similar to: Unable to convert gif using ffmpeg2theora 0.25

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Unable to convert gif using ffmpeg2theora 0.25"

2009 Nov 23
ffmpeg2theora 0.25 : This doesn't look like a Speex file
why is this happening? $ ffmpeg2theora /dev/video0 -f video4linux2 --inputfps 15 -o - | oggfwd myhost 8000 mypass /test.ogv [video4linux2 @ 0x196b8c0][3]Capabilities: 4000001 [video4linux2 @ 0x196b8c0]The V4L2 driver changed the video from 384x288 to 320x240 oggfwd: Connected to server Input #0, video4linux2, from '/dev/video0': Duration: N/A, start: 1258938983.307552, bitrate:
2009 Sep 06
Accelerated video output with ffmpeg2theora 0.24
When I converted two files with ffmpeg2theora their duration changed shorter - they seem to play back with accelerated speed. When I play one of them with VLC, the video stops at 99 seconds but audio continues until 170 seconds. The other file is 120 seconds long but it is played back in 80 seconds. Here is ffmpeg2theora output: $ ffmpeg2theora --optimize --inputfps 25 -F 25 2002-05-23\ Juho\
2006 Apr 01
Determine image width of png, gif or jpg?
Hi all In PHP I have a neat function: With it I can easily determine the dimensions of an image file. How can I do that in RoR? Thanks for help. Greets, Josh -- Posted via
1999 Jul 21
rwinst + metafile + gif
1) rwinst Brian Ripley has provided me a new version of 'rwinst.exe' which should solve the signaled problem (installing in the root of the hard-disk). It should be available tomorrow from Wien (and in few days from the other mirrors). 2) gif There was some problems in rw0641. It used to work before and it should work again in rw0642 (at least, it does on my system). So, please, if you
2005 Aug 26
Generating barcodes (as gif/jpg)
Hello Rubyists, I need to generate barcodes (in UPC and codabar symbologies) and would like to know if anyone has done this with Ruby. From what I can tell, it would be possible to use the gnu-barcode [1] or barcodewriter [2] to generate a PostScript, then through RMagick (via GhostScript) take the file and create a GIF/JPG. These will really only be used for web display (to be printed
2008 Feb 14
RGtk2 : Using GtkImage with GIF (PR#10757)
Full_Name: Hans Dieter Version: 2.6.1 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( Hi, I build a GUI with RGtk2 and used an GtkImage to display pictures like jpegs and others. This works but if I load a gif-Image it's not animated. It show's only the first picture, in general an GtkImage can display an animated gif. Greetings
2000 Jun 15
1) GIF is patented standard. What about replacing *.gifs with *.pngs ??? 2) What about compressing vorbis_nighty_cvs.tar by bzip2 tgz is 585 kB tar.bz2 is 475 kB 19 % download savings --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage:
2010 Sep 27
Output Graphics GIF
Dear R users, How could I managed graphics in GIF format? What I have been doing is graphics in *.ps or *.eps and after I convert them using CONVERT (from ImageMagick) but the output quality is not good. Since these graphics will be use for other users they must have a better image quality. I really appreciate any help, -- Abraço, Nilza Barros [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
1999 Jun 07
GIF graphics device
Is there a GIF graphics device or some other way to generate a GIF from an R plot instead of postscript? Then, I could paste a plot right into PowerPoint or Word. -- Terry J. Westley, Principal Engineer Veridian Engineering, Calspan Operations P.O. Box 400, Buffalo, NY 14225 twestley at
2009 Dec 03
adding bmp/jpg/gif to an existing plot
Hi, all. I searched a lot at mailing list, installed EBImage and gtk packages, but I couldn't make this simple work: How to add a image file (jpg or bmp ou gif) to an existing plot window (not plot over the image), like the code below (pseudo function add.image): plot(1:10,1:10,main="test") image = read.X("myimage.jpg") add.image(image, x.left=2, y.bottom=4,
2011 Jun 07
rgl: insert pauses in animation sequence / movie formats other than gif?
Two questions related to creating animated movies with rgl: 1. I've created an rgl scene with 5 different views I want to display in a movie, but I'd like to insert pauses (say, 5 seconds) at each view. How can I do this? I first created 5 userMatrix's, then play3d( par3dinterp( userMatrix=list(M1, M2, M3, M4, M5)), ,duration=2*60/5) ) then tried simply repeating each twice,
2008 Dec 04
Does animated gif will work properly using RMagick?
Dear all, I have used RMagic to read and write a image while uploading. An animated gif was read from my local machine and was written in my images folder using RMagick. But the animated gif which i read was witten in my folder without animation. What should i do to write the gif image with animation. Here is my code to read and write image while uploading. image = params[:image][:blob]
2009 Oct 14
Scatter plot using icons (from a gif) instaed of points - is it possible ?
Hello dear R-help group. I wish to plot a scatter plot using icons (or images) instead of points. Is it possible? and how so? Thanks, Tal ---------------------------------------------- My contact information: Tal Galili E-mail: Phone number: 972-52-7275845 FaceBook: Tal Galili My Blogs: (Web and general, Hebrew)
1999 Oct 28
Creating gif files using R
Greetings, I am a new user of R but a long time fan of S (Splus) and have installed R version 0.65.1 on a Windows NT machine. I would like to save plots as gif files and have been using savePlot() with some success. I found that savePlot would not work without modification, namely decrementing the device by 1 before calling the internal routine that does the conversion. Once that change was
2013 May 17
PF + gif + ipsec + racoon + routing problems results in insecure ipsec vpn
Hi everyone, I wrote up a post on the FreeBSD forums about the issue I am having. It's rather long so I am providing a link to it here: In summary, it seems that when the packets are routed in to the gateway from local network hosts, the src and dst addresses are changed to the public IPs of the tunnel -- at least from the perspective of the
2005 Jul 18
New functions supporting GIF file format in R
Hi, A minor announcement. I just added two functions for reading and writing GIF files to my caTools package. Input and output is in the form of standard R matrices or arrays, and standard R color-maps (palettes). The functions can read and write both regular GIF images, as well as, multi-frame animated GIFs. Most of the work is done in C level code (included), so functions do not use any
2005 Oct 06
playing with R: make a animated GIF file...
Hello all I am playing with R for to make a animated GIF. any suggestions, improvements are welcome :-) case somebody could help me, i thanks! Cleber N. Borges ( klebyn ) my objective: (steps TODO) ------------------- 1) to save PNG files; -----> i don't know the best way to make this; 2) transform the PNG files into GIF files (easy! no problem! ... i think ...) 3)
2002 Mar 11
gif, jpeg and png image files reader
Hi all, Although R seems to have jpeg() and png() functions that converts data into jpeg and png formated files, it doesn't have functions the other way around. Does one of R contributed packages have gif, jpeg and png image readers? I did but no luck Regards, Jonathan -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2006 May 04
How to upload only jpeg & gif & png images into public/images using rubyonrails
Hello iam new to rubyonrails. Please any one help me out in "How to upload only jpeg & gif & png images into public/images using rubyonrails" Thanks in Advance -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Apr 15
Best practice for showing ajax loader gif?
what is the best practice for showing animated ajax spinner? The usual''spinner'') has to stick with every form''s :loading. Is there some easier or light-weight method? Because I have this page that can contain upto 100 forms. And with all of those would be 100 hidden spinners. Please suggest something. -- Posted via