Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "ElTorito.sys Scanning Strategy"
2010 Jun 19
H. Peter, three simple commits here[1] (for_hpa branch).
Gert, sample binaries are here[2].
mdiskchk: Add --no-sequential mode
It might be useful to suppress MDISKCHK.COM's classic behaviour
of probing all BIOS drive numbers in search of MEMDISKs. Some
might not enjoy being probed.
memdisk: Correct El Torito termination response
2024 Nov 29
Fail to boot ISOs using EFI
i'm possibly not the best source of general SYSLINUX knowledge, as my
interest in it is only with my xorriso hat on.
(As you can see in the SYSLINUX wiki, xorriso can do the isohybridization
without the need for the isohybrid program.)
Fulalas Caos wrote:
> I tried this:
> mkisofs -o "$ISONAME" -v -l -J -joliet-long -R -D -A "$CDLABEL" \
> -V
2014 Jul 29
isohybrid: slint64-14.1.iso: unable to find mac efi image
> Unfortunately I get the error message:
> isohybrid: slint64-14.1.iso: unable to find mac efi image
This is probably due to El Torito Platform id "Mac" in
-eltorito-alt-boot -no-emul-boot -eltorito-platform Mac \
-eltorito-boot isolinux/macboot.img \
This caused in the image
platform id 1 with the third image. (I would
2014 Jul 29
isohybrid: slint64-14.1.iso: unable to find mac efi image
> Hi,
> > Unfortunately I get the error message:
> > isohybrid: slint64-14.1.iso: unable to find mac efi image
> This is probably due to El Torito Platform id "Mac" in
> -eltorito-alt-boot -no-emul-boot -eltorito-platform Mac \
> -eltorito-boot isolinux/macboot.img \
> This caused in the image
2009 Mar 23
Memdisk + Freedos problem
I and some other people have problems with running the freedos image included in
Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD), when using memdisk for floppy emulation.
Memdisk starts booting the image and freedos shows the following menu:
0 Boot Clean
1 Boot UMBPCI (silent)
2 Boot UMBPCI (optimal)
3 Boot UMBPCI (semi-defensive)
4 Boot EMM386 (optimal)
5 Boot EMM386 (semi-defensive)
6 Boot no UMB (defensive)
7 Boot
2016 Dec 21
syslinux mkisofs hard-disk-boot isohybrid
Pascal wrote:
> mkisofs -o core.iso -b boot/core.img -c boot/boot.cat -hard-disk-boot core/
> my iso image is ok with qemu on bios and uefi,
Astounding. As CD-ROM this is not supposed to work with UEFI unless the
firmware emulates BIOS. What particular UEFI firmware did you use ?
> and with qemu as hard disk on uefi but not on bios.
That's even more astounding. The UEFI
2016 Dec 22
syslinux mkisofs hard-disk-boot isohybrid
Le mercredi 21 d?cembre 2016, Ady Ady via Syslinux <syslinux at zytor.com> a
?crit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > Pascal wrote:
> > > mkisofs -o core.iso -b boot/core.img -c boot/boot.cat -hard-disk-boot
> core/
> > > my iso image is ok with qemu on bios and uefi,
> >
> > Astounding. As CD-ROM this is not supposed to work with UEFI unless the
2016 Dec 21
syslinux mkisofs hard-disk-boot isohybrid
> Hi,
> Pascal wrote:
> > mkisofs -o core.iso -b boot/core.img -c boot/boot.cat -hard-disk-boot core/
> > my iso image is ok with qemu on bios and uefi,
> Astounding. As CD-ROM this is not supposed to work with UEFI unless the
> firmware emulates BIOS. What particular UEFI firmware did you use ?
> > and with qemu as hard disk on uefi but not on
2014 Jul 29
isohybrid: slint64-14.1.iso: unable to find mac efi image
> Hi,
> > I don't understand why you say "*But* the El Torito...". I don't see
> > a difference with what the mkisofs manual says.
> The manual announces "Mac" for Apple Mac.
> The program obviously writes Platform Id 1 in this case.
> The El Torito specs say "Platform ID 0 = 80x86 1=Power PC 2=Mac".
> In the sum this
2014 Jul 29
isohybrid: slint64-14.1.iso: unable to find mac efi image
> Hi,
> Ady wrote:
> > cdrtools.sourceforge.net/private/man/cdrtools-3.01axx/mkisofs.8.html
> > Mac Boot entries for the Apple Mac platform.
