Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "R function for computing Simultaneous confidence intervals for multinomial proportions"
2012 Dec 06
Fitting a multinomial model to a multi-way factorial design with repeated measures: help on package and syntax
Dear all,
I studied in tank prey fish behavior. Using the design described below
(and R code), I want to test the effects of both habitat and predator
(and interaction) on prey fish's vertical distribution, which was
recorded (with repeated measures) as a categorical variable.
I found that package mlogit might fit to my need but I don't know how to
specify my complex design in the
2008 Jan 14
multinomial confidence interval
Hi R users!
Is there a function that extracts the simultaneous confidence intervals for multinomial proportions as described by Sison and Glaz 1995? or anyone else for that matter?
I have seen that SAS has macro for this ( http://www.jstatsoft.org/v05/i06) and i was wondering if R had something similar?
Thank you and have a great day ahead!
2023 Apr 09
simultaneous confidence intervals for multinomial proportions: sample size
I want to calculate simultaneous confidence intervals for a nominal variable with three categories: "yes", "no", "partially" and I expect that far more than 5 samples fall into each category.
I have read that Glaz & Sison's method is only appropriate for variables with 7 or more categories. Therefore, the Goodman method seems like a good idea.
I have
2007 Jan 26
bootstrap bca confidence intervals for large number of statistics in one model; library("boot")
Sometimes one might like to obtain pointwise bootstrap bias-corrected,
accelerated (BCA) confidence intervals for a large number of statistics
computed from a single dataset. For instance, one might like to get
(so as to plot graphically) bootstrap confidence bands for the fitted
values in a regression model.
(Example: Chiu S et al., Early Acceleration of Head Circumference in
Children with
2011 Jul 22
Extracting components from a 'boot' class output in R
Dear R user,
I used the following to do a bootstrap.
>bootObj<-boot(data=DAT, statistic=Lp.est,
I have the following output from the above bootstrap. How
can I extract components of the output.
For example, how can I extract the std.error?
> bootObj
boot(data = DAT, statistic = Lp.est, R = 1000, x0 = 3)
Bootstrap Statistics
2012 Apr 20
Ternaryplot as an inset graph
I am trying to add a ternary plot as a corner inset graph to a larger
main ternary plot. I have successfully used add.scatter in the past for
different kinds of plots but It doesn't seem to work for this particular
function. It overlays the old plot rather than plotting as an inset.
Here is a simple version of what I'm trying. Note that if I change the
inset plot to be an ordinary
2010 Aug 05
try-error within for loop
Dear all,
I run a loop wrapped in try(), and for each of the rows where
"try-error" is true I want to fill that row with NA (at the moment it is
omitted). So I would expect to get a dataframe with 1000 rows some of
which would be empty, but instead I get a dataframe with 995 rows. In
this case missing 5 rows were omitted.
Any suggestions?
2007 Mar 08
R: Searching and deleting elements of list
you could try mapply
mydata2<-mapply("[", mydata, lapply(mydata, function(x) !x %in% A))
mydata2[[1]]<-A #to replace the obviously deleted elements of "A"
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch
[mailto:r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch]Per conto di jastar
2001 Dec 19
How to create a data.frame "like" another, but longer?
does anyone know of a quick way to create a data frame "like" another, but
with more rows?
What I'd like to do is this:
if mydata is a data.frame like
a b c
1 TRUE yes
2 FALSE no
3 TRUE yes
I'd like to get mydata2 with the same column names and column types, but
without the values and with more rows.
All I could think of was to manually do
2008 Jul 09
Read.table - Less rows than original data
Dear all,
I have problem when reading a table into R. The total row of read in table
has is much less than the original saved table.
I built a 1,273,230 by 6 data set named "mydata2", it was saved in the
following command,
write.table(mydata2, "mydata2.txt", row.name=F,col.name=T,quote=F,sep="\t")
The next day I read in above saved text file into R,
2013 May 02
Data in packages: save or write.table?
