similar to: Attempts at live streaming (long)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Attempts at live streaming (long)"

2005 Nov 01
Live HTTP streaming of Theora files
What's the easiest way to broadcast a "live" event using Theora? - Microsoft Media Services uses a closed protocol (MMS) and special streaming servers, so I'm not excited to go that way, even though it seems to be the most obvious choice. (Though I'm not sure if I could convince it to use Theora anyway.) - I could encode the entire file into an Ogg/Theora file and just
2004 Oct 19
First public release of Flumotion Streaming Media Server
Hey everyone, we finally bit the bullet and threw out our firstborn for public consumption. For those not yet in the know, Flumotion is a streaming media server based on GStreamer and Twisted under development by Fluendo. This release gives users access to the basic features of the server and demonstrates its distributed capabilities. We will follow up with a release within a couple of weeks to
2008 Jul 18
Problems with dovecot/sieve and vacation
Hello, First of all, initial data: # dovecot --version 1.0.rc15 # dovecot -n # /etc/dovecot.conf protocols: imaps pop3s disable_plaintext_auth: yes login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login login_executable(default): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login login_executable(imap): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login login_executable(pop3): /usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login login_max_processes_count: 256
2005 Jan 24
Your ideas ...
I am looking for ideas on how to best webcast public meetings. The general idea is to allow folks to easily send their live or recorded meeting audio up to a server via their browser. My goal is to present an alternative to more expensive video webcasting for small local government and community groups that want to "double" their audience from 10 people a the room with a net
2004 Nov 08
servers available _now_ .
Hello :-) I had a look at the servers that can stream Theora. I saw that ffmpeg was greatly appreciated. What's your opinion ? Is there any chance that IceCast can do it (What source would be used? Ices?) ? I really want to support Xiph products. I saw that page but it's a bit old now, may be things have changed :-) Well,
2007 Apr 27
Another web-based vorbis player
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 This one looks promising: It is JS-controllable, so if I can force myself to sit down and do some web hacking, I might be able to create a myspace-like player that'll let people select different tracks to listen to. It's not flash, but it seems pretty lightweight. - -ken
2005 Jul 24
video streaming
Hi, We're planning to launch a video stream. We do not have anything yet (no camera, no computer, no software, only a Linux server that will do the broadcasting with icecast installed). Has anyone ever done such a thing? What hardware do you suggest? What software can be used (both for Linux and Windows on source side). Can Icecast be used for this video streaming purpose (on server side)?
2006 Oct 20
non-threaded Ogg/Vorbis/Theora player implementation(java)
hi, i'm a student of Udine University in Italy. I'm writing a project for Java Micro Edition to send a video stream from pc to phone. The player in that Java Platform doesn't work so I have to write "some" code. I'm looking for a java implementation for h263-mpg codec. Can you help me please? I'was looking for that since 10 days without results very glad for any
2011 Jan 30
Any roadmap on WebM Support ?
Hello , We are using Icecast for few years in a small french radio station with great success ! ( hitting 60 simultaneous listeners sometimes :-) ) Now we plan to stream the webcam capture of the studio, we 've done a test with Ogv/theora @128kb video with great sucess although none of the HTML5 browser wher able to keep on playing the stream after few
2009 Apr 09
oggfwd problem
Hello, i am using well proven set of programs to stream video from firewire to icecast2, few days ago i freshly installed it again on lenny with apt-get. When i run : dvgrab --format raw - | ffmpeg2theora -a 0 -v 5 -f dv -x 320 -y 240 -o /dev/stdout - | oggfwd 8000 password /test.ogg stream starts for and for a sec and appears on icecast2, but then it fails with : Found AV/C
2010 Mar 23
On-the-Fly multiplexing Video
> ---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- > Subject: Re: [ogg-dev] On-the-Fly multiplexing Video > From: "ogg.k.ogg.k at" <ogg.k.ogg.k at> > Date: Tue, March 23, 2010 08:00 > To: "Pandu Rakimanputra" <pandu.rakiman at> > Cc: ogg-dev at >
2010 Nov 02
Camera MJPEG to Icecast
On Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 08:08:52AM +0700, Bino Oetomo wrote: > Dear Thomas > > Thomas B. Ruecker wrote: > > On Mon, Nov 01, 2010 at 05:17:12PM +0700, Bino Oetomo wrote: > > > >> Now .. I want to do it the otherway with Icecast > >> > >> I try with wget -nv -O - http://root:root at > >> | ffmpeg2theora -a 0
2019 Dec 04
Delay on preroll
Hello I have a problem when I use the intro to send a pre-roll, the main stream generates a 20 second delay, when the main stream is played it has no delay. Is there any parameter I can use to eliminate the delay? with pre-rolli: without pre-rolli: my conf: icecast>
2006 Feb 13
Streaming vorbis support
Hi! I'm setting up a streaming audio server for the student radio here in Stockholm. I'm of course going to primarily use Ogg/Vorbis, but I'd like to know how well Ogg/Vorbis streaming is supported on different platforms. I know it works well Windows (for example w/ recent Winamps) and Unices (XMMS, ogg123 etc.) but I'm not so sure about other platforms, most importantly Mac-OS
2008 Apr 25
RELEASE: Flumotion 0.5.2 'Can Tomas'
This mail announces the release of Flumotion 0.5.2 'Can Tomas'. Flumotion is a GPL streaming media server written in Python. It is distributed and component-based: every step in the streaming process (production, conversion, consumption) can be run inside a separate process on separate machines. Flumotion uses Twisted and GStreamer. Twisted enables the high-level functionality,
2014 Feb 18
Opus supported source client without transcoding?
have you tried "cat $1.opus $2.opus $3.opus | oggfwd" could be a band-aid until ices2 can work with opus files - if it works... On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 10:19 PM, <epicanis+icecast at>wrote: > Figured I'd join the list since I saw someone else had just popped in > looking for exactly the same thing I am (non-transcoding opus streamer for > sending
2014 Feb 17
Opus supported source client without transcoding?
Figured I'd join the list since I saw someone else had just popped in looking for exactly the same thing I am (non-transcoding opus streamer for sending multiple .opus files to icecast2). It looks like ices2 would do exactly what I personally need, except for not having been updated to support opus yet. (I chatted on IRC once or twice with someone who it sounds like is interested in adding
2006 Oct 26
RELEASE: Cortado 0.2.2 'Really Tested Verily Exceptionally'
This mail announces the release of Cortado 0.2.2 'Really Tested Verily Exceptionally'. This is Cortado, a multimedia framework for Java written by Fluendo. It contains: - JST, a port of the GStreamer 0.10 design to Java - jcraft, a copy of the JCraft JOgg/Jorbis code - jheora, an implementation of Theora in Java - codecs (currently only containing the Smoke codec, a variant on Jpeg) -
2005 Jul 25
video streaming
On Sun, Jul 24, 2005 at 10:19:51PM +0200, Balint Jacint wrote: > Hi, > > We're planning to launch a video stream. > We do not have anything yet (no camera, no computer, no software, only a > Linux server that will do the broadcasting with icecast installed). > Has anyone ever done such a thing? Yes! > What hardware do you suggest? What I've used several miniDV
2008 Feb 17
Is Cortado dead?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 I am really interested in an alternative to the widely used flash video-players. itheora does a really good job by integrating cortado in an easy to use framework to allow the user to play the file either in his own media player or the cortado applet. But the actual version of Cortado has a really grave bug that makes playing some videos with java