> Interesting feature. But the El Torito specs of Phoenix and
> IBM of 1994 state that "Mac" would be Platform Id 2.
> http://download.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/sb/specscdrom.pdf
> Page
2014 Feb 10
isohybrid --mac doesn't find the mac efi image
email at missionaccomplish.com wrote:
> We been trying to boot the image in vbox using efi emulation but it
> complains about kernel not supporting handover.
If it complains about a kernel then it should be past El Torito
or GPT. The job of xorriso is to point BIOS and EFI to their
boot images. Everything else is in the scope of the boot images
resp. the operating system that shall
2004 Dec 09
EDD error RE: Re: SYSLINUX 2.12-pre7 released
(Sorry, Outlook webmail prohibits me from proper replying/quoting)
>it has the nice effect that you can load the El Torito
>CD-ROM driver.
Which seems logical if you boot a kernel (like Linux, or Memdisk with an imagefile), but not when doing a local boot (diskette/harddisk)
In other words: boot from cdrom, and if you then load a disk-image, eltorito.sys should load. If not loading a
2014 Feb 10
isohybrid --mac doesn't find the mac efi image
On 02/10/14 07:41, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> Hi,
> email at missionaccomplish.com wrote:
>> We been trying to boot the image in vbox using efi emulation but it
>> complains about kernel not supporting handover.
> If it complains about a kernel then it should be past El Torito
> or GPT. The job of xorriso is to point BIOS and EFI to their
> boot images. Everything else
2006 May 25
isolinux + windows installation CD
Hi all,
I am at the end of my wits, after a day and a half of mucking around
with this :)
My intention was to take a multi-boot DVD - of the style you get with
an MSDN subscription - and burn an individual installer to disc.
How to do this? My theory was to take the files for the installation
CD, add isolinux, add a bootsector, and away I go. Unfortunately it
doesn't seem this easy.
So I
2013 Nov 15
Image checksum error while booting Isolinux
> makehybrid \
> -o isos/muaaa.iso temp/ \
> -eltorito-boot temp/isolinux/isolinux.bin \
> -no-emul-boot \
> -iso -joliet -boot-load-size 4 \
> -default-volume-name "Custom Installer" \
> -eltorito-platform temp/isolinux/boot.cat
> ...
> [at boot time:]
> Image checksum error, sorry
I guess it is the Boot Information Table feature
2005 Jan 16
ElTorito from Floppy (was: Re: Can I use...)
a member of the FreeDOS project has transformed Smart Boot Manager into a COM32 module for Syslinux. Might be a bit more usefull than Syslinux -> memdisk -> imagefile -> Smart Boot Manager ( -> 'boot from cd -> cdrom )
I've inserted it into this diskette image:
That's nice to
2009 Dec 08
I just merged a version of the eltorito.sys sources, reconstructed by
Eric Auer to match the 1.4 binary and then converted to NASM by NoMySo,
to the Syslinux repository; I would greatly appreciate if people would
test it to make sure it didn't break in conversion.
2015 Oct 28
Isohybrid wiki page and UEFI
Hello Thomas,
Thomas Schmitt via Syslinux said on Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 04:35:57PM +0100:
>I assume you can boot Fedora Live CD on the same (virtual) hardware.
Not sure for Fedora, but the system is installed with either RHEL6,
RHEL7 or Ubuntu 14.04 depending on the Lab I'm making on it without
>Just to make sure that the firmware works so far.
Globally they do ;-)
2016 Dec 22
syslinux mkisofs hard-disk-boot isohybrid
when you say """ Unfortunately, syslinux.efi v.6.03 is not capable of
booting optical """, you talk about isolinux.bin ?
because my iso image with a "good" alternate eltorito boot image (eg. "uefi
ready") is booting with qemu (qemu -cdrom core.iso -bios uefi.fd) and is
also booting in hard disk mode (qemu -hda core.iso -bios uefi.fd).
Le mercredi
2016 Dec 22
syslinux mkisofs hard-disk-boot isohybrid
Le 22/12/2016 ? 08:53, Pascal via Syslinux a ?crit :
> when you say """ Unfortunately, syslinux.efi v.6.03 is not capable of
> booting optical """, you talk about isolinux.bin ?
> because my iso image with a "good" alternate eltorito boot image (eg. "uefi
> ready") is booting with qemu (qemu -cdrom core.iso -bios uefi.fd) and is