similar to: CPU saving way to lower quality of Theora stream

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "CPU saving way to lower quality of Theora stream"

2010 May 25
DRM for Theora over RTP
Hi, are there any open source DRM implementations for protecting Theora streams over RTP? I only know of the ISMACryp specification which seems to be licence free and so could be used in an open source project. Regards, Franz
2011 May 13
linux and wine noob needs help with installing SketchUp
I have Ubuntu 10.04 and just installed WINE 1.2 (because it's stable version). I am installing SketchUp 8, and the installer asks what destination folder to install to. It defaults to "C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\" and won't let me change to the Linux format of "home/user/Sketchup" that I think is correct. What do I do? The Wine FAQ states:
2017 Nov 27
NHW Project - speed comparison with x265
Hello, I am very slowly working on the NHW Project.I recently made a speed comparison with x265 and wanted to share it with you. On my processor Intel Core i5-6400, in average the NHW encoder (totally unoptimized) is x10 times faster to encode than x265 (png decoding time removed), in average 30ms vs 300ms for a 512x512 24bit color image, and in average the NHW decoder (totally unoptimized) is
2011 May 23
[Cortado] How to support seeking in on-the-fly generated Theora stream?
Hello all! i want to use Theora in a little video portal, because its free and open source and i want to contribute some code to get the Java Theora player (Cortado) more feature-rich. But now I'm stuck and hope that someone can point me into the right direction. I have videos stored in several formats (mostly H.264 or MPEG4) and use ffmpeg2theora to recode them on the fly. The recoded
2010 Feb 17
asterisk dahdi fax problem
Hi, I run into a problem and I'm not shure what do I misconfigure. I've a B410P ISDN card with bri_cpe signalling and two Openvox (A1200, A800) cards with fxo_ks signalling, all with dahdi drivers. I can receive fax from a public number, but I can't send fax. The CLI says it picks up the line but no dialing. I tried the extension with an analog phone, it works fine, I can dial
2009 Oct 07
Possible inefficiency in encode.c
Hi, I am very new to Theora, having just started working through the code a few weeks ago. I am working on a requantization tool to reduce bit rates, hopefully on the fly, for some video conferencing work. As I was working through the encoding phase I noticed this line in encode.c: for(ti=_enc->dct_token_offs[pli][zzi];ti<ndct_tokens;ti++){ It's around line 804, but I am
2011 May 18
Theora decoding performance
As far as my very limited knowledge goes the Theora video format is less complex than H.264 (High Profile for example). Please correct me if I am wrong. Does this also mean that I can expect that decoding a Theora stream is easier/faster to decode than a H.264 stream with comparable quality / or comparable bitrate? My (very practical) tests do show that it's easier for my computer to
2012 Jul 13
lossless screencast test video
I am looking for a lossless screencast video for I a can test old rle video codecs? --- tom_a_sparks "It's a nerdy thing I like to do" Please use ISO approved file formats excluding Office Open XML - Ubuntu wiki page 3 x (x)Ubuntu 10.04, Amiga A1200 WB 3.1, UAE AF 2006 Premium Edition, AF 2012
2016 Jan 22
some report on type 3 wav
Dear all, I have a wav file that when I try to encode with the FLAC Frontend, I get "ERROR: unsupported format type 3". When I open it with an audio editor I find it is 44100 / 32 bit. I requantized it to 16 bit using the default dither and then compressed it with FLAC to get a 61 Mbyte file (the original was about 347 Mbyte). Obviously, this altered somewhat the quality, although
2011 Jun 22
pepakura viewer
when I try to run pepakura viewer[1] it crashs [1] the program reports DIB Init Failed Render Context Create Failed i am running wine-1.2.2 on ubuntu 10.04 tom at tom-laptop:/media/disk/wine/drive_c/Program Files/tamasoftware/pepakura3en/viewer$ wine ./pepakura_viewer3.exe wine: cannot find
2013 Jan 28
Opus FEC
Hello, I understand the encoder provides an option for FEC to provide some protection against packet loss, but I don't understand the details of this arrangement. I'd appreciate answers to the following: * Adding FEC seems to change the encoded audio bit-stream itself, i.e., it doesn't just add additional protection bits, but also changes the encoded bits. This is easy to show by
2007 Aug 25
Theora vs MPEG vs H264
Hi all, I have to compare the theora codec with MPEG and H264. I was googling and I found that the PSNR is a common used parameter. How can I do this with Theora? Thanks -- Leonardo de Paula Rosa Piga Undergraduate Computer Engineering Student LSC - IC - UNICAMP
2017 Nov 30
Fwd: NHW Project - speed comparison with x265
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Raphael Canut <nhwcodec at> Date: 2017-11-30 14:22 GMT+01:00 Subject: Re: [theora] NHW Project - speed comparison with x265 To: fboehm <fboehm at> Hi Franz, Many thanks for your answer!!! > I appreciate your enthusiastic work on such a complex project like writing a video codec Yes, for now the NHW codec is more an
2013 May 29
NHW Image codec - 2 lower quality settings
Hello, I have finally added 2 lower quality settings for the NHW codec: -l1 (-5Ko) and -l2 (-10Ko).I use a quantization of 0.935 and 0.88 (kind of quantization), and I decrease residual coding on the first order wavelet image. I have updated the demo page: . These 2 lower quality settings are still experimental.If you could find time, would be interested in any
2009 Oct 13
Proposal for replacing asm code with intrinsics
Hi, I'm new to Theora and would like to propose several performance optimization using advanced instructions in x86 CPUs (SSE2-SSE4.2). There are several source files in \x86 and \x86_vc which developed using inline assembler. However this cause several maintenance problems: 1) Need to sync gcc & msvc versions 2) Only 32bit environment is supported 3) No support for newer than MMX
2004 Mar 14
Higher quality video - supporting greater than 8 bit color depth
Hi, I was wondering what are this forum's collective thoughts on the best way to support video color fidelity greater than what we have today. I am not a video developer myself. I edit video. A type of problems I come across fairly often, have to do with the limited color depth of the digital video medium. They often manifest themselves as "cartoonish" areas of adjacent flat
2007 Aug 29
Fast quality reduction transcoding
Hi, After a quick read of the Theora spec, I became curious about the possibility of fast quality reduction of Theora videos. The idea is to decode through the Huffman and reverse prediction steps, and then to truncate the coefficients and reencode. My questions are: * Is this a reasonable way to reduce the quality and bitrate of a stream? Will it be comparable in quality to a complete
2008 Jan 29
pivot table in R
Hello, I'm struggling with an elementary problem with R. I have a simple data frame such as this one giving the number of accidents subdivided by sex, age and region. sex age region no_of_accidents F young north 10 F young south 12 F old north 5 F old south 7 M young north 24 M
2000 May 15
Graceful degradation of signal
Hello all. In the shower the other day (where most of this sort of musing gets done, eh?) I was thinking about graceful degradation of audio signals. Let me apologise in advance if these are elementary concepts or if I demonstrate a complete lack of insight -- I don't rate even a dabbler status in the area of audio codecs. Anyway: If we have a 128kbs signal coming down a *udp* channel with
2016 Jan 22
some report on type 3 wav
Federico Miyara wrote: > > Dear all, > > I have a wav file that when I try to encode with the FLAC Frontend, I > get "ERROR: unsupported format type 3". WAV format 3 is 32 bit IEEE float which is not supported by FLAC. > When I open it with an audio editor I find it is 44100 / 32 bit. 32 bit *floating point* values. WAV files can also contain 32 bit (integer)