similar to: Newbie: How to rewind a videostream (long)

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches similar to: "Newbie: How to rewind a videostream (long)"

2004 Dec 20
frame_height, height, y_height etc...
I'd previously been working on the assumption that the frame_height was the height of the inner picture region... and height was the height of the outer frame. Then upon readnig the spec... where it calls the outer part the frame and the inner part the picture region... i assumed i'd made a mistake and that frame_width is actually >= width in the theorainfo structure... ie
2005 Sep 07
encoder settings
Hi! Some background: I am trying to create an application that would encode video taken by USB camera using Theora and then send it to the client. I have almost succeeded, but I have one problem. When I grab video frames from the camera and encode them they form 4KB OGG pages, then I send them over TCP/IP to the client application. Since I want to achieve as small latency as possible I
2004 Dec 08
hi all, i'm trying to code a tool to get some images from a ogg/theora file .... so basically i need to get a frame and convert to rgb ... and here is my question (sorry, i'm newbe here) ... how to convert a yuv_buffer to a rgb matrix ? i tryied diferent ways but my mistakes are bassically cause i don't understant how yuv_buffer structure works ... anybody can help? thanks a lot.
2009 Sep 28
ffmpeg2theora 0.25 released
ffmpeg2theora 0.25 is out - This is the first release to use libtheora 1.1.0 please report issues and bugs. Some changes that went into this release: * fix input from codecs where width/height is not encoded width/height * fix a/v sync issues with some mov/mp4 files with strange framerates * add new option --info outputs json info about source * frontend
2009 Nov 25
encoding image from a webcam
I'm trying to encode a picture from my webcam using the theora codec. The final "product" must encode a frame, send it over the network and decode it on "the other side". For now, it must only work locally so we don't care about the transmission. This is what I've understood till now: I have a char * buffer from the camera RG24,I convert it to YCbCr 4:4:4, I
2004 Aug 06
Server based audio merge
Hi Allen, <p>>>True, but there is one critical place where it's necessary to mix at > least two streams--when someone's trying to break into a stream. If speaker >>goes on and on and speaker B (or C, D, E, F...) wants to interject or >>interrupt, who do they do it without inband without mixing? > It doesn't have to be done that way. You can simply have
2009 Jul 08
Theora 1.1 rate controller
Hello everyone, I'm currently developing an adaptive videoconferencing application based on Ekiga which uses TFRC as a congestion control mechanism to adapt the video encoding rate according to the quality of the network experienced. My goal was to use the open-source Theora codec for video transmission. Unfortunately, it seemed that Theora 1.0 did not properly implement any correct CBR mode.
2004 Aug 06
Server based audio merge
> I tend to disagree. It normal human conversation it wouldn't make much > sense to have 2 people talking over each other at the same time. Thus, > it most scenarios you would have only one talker anyway. Additionally, > encode->decode/mix/encode->decode isn't a very efficient CPU process for > a server, it's complicated to keep timing correct and it has a