similar to: Gray scale video output from theora

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Gray scale video output from theora"

2007 Oct 08
Is it possible to debug theora
hi all, please can i know that, is it possible to make the theora with enabling the debugging (use "gdb" to debug) . if it is possible please let me know. i have experience with Mplayer debugging. in Mplayer we can enable debugging when it start configure (./configure ) thanks -- ----------- Regards, Janaka Priyadarshana -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2007 Oct 19
Debug the encoder_example
hi all, i am trying to debug the encoder_example with gdb. after the line number 669, it will go to a place "ogg_stream_init (os=0xbff0ec84, serialno=1418647043) at framing.c:189" but i couldn't find the file "framing.c" with in the "ibtheora-1.0alpha7" directory. please anyone can tell me where is this file -- ----------- Regards, Janaka Priyadarshana
2007 Jul 13
can .ogg files play with any other codec
if i want to play a .ogg file, should i have the theora codec installed in my machine...? is theora the only compatible codec with ogg container format..? i am using Ubuntu 7.04, with the default player (Totem Movie Player 2.18.1), it is not necessary to install theora externally. why is this, with the totem player they included theora codec....? or .ogg can be play with another codec...? --
2007 Jun 08
Video codec for narrow bandwidth streaming
hi, i am a university student and completely new for the video codec technology. we have decided to develop a video codec that is specially focus for narrow bandwidth video streaming (provide video streaming experience for GPRS, etc). so i want to have some idea about how a video codec is related with streaming application...? have there any codec developed for these type of requirement, by
2007 Aug 30
can not encode a raw video file with "encoder_example"
hi all, i tried to encode a .yuv file with the encoder_example.c but it give an error message as follows ./encoder_example -v 1 file_1.yuv > file_1.ogg Input file file_1.yuv is neither a WAV nor YUV4MPEG2 file. so the error message is understandable for anyone. when this file is play with mplayer it shows as follow
2007 Jul 23
can not connect the the #theora channel
i want to connect with the #theora channel with xchat. but still i was unable to configure my xchat client for this. this is the way i did it. xchat -> NetworkList then select the FreeNode from the network list. the following is my information. nick name: rpjanaka 2nd choice : rpjanaka1 3rd choice : rpjanaka12 username : rpjanaka then connect. but still i can not connect with this. this
2007 Oct 30
Dynamically changeable parameters in theora
hi all, please can anyone tell me that what are the possible parameters in theora codec, that can be changed dynamically in execution time like DCT coefficient matrix frame rate....etc. ( still i do not know whether those are dynamically changeable) -- ----------- Regards, Janaka Priyadarshana
2007 Jul 23
Theora and OLPC
Hi guys, My name is Adir. I'm a Google Summer of Code student, and in addition to that I will be working both with and with OLPC on optimizing Theora's performance. I'm in the list to get a shiny B4, but at the moment I can't do anything since sending the laptop to my place involves some difficulties. Until I get the laptop, I would like to hear from any of you, XO users
2008 Jan 17
What are the theora installation files
hi all, I am using Ubuntu 7.04 version. please can anyone tell me what are the files that copy in to a computer when it install. the following are the some of observations i got. After installing the theora it will copy the required files to the following places (default) according to the configure script. libtheora: ................... /usr/local/lib C header files: ..............
2006 Aug 20
Simple RGB->YUV Stuff...
I've spent the weekend or so trying to get my head around Theora and I'm just not having any luck. First of all, I really don't have any interest in immersing myself in video encoding--I just have one simple thing I'd like to do--so I haven't spent any time reading about the theory or specs or anything like that. I'm attempting to write a "render-to-theora"
2007 Oct 03
YUV4MPEG2 file and rawvideo file
hi all as the input stream for the "encoder_example", it could give "YUV4MPEG2" file, can we use any other file type.....? insted of "YUV4MPEG2" file, i want to use "rawvideo" file , because i want to compare theora with xvid codec. so that i need to encode a video (same video) using both theora and xvid. but both these codecs does not operate on the
2004 Aug 02
Theroa Guess Confirmation
Hi there, is there any document giving a high-level overview of how to use "libtheora"? As it stands, I'm scrounging through headers and example code, and doing a whole lot of guessing. In the meantime, could you either confirm or deny the following guesses? 1) Before compressing with Theora, I must unpack my YUY2 data into three separate arrays (Y, U, and V respectively), and
2004 Dec 20
frame_height, height, y_height etc...
I'd previously been working on the assumption that the frame_height was the height of the inner picture region... and height was the height of the outer frame. Then upon readnig the spec... where it calls the outer part the frame and the inner part the picture region... i assumed i'd made a mistake and that frame_width is actually >= width in the theorainfo structure... ie
2004 Dec 08
hi all, i'm trying to code a tool to get some images from a ogg/theora file .... so basically i need to get a frame and convert to rgb ... and here is my question (sorry, i'm newbe here) ... how to convert a yuv_buffer to a rgb matrix ? i tryied diferent ways but my mistakes are bassically cause i don't understant how yuv_buffer structure works ... anybody can help? thanks a lot.
2008 Apr 10
Delay occurred when the makefile change
I have tried to add a plunging to the "libtheora-1.0beta2" (network bandwidth measuring component was added) and Got it success for some far now the problem is when it is added the encoding process get extremely slow (around 20 seconds delay). I think that the problem is with my modified Makefile (some flag may have missed). the following is my modified which is in the
2004 Apr 01
YUV Format
I posted this the other day... but it didn't get delivered... ------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm getting stuck into a theora decoder for directshow... i was just wondering if someone could give me some info. What output format does theora use ?
2010 Sep 11
gray mouse pointer?
Anyone have ideas why the mouse pointer in all games is a light gray color and very hard to see? I'm sure it's something simple that I've missed in my setup but I can't find a fix in the appdb or wiki. It is a consistent problem each time I run any game (examples: SWGalaxies, WoW, Eve) and through three Wine versions (1.2.1, 1.2.8, 1.3.1). The mouse pointer looks like it has been
2008 Jun 19
Fine and Gray and Proportional Hazards
Hi I have been asked to perform a multivariate survival analysis with competing risks. We used to use the Cox Regression from SPSS. To perform this new analysis I'm using the comp.risk function from the timereg package. I have managed to use it and get the final model and the correct P values, but I cannot find anything like the Exp(B) (the Hazard Ratio) in the function's result. Anyone
2013 Jan 02
Plot of Fine and Gray model
Dear all, Happy New year! I have used the 'crr' function to fit the 'proportional subdistribution hazards' regression model described in Fine and Gray (1999). dat1 is a three column dataset where: - ccr is the time to event variable - Crcens is an indicator variable equal to 0 if the event was achieved, 1 if the event wasn't acheived due to death or 2 if the event wasn't
1999 Nov 29
Gray codes in R
Did anybody by accident implement Gray codes in R? If possible for choosing n points with replacement. Thanks a lot. Armin -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: