similar to: Estimate bytes per second from th_info-settings

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Estimate bytes per second from th_info-settings"

2010 Jun 14
Live Stream Encoding
Hi There, i want to stream some pictures out of my application using the Theora codec. I can stream to a socket or a file. The current work based on the png2theora example. Something while enconding went wrong: I can see the whole video in VLC, but the complete duration of the file will not be displayed. If i play the video in Firefox, the first 2 seconds will not be played. I think the
2010 Mar 25
Questions about encoder parameters.
I have almost finished integration of Theora into our videoconferencing program. Since a videoconferencing program is realtime, it is UDP-based and wraps the Theora stream in RTP (More on that later). The problem here is that most examples I could find, wraps the theora stream in ogg, and used over tcp or files. I send over UDP and clients need to be able to start in the middle of the stream.
2009 Jul 08
Theora 1.1 rate controller
Hello everyone, I'm currently developing an adaptive videoconferencing application based on Ekiga which uses TFRC as a congestion control mechanism to adapt the video encoding rate according to the quality of the network experienced. My goal was to use the open-source Theora codec for video transmission. Unfortunately, it seemed that Theora 1.0 did not properly implement any correct CBR mode.
2010 Jun 04
OGGZ Seeking in Theora
Dear all I'm aware that there have been several discussions about the seeking issue and I'm sorry to bring this up again. To solve the problem with Inter-Frame garbage, a seek to the previous keyframe has to be made. The keyframe number should be extracted from the granulepos of the frame where we want to seek to. I hope I understood the theory - unfortunately a few questions have
2004 Oct 02
Theora decode problem
I am trying to write a sample app that uses Theora for encoding/decoding a network video stream. Unfortunately, I keep running into this error: Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'MVect' is being used without being defined. It always happens on decryption, line 467 in decode.c. The issue is that CodingMethod is equal to 5 (CODE_GOLDENFRAME), which doesn't initialize the
2005 Nov 03
CPU usage while encoding...
Hi all. In my test application I saw that the encoding process with Theora is too CPU expensive ( compared to FFmpeg - MP4 ) ... Perhaps I'm using wrong parameters: ti.fps_numerator = fps * 11 + 1; // var framerate ti.fps_denominator = 11; ti.aspect_numerator = 1; ti.aspect_denominator = 1; ti.colorspace = OC_CS_ITU_REC_470BG; //
2006 Oct 06
V4L + Theora small app...
Hi all. I post a small app I made that create 2 clips using a V4L device. I would like to get every tips you think it's useful... Some notes: - I make 2 clips because in our project we create series of clips and it's important to check that the all the resources ( memory, descriptors, etc. ) are freed correctly and to reuse all the resources that can be reused - the clips are not well
2007 Jan 06
FFmpeg Theora encoding patch
Hi, Attached is my patch to add theora encoding to ffmpeg's libavcodec (by using libtheora). I am requesting help to fix the bug I mention below and am seeking general comments before I submit the patch properly. Files encoded using this encoder have a problem playing in VLC. The files will not play unless "Drop late frames" has been unticked in the advanced video settings.
2004 May 20
theora header bitmap for alpha3
below is an rfc-style bitmap of the initial theora header. I've checked it against the spec and the code in libtheora; please double check :) I'm posting it here for those implementing demux stages (which necessarily don't use libtheora), and hence offering it for the spec. A typical demux stage just needs to pick out the FRN, FRD and KFGSHIFT fields, without going through the whole
2003 May 22
resolution issues
just added to the WIKI: * Ideas with some concensus after discussion on IRC, it was provisionally agreed (by those present at the time) that Theora should support arbitrary pixel sizes (presently it is limited to multiples of 16 both horizontally and vertically). It is felt that this can be achieved with minimal pain by adding four values to the page header, immediately following the present
2004 Jul 02
Encoding paramaters...
I've got my encoder working now... and i put a proeprty page interface to allow the user to set a few encoding paramters to start off with... but changing the paramters doesn't seem to make barely any difference... These are the defaults i'm using... mTheoraInfo.target_bitrate=400000; mTheoraInfo.quality=30; mTheoraInfo.dropframes_p=0; mTheoraInfo.quick_p=1;
2005 Sep 07
encoder settings
Hi! Some background: I am trying to create an application that would encode video taken by USB camera using Theora and then send it to the client. I have almost succeeded, but I have one problem. When I grab video frames from the camera and encode them they form 4KB OGG pages, then I send them over TCP/IP to the client application. Since I want to achieve as small latency as possible I
2008 Feb 15
Seeking to granules in discontinuous streams
On 15-Feb-08, at 6:44 AM, wrote: > Well, it doesn't quite work because the second part of the gpos is > an offset, > rather than absolute, and the precision we shed on one, we need to > recover > on the other one, to keep the ability to timestamp events at the > correct > granularity. It would have worked if the second part was absolute
2004 Nov 20
ffmpeg2theora start and end time support
For last few days I was trying to learn ffmpeg and libtheora API. In the process, I have modified ffmpeg2theora code to include support for start time and end time. ffmpeg2theora -s 60 -e 130 file.avi will produce file.ogg which will be from 60th to 130th second of input file (something like -ss and -endpos in mencoder). This is a useful feature for someone who wants to cut a part of video
2005 Oct 05
Simple encodig sample...
Hi all. I'm Mat & I'm new :) I'm testing libtheora + libogg perhaps for a commercial product. I started watching encoder_example.c ... I simplified it for testing it easier. It seems ok to me but I have no experience with theora so I would like to know if my code is correct. I tried to debug it with Valgrind and I found 4 possible memory leaks... but I think they can be
2009 Nov 25
encoding image from a webcam
I'm trying to encode a picture from my webcam using the theora codec. The final "product" must encode a frame, send it over the network and decode it on "the other side". For now, it must only work locally so we don't care about the transmission. This is what I've understood till now: I have a char * buffer from the camera RG24,I convert it to YCbCr 4:4:4, I
2008 Nov 04
[PATCH] liboggz: Update Dirac granulepos definition
The definition of granule position for an OggDirac elementary stream isn't the same as theora. Index: tools/oggz_tools.c =================================================================== --- tools/oggz_tools.c (revision 3759) +++ tools/oggz_tools.c (working copy) @@ -454,7 +454,15 @@ iframe = granulepos >> granuleshift; pframe = granulepos - (iframe << granuleshift);
2005 Aug 04
libtheora Bitrate Problem
Hello, I'm not sure if this list is the proper place for this post; please correct me if it is not. I am attempting to use libtheora and I have been looking through the examples in the distribution Excerpt from encoder_example.c -- case 'V': video_r=rint(atof(optarg)*1000); if(video_r<45000 || video_r>2000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Illegal
2005 Mar 02
Patch that fixes distortions during static scenes
Here is a patch that fixes distortions that appear during scenes with no motion. Tbe problem was that UpdateFrame() was not being called when a MotionScore of 0 was computed. Since UpdateFrame() was not called the buffer returned by theora_encode_packetout() would be the same buffer that was output for the last frame that had a non-zero MotionScore. This is obviously incorrect behavior. I've
2005 Feb 17
Fix a bug that causes the encoder to spend way to many bits on keyframes
Here is a fix that prevents the encoder from spending too many bits on keyframes. The main problem is that the old code computes the target keyframe bitrate incorrectly. This causes the code that computes the Q for the frame to think that it has tons of bits to spend. It selects a high Q value for the keyframe. Since so many bits were spend on the keyframe the the inter-frames have to use a much