similar to: [patch] more ffmpeg2theora improvements

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches similar to: "[patch] more ffmpeg2theora improvements"

2004 Dec 16
[patch] ffmpeg2theora A/V sync
Hi, ffmpeg2theora currently assumes that the first frame in the input file also corresponds to the first audio sample in the input file, which might not be true for many file formats. I have especially bad problems with MPEG-TS streams that I recorded via DVB-T (sync off by 0.5 seconds etc.). Encoding chapter-ranges from DVD might yield similar problems. The attached patch fixes that, using
2004 Nov 20
ffmpeg2theora start and end time support
For last few days I was trying to learn ffmpeg and libtheora API. In the process, I have modified ffmpeg2theora code to include support for start time and end time. ffmpeg2theora -s 60 -e 130 file.avi will produce file.ogg which will be from 60th to 130th second of input file (something like -ss and -endpos in mencoder). This is a useful feature for someone who wants to cut a part of video
2004 Nov 16
metadata switches for ffmpeg2theora
Jan, Here's a hacky patch to add a few commandline options for setting comment header fields in ffmpeg2theora. It's a bit big because I virtualized the global info struct in theorautils.c. In retrospect that probably wasn't necessary, but I think it's cleaner anyway. I didn't test it because I couldn't compile ffmpeg2theora, but modulo bugs it should support
2010 Oct 10
Fwd: Theora developer question.
Hi Beorn, 1. replace "-v 7" to "--optimize --two-pass --soft-target -V 2000" you will get about 200MB file size with no changes in quality. 2. try to use libtheora ptalarbvorm, it is in alpha state but has some improvements. You can find comparison here: if you use ubuntu 10.10 you can download precompiled libtheora and
2010 Jan 05
Live Streams
Hello, i am member of red5 project. I am studying ways to integrate your codec into red5 and in a near future inside Flash Player. I want to figure some things about Theora codec. -> Is theora proper for live streams (i.e live transcondig webcam)? What is latency for encoding process? -> Is the format tolerant to lost frames? Thanks for the moment.