similar to: webplayer for .ogg like for .divx

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "webplayer for .ogg like for .divx"

2007 Dec 09
Create a live stream and problem in the webplayer
Hi guys , I have a big trouble using theora and vorbis for create real time streaming , or better to say the real time encoding. I try to explain better to you my problem. I have some video files on my hd ,i can choose for this files between avi , or other know format. My problem it's that i use a scheduling system , that play the original files at particular time . Now i must to taje
2007 Dec 10
Create a live stream and problem in the webplayer
Hi guys , I have a big trouble using theora and vorbis for create real time streaming , or better to say the real time encoding. I try to explain better to you my problem. I have some video files on my hd ,i can choose for this files between avi , or other know format. My problem it's that i use a scheduling system , that play the original files at particular time . Now i must to taje
2007 Dec 11
Re: Create a live stream and problem in the webplayer
Hi guys , first of all I want to thanks to you for your reply. My ezstream configuration it's this <!-- EXAMPLE: Ogg Theora playlist stream WITH reencoding and sequential playback This example streams a playlist that may contain .avi and MPEG files. Ezstream will use the ffmpeg2theora program to both decode and reencode the video files to Ogg Theora. The output stream
2007 Dec 17
Re: Create a live stream and problem in the webplayer
Hi guys , first of all I want to thanks to you for your reply. My ezstream configuration it's this <!-- EXAMPLE: Ogg Theora playlist stream WITH reencoding and sequential playback This example streams a playlist that may contain .avi and MPEG files. Ezstream will use the ffmpeg2theora program to both decode and reencode the video files to Ogg Theora. The output stream
2004 Oct 26
Vorbis in DivX
Hello all Could you please tell me if and how Vorbis is used for the audio in DivX? Is it still encapsulated within ogg container format in DivX or does DivX contain raw Vorbis encoded packets? Any clues or pointers would be helpful. Thanks & regards ~previr
2008 Aug 30
FairUse Wizard Doesn't See DivX Codec
Hi all at the Wine Forum. This is my first post so apologies if my question is foolish. I'm quite new to Linux and totally new to Wine. I'm running Wine under Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 and have installed FairUse Wizard 2.8 to see if it will run. It's the full version which was released for free earlier this year and I've been using it successfully in Windows XP. I want to dump Windows but
2002 Oct 09
Why is vp31 codec 2x - 3x slower than DivX codec ?
I have a simple test program which encodes, decodes and displays a single video stream ( at 2-3 fps ). It takes about 15% of CPU time when it uses DivX codec, but 35% when the VP31 codec is active. Is there any way to speed encoding/decoding with VP31 ? Or maybe VP31 is just much slower than DivX ? Kamil <p>--- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage:
2001 Jan 27
OGG + DivX ?
