
Anyone know of any vorbis players more or less the size of an MP3 player - something that will fit in a pocket? Or some projects to make one? I'd be willing to work on putting one together and port vorbis to some embedded processor. Any rough idea of what processor capabilities should be needed for the number crunching (is an FPU necessary, 16/32 bit, speed)? I realize the dev list might be a
2007 Apr 22
embedded pictures in vorbis comments?
Hello, I'd like to ask about the possibility of embedding pictures like an album cover artwork into a vorbis comment header. Since the data in a comment string after the separating "=" has a defined length, this could theoretically also be binary picture data. For example "PICTURE=[...any binary data...]" It only would be a problem for existing software which isn't
2007 Apr 28
AW: embedded pictures in vorbis comments?
Hi, I think we can start by defining an official field name at which is used as a file system link to an existing image file. I suggest the field name to be "PICTURE". What is ogg MNG? Is it a container format for PNG files which should be embedded in OGG files? If I understand correctly, the picture would be placed in a different logical stream
2015 Feb 05
Typically end-to-end 'delay' of live audio
I have an audio device driver for a live feed that produces Opus frames, if I were to use icecast, what sort of real-time delay can I expect? 3-5s? 5-10s? more? I've tried using the html5 <audio> tag directly to stream my source, but it seems browsers like to queue-up 250K to 500K of audio 'data' before they begin playback. That introduces a 15-30s delay depending on browser
2012 Feb 28
Need for help about using vorbis in embedded system
Hi All, ?? I am a new member to the vorbis-dev mailing list. i hope that u receive the help that i've been searching for. I need to compress audio samples captured by wireless sensor node (16-bit PCM at 8Khz). can i use vorbis i such an embedded system environment that has the following HW/SW specifications: -416 MHz Microprocessor(ARM architecture, Intel Xscale family) -32 MB RAM Beside
2007 Jun 21
Network issue in RHCS/GFS environment
Hello folks, This thread is long, please pay more patients for your kindly reading. 1. Set up Storage-Cluster. Cluster --------- node1: eth1 -- Connect to Storage eth2 -- Access IP eth0 -- HeartBeat CentOS4.4(kernel 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp) cman-kernel-smp-2.6.9-45.8 cman-devel-1.0.11-0 cman-kernheaders-2.6.9-45.8 cman-1.0.11-0 GFS-6.1.6-1
2005 Oct 14
Samba for Embedded System, Network-Storage and Print-Server
Hi, I am new to the mailing list, if any thing is wrong please excuse me in advance. We are running Linux-2.4.20 on the MIPS32 architecture. We have USB2.0 host and various network interfaces on the board and we want to support "USB Network-Storage" and "USB Print-Server". Until now I am able the make "USB-Storage" and "USB-Printer" working locally.
2007 Jul 23
Shoehorning speex is confusing a newbie
This is going to take some explaining and I apologize in advance if any of this is found in the manual or sample code but I couldn't find it. I just graduated last may and this is my first experience with vocoders and dissecting a professional's code. I work for a company that is currently using a G729A vocoder from a 3rd party software company and is looking into speex so they no