Hi all,
I am trying to understand Writing R Extension...
Section 1.1.5, data: I include two datasets in a package, one using 'save',
the other using 'write.table':
--- 8< ----
myData1 <- data.frame(x=1:10)
myData2 <- data.frame(x=2:10)
--- 8< ----
Then R CMD check aks me to
2008 Jul 09
read.table problem
Dear all,
I have problem when reading a table into R. The total row of read in table
has is much less than the original saved table.
I built a 1,273,230 by 6 data set named "mydata2", it was saved in the
following command,
write.table(mydata2, "mydata2.txt", row.name=F,col.name=T,quote=F,sep="\t")
The next day I read in above saved text file into R,
2006 Feb 20
Boxplot Help for Neophyte
R helpers
I am getting to grips with R but came across a small problem today that I
could not fix by myself.
I have 3 text files, each with a single column of data. I read them in
myData1<-scan("C:/Program Files/R/myData1.txt")
myData2<-scan("C:/Program Files/R/myData2.txt")
myData3<-scan("C:/Program Files/R/myData3.txt")
I wanted to produce a
2020 May 11
4.12.2 breaks with win clients NT_STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION
After Fedora 31 upgrade to F32, samba started to break after more
clients connect (up to 10).
No config change, no clients change, no sharing changes.? F31 had smb
4.11.7 and was working fine
after restarting service it works for a while then it breaks with
various messages for each client
I tried removing some old parameters (no help), I had mounted ssd drive
into folder structure and I
2004 Apr 17
nlme - sum of squares - permutation test
1/ I wonder why a anova.lme on a single lme object does not print the sum of squares (as expected from the help: "a data frame with the sums of squares, numerator degrees of freedom, denominator
degrees of freedom, F-values, and P-values").
> fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1)
> anova(fm2)
numDF denDF F-value p-value
2010 Jan 22
confidence intervals for mean (GLM)
Dear useRs,
How could I obtain the confidence intervals for the means of my treatments, when my data was fitted to a GLM?
I need the CI's for the Poisson and Negative Binomial distributions.
Here's what I have:
mydata1 <- data.frame('treatments'=gl(4,20), 'value'=rpois(80, 1))
model1 <- glm(value ~ treatments, data=mydata1, family=poisson)
means1 <-
2011 Sep 10
npreg: plotting out of sample, extremely large bandwidths
Hello r-help,
I am using the excellent np package to conduct a nonparametric kernel
regression and am having some trouble plotting the results.
I have 2 covariates, x1 and x2, and a continuous outcome variable y. I
am conducting a nonparametric regression of y on x1 and x2. The one
somewhat unusual feature of these data is that, to be included in the
dataset, x1 must be at least as large as x2.
2011 Feb 28
Fwd: Re: speed up process
Dear Jim,
Here is again exactly what I did and with the output of Rprof (with this
reduced dataset and with a simpler function, it is here much faster than
in real life).
Thanks you again for your help!
## CODE ##
mydata1<- structure(list(species = structure(1:8, .Label =
c("alsen","gogor", "loalb", "mafas", "pacyn", "patro",
2012 Sep 24
stop on rows where !is.na(mydata$ti_all)
Dear R experts,
I got help to build a loop but there is a bug inside it that causes
one part of the mechanism to fail.
It should grow once, but if keep growing on rows where $ti_all is not NA.
Here is a wall of code that very crudely demonstrates the problem,
there is a couple of dim() outputs at the end where you can see how it
the second time around keeps adds (2) rows, but this does not
2012 Jul 03
insert missing dates
I have dataframes.
mydata1 <-data.frame(value=c(15,20,25,30,45,50),dates=c("2005-05-25 07:00:00
","2005-05-25 19:00:00","2005-06-25 07:00:00","2005-06-25 19:00:00
","2005-07-25 07:00:00","2005-8-25 19:00:00"))
mydata2 <-data.frame(value=c(15,20,25,30,45,50),dates=c("2005-05-25 00:00:00