Hi There have been some discussions regarding OGG as audio stream in DivX video at Is there or will there be an OGG codec like Frauhofer MPEG 3 & Microsoft Audio? This could boost the usage of OGG (mainly underground?). :) But on the other hand it could give OGG bad reputation when associated with 'illegal' copies of video. :( Matts --- >8
2002 Sep 25
Problem with Divx codec in VirtualDub
Greetings.. I've been trying to use Virtualdub for converting videos, but each time I click on Save to AVI it gets stuck if I try to use the Divx Codec version 4.X. If I tell it not to use the codec everything works well. How can I do to let it use that codec? I have a Debian Sarge system running Wine 09-04-2002. I use a fake-windows instalation but I can get DLL files from Windows XP
2006 Jan 18
using InPlaceEditor - with divx
Hi all! i want to use InPlaceEditor in div container like that: <div id="container"> <div id="tobeEdited"> <div id="tobeEdited2"> <div> <div> </div> the css style for container is like this: margin: 0px auto; height: 21px; width: 98%; border-bottom: 0px solid #337bcd; The problem is that that I have a row
2010 Jan 23
32 bit Full Virtualized DomU on 64 Dom0
Hi, I need to virtualize a physical machine (Debian Etch 32 bit) to run on Centos 5.4 64 bit. Can I do that? I mean can a full virtualized DomU 32 bit run on a 64 bit Dom0. Thanks in advance!! -- -- Open Kairos Watch More TV Sergio Belkin -
2011 Oct 12
Error when trying to run DivX player
I successfully installed DivX player 6.6 using wine. But when I try to open the player, I get the following errors. Code: err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'msvcrt.__CxxFrameHandler3' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\msvcr80.dll". If you are using builtin L"msvcr80.dll", try using the native one instead. err:module:find_forwarded_export
2003 Feb 23
VirtualDub and enconding with DivX, XviD
Hello, I am trying to get the latest wine (Wine 20030219, fake windows) working with the GordianKnot (0.27). Unfortunately, Virtual Dub is not be able to compress a avs-file with the DivX-codec. It crashes if trying to. Also, it would be nice to compress an mpeg-source with Xvid but also it crashes. BTW, VirtualDub does not list it in its codecs window ?f "msvfw32" is set to
2006 Jun 01
mpeg4/xvid/divx vs. theora
Hi there, I have an elementary question. Although theora can be placed in the same class of codecs as MPEG-1, -2, -4 why is there no greater usage of this codec? On the bigger part of web sites trailers or short videos are encoded with some mpeg codec. Why is theora still so rarely used and unfamiliar although it perfomes very well from my point of view? Is it, because - the whole mpeg family is
2009 Dec 02
ldapsearch -f file doesn't work
Hi, Firstly, system info: Linux mysystem 2.6.18-53.1.4.el5 #1 SMP Fri Nov 30 00:45:55 EST 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I am running ldap on Centos with packages openldap-2.3.27-8.el5_2.4 y openldap-2.3.27-8.el5_2.4 I'd want to perform a query that return one attribute. So I did something as follows: ldapsearch -W -f qbis.ldif -D "cn=Manager,dc=palermo,dc=edu" -b
2008 Oct 02
Half-OT: Modify several ldap entries
Hi, I want to fix several entries of mail attribute mail that have an error something like this: *john at *joe at *mary at and so on. I want to to change them to: john at joe at mary at (Delete asterisks) How can I perform it in one (or at least few) steps? thanks in advance! -- -- Open Kairos
2010 Jan 22
Just installed DomU won't boot
Hi, I am using Centos 5.4 x86_64 with kernel 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5xen. I've installed a Centos 5.4 (64 bit too) DomU (paravirtualized), process was apparently with no problems, but DomU refuses to start, this the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/", line 498, in run_domain vm.startup() File
2008 Jul 15
Problem with
Hi, After updating httpd package it outputs an error when restarting apache. Problem was "workarounded" commenting out line 2 of /etc/httpd/modules/ Starting httpd: httpd: Syntax error on line 210 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 3 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy_ajp.conf: Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/ into server:
2008 May 15
Using Nagios in CentOS (It was Re: Somewhat OT: (Nagios))
2008/5/14 Thomas Harold <tgh at>: > Sergio Belkin wrote: >> >> 2008/5/13 <jleaver+centos at>: >> >> OK, you won :) I'm going to test nagios. I am using centos 5.1 >> x86_64. Do I lose much if I use rpm from rpmforge (version 2.9)? >> > > We're running version 2.11 at the office (on CentOS 5.1 x86_64).
2010 Jan 27
Full Virtualized DomU won't boot
Hi, I use Centos 5.4 x86_64 kernel used is 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5xen I have a physical machine running Debian Etch (32 bit) and Debian Lenny and I virtualized the first one as follows: *Created a HVM DomU with Virt-Manager with a virtual disk file of 40000 M *Boot from LiveCD, and created a swap and a ext3 partitions (Yes, very simple layout). *Rsync'd files from root partition of physical