Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "concatenate ogg/theora files"
2005 Oct 17
source for Ogg//Theora + ezstream.
> >Icecast only
> >streams the audio part of the video file.
> sounds like you didn't have theora installed when you built icecast. Check
> the config.log for your compile, and you'll probably see that theora
> support was disabled.
In the general section of the ezstream configuration file (before of
<encode> ... </encode>), setting <format> to
2005 Oct 17
source for Ogg//Theora + ezstream.
On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 13:36 -0500, oddsock wrote:
> even if you aren't re-encoding, you still need to tell ezstream what
> content-type to use (via the <format> setting) when connecting to icecast.
The subtype of the stream is told as Vorbis in the icecast stats page.
I provide you the content of my simple ezstream config file.
2004 Aug 06
mp3-streaming client for icecast2
At 05:45 PM 2/10/2004, you wrote:
>On Wed, Feb 11, 2004 at 12:36:55AM +0100, Frank Schubert wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I'm looking for a streaming client for the icecast2-server. It should
> > just feed mp3-files from a playlist to the icecast2-server. The old
> > shout doesn't work:
> >
> > shout -P a -e 8000 -x -p /big/m3u/list.m3u
2005 Oct 19
IceS & Ogg/Theora
On Tue, 2005-10-18 at 22:44 -0500, oddsock wrote:
> ezstream will read from stdin if you use "stdin" as the <filename> in your
> conf file.
What kind of data does it expect on stdin? just a file name? how will it
trigger/request another filename when the current one is over?
Thank you for your contributions :-)
Administration & Formation ? l'administration
2006 Jan 04
Muxing a52/ac3 and Theora
Is there a program currently available that will correctly mux a52/ac3
streams and theora streams into an ogg container? I've tried
oggzmerge, and it will mux ac3 into ogm and correctly create a new ogm
from an existing theora file, but it doesn't seem to put the two
together correctly.
2005 Oct 17
source for Ogg//Theora
I got an Icecast server that streams only ogg/vorbis for the moment.
Now, I want to try to stream video.
I saw this:
I dont need on-the-fly encoding, the files (of the playlist) are already
Ogg/Theora, right resolution. I deactivated encoding, but Icecast only
streams the audio part of the video file.
I both have the latest version of ezstream, and
2006 Jan 25
shout python
I discovered shout-python.
I use it to straem theora to an icecast server.
But works quite right except some times, it hangs, with no reasons.
I built it against libshout 2.2
The server i an IceCast 2.3.1
I have some notes:
The stream type, in the example could be vorbis | mp3.
Wouldn't it be the time to change it to ogg | mp3? As well as theora can
be in a ogg.
Is there any known
2010 May 04
Access filesystem (NFS) as some user
Manao ahoana, Hello, Bonjour,
My Dovecot server has to access the users Maildirs.
Maildirs are on a NFS mount that only a user (vmail/500) may read
and write. No one else.
How to configure Dovecot so that at least disk read-write are performed
as a "vmail" user (that I have created with the right attributes)?
Is the workaround of changing dovecot's system UID/GID a not-so-bad one?
2005 Feb 08
multiple sources, multiple passwords
Is it possible to have one password per source with Icecast 2.2.x ?
How to ?
ASPO Infog?rance http://aspo.rktmb.org/activites/infogerance
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LUG sur Orl?ans et alentours (France).
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2014 Jan 09
Why does 'mysql' user has /bin/bash shell?
Default MySQL installation on CentOS sets /bin/bash as shell.
I'm on a user cleanup task where I want reduce unneeded privileges to users.
What is the "mysql" user shell for? (What will happen if I change it to
/bin/false or whatever would disable it's shell?)
It's not only a matter of SSH (I'm aware I can AllowUsers in sshd_config
for example).
2004 Aug 06
hostname look up + acl
On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 21:44, Marc Remijn wrote:
> On Sunday 02 February 2003 14:54, Rakotomandimby Mihamina wrote:
> > hi all , I finnaly got an ices2/Icecast 2 system working under linux
> > slackware 8.1. but :
> Is that streaming files with a playlist or streaming sound from the line-in of
> the soundcard. I have Slackware 8.1 too. Streaming file from a playlist
2012 Jul 01
can't demux with ogminfo / need to re-pac OGV to MKV
I need to demux video files created with ffmpeg2theora 0.28+svn18147
I have ogminfo v1.5
and getting this error
(ogminfo.c) OGG stream 1 is of an unknown type (bad header?)
(ogminfo.c) OGG stream 2 is of an unknown type (bad header?)
(ogminfo.c) (a1/serial 1092562206) Vorbis audio (channels 2 rate 48000)
Is possible, that ogminfo is older then ffmpeg2theora ? Or what can be the reason?
2012 Feb 03
configure network bridge listing bridged intefaces
Hi all,
Having a 4 NIC server, I want to bridge eth2 and eth3, with a bridge
named br0.
Searching the web I only found about creating a file
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0, but did not find where to
explicitely list what ports will be bridged.
Where is it configured?
Thank you.
2004 Aug 06
linux,ices2, make errors
On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 06:00, Michael Smith wrote:
> Rakotomandimby Mihamina <mrakotom@wanadoo.fr> said:
> > Hi, i'm trying to complîle and install ices2 on my linux slackawre box :
> > After leting make runnins a while , i got these errors ...
> > Would tou help me to solve please ?
> > I have just grabbed ices from cvs.
> You need libshout from
2012 Apr 03
minute cron
Hi all,
CentOs has choosen anacron as default cron daemon.
I did not look further about the reasons, I think there are some good
I want to create a minute based set of scripts.
No much precision required, once a minute more or less 20 sec is OK.
Using anacron, how do you recommend to do it?
Is anacron the right tool? Otherwise what's the right tool?
2012 Apr 17
packaging: src.rpm not a rpm
Hi all,
I have installed the recommended installs from here:
I want to build a "ipfm" RPM on a CentOS 6.2, for legacy purpose.
I cant immediately get rid of that piece of software, but we're on the
$ wget
$ rpm -i --nomd5
2005 Dec 23
want to write comments
I am a littlt new developper, I learn Python and C.
I was looking for some command line program similar to vorbiscomment.
I did not find.
I would just try to write a very simple one in C or Python.
That would be a simple parse of the first bits of the file, if my
guesses are right. But where could I see the amout of binary bit I
should open, and how is the signification of any fields I would
2005 Dec 15
relay password
In the Icecast configuration file, there is a
What is it for?
I have multiple Icecast server that relay each others and the relays are
considered as simple clients.
That is confirmed by the...
2005 Dec 16
what is the queuesize?
In the Icecast configuration file, at the begining, there is a queuesize
Is it an amount of bits? What bits?
Thank you.
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2006 Jan 13
icecast related packages available
I made some debian packages related to icecast (libshout,
They are all available officialy, but tthey need to be validated to
integrated official distribution (either Sid, or Etch).
Feel free to try them out.
Here is the lines you could add to you sources.list:
deb ftp://infogerance.locataire-serveur.info/debian/ testing main