Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "nls for sum of exponentials"
2012 Jan 17
MuMIn package, problem using model selection table from manually created list of models
The subject says it all really.
Question 1.
Here is some code created to illustrate my problem, can anyone spot where I'm going wrong?
Question 2.
The reason I'm following a manual specification of models relates to the fact that in reality I am using mgcv::gam, and I'm not aware that dredge is able to separate individual smooth terms out of say s(a,b). Hence an additional request,
2006 Oct 20
Translating lme code into lmer was: Mixed effect model in R
This question comes up periodically, probably enough to give it a proper
thread and maybe point to this thread for reference (similar to the
'conservative anova' thread not too long ago).
Moving from lme syntax, which is the function found in the nlme package,
to lmer syntax (found in lme4) is not too difficult. It is probably
useful to first explain what the differences are between the
2003 Oct 15
Example of cell means model
This is an example from chapter 11 of the 6th edition of Devore's
engineering statistics text. It happens to be a balanced data set in
two factors but the calculations will also work for unbalanced data.
I create a factor called 'cell' from the text representation of the
Variety level and the Density level using '/' as the separator
character. The coefficients for the linear
2004 Apr 22
lme correlation structure error
Hi there fellow R-users,
I am trying to follow an example of modelling a serial correlation structure
in the textbook "Mixed Effects Model in S and Splus".
However, I am getting some very odd results. Here is what I am trying to
### The example is fine up
2011 Jun 15
Print the summary of a model to file
Hi there,
I am having a strange problem. I am running nls on some data.
x <- -(1:100)/10
y <- 100 + 10 * (exp(-x / 2)
Using nls I fit an exponential model to this data and get a great fit
Formula: wcorr ~ (Y0 + a * exp(m1 * -dist/100))
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Y0 -0.0001821 0.0002886 -0.631 0.528
a 0.1669675 0.0015223
2006 Sep 06
Help on estimated variance in lme4
Dear all,
I get an error message when I run my model and I am not sure what to do
about it.
I try to determine what factors influence the survival of voles. I use a
mixed-model because I have several voles per site (varying from 2 to 19
Here is the model:
fm5 <-lmer(data=cdrgsaou2,
2009 Feb 15
Kalman Filter - dlm package
Dear all,
I am currently trying to use the "dlm" package for Kalman filtering.
My model is very simple:
Y_t = F'_t Theta_t + v_t
Theta_t = G_t Theta_t-1 + w_t
v_t ~ N(0,V_t) = N(0,V)
w_t ~ N(0,W_t) = N(0,W)
Y_ t is a univariate time series (1x1)
F_t is a vector of factor returns (Kx1)
Theta_t is the state vector (Kx1)
G_t is the identity matrix
My first
2002 Aug 11
Ordinal categorical data with GLM
Hello All:
I am looking for you help.
I am trying to replicate the results of an example found in Alan Agresti's
"Categorical Data Analysis" on pages 267-269. The example is one of a 2 x 2
cross-classification table of ordinal counts: job satisfaction and income.
I am able to get Agresti's results for the independence model (G^2 = 12.03
with df = 9) assuming as he does that
2009 Jul 06
Nonblocking connect is not proprly checked in poll implementation
I found a bug in Icecast-2.3.2. SVN trunk is affected either. The problem lies
in src/net/sock.c: sock_connected() function.
This function is used to check status of socket after nonblocking connect(2)
and it has two implementations: select(2) and poll(2). The select branch does
the right job---it gets socket status by getsockopt(2) after selecting for
write. But the poll branch does not.
2002 Apr 11
Ordinal categorical data with GLM
Hello All:
I am trying to replicate the results of an example found in Alan
Agresti's "Categorical Data Analysis" on pages 267-269. The example is
one of a 2 x 2 cross-classification table of ordinal counts: job
satisfaction and income.
I am able to get Agresti's results for the independence model (G^2 =
12.03 with df = 9) assuming as he does that the data is nominal, but
2012 Feb 10
Schwefel Function Optimization
I am looking for an optimization library that does well on something as chaotic as the Schwefel function:
schwefel <- function(x) sum(-x * sin(sqrt(abs(x))))
With these guys, not much luck:
> optim(c(1,1), schwefel)$value
[1] -7.890603
> optim(c(1,1), schwefel, method="SANN", control=list(maxit=10000))$value
[1] -28.02825
> optim(c(1,1), schwefel, lower=c(-500,-500),
2012 Feb 10
Schwefel Function Optimization
I am looking for an optimization library that does well on something as chaotic as the Schwefel function:
schwefel <- function(x) sum(-x * sin(sqrt(abs(x))))
With these guys, not much luck:
> optim(c(1,1), schwefel)$value
[1] -7.890603
> optim(c(1,1), schwefel, method="SANN", control=list(maxit=10000))$value
[1] -28.02825
> optim(c(1,1), schwefel, lower=c(-500,-500),
2008 Jul 30
Sampling two exponentials
Hi all,
I am going to sample two variables from two exponential distributions, but I want to specify a covariance structure between these two variables. Is there any way to do it in R? Or is there a "Multivariate Exponential" thing corresponding to the multivariate normal? Thanks in advance.
Yanwei Zhang
Department of Actuarial Research and Modeling
Munich Re America
2006 Jan 28
Complex Matrix Exponentials.
I was curious if there was a complex valued matrix exponential function
available for R? I have some Laplace transforms of occupation times
for a hidden Markov model. The matrix exponential function in the msm
package does not seem to handle complex values. For example
> MatrixExp(diag(1i,2))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 0
[2,] 0 1
Warning message:
imaginary parts
2011 Apr 14
Krylov subspace computations of matrix exponentials
I use the very nice expm functions available from the expm and Matrix
packages. My understanding is that for large sparse matrices the
currently best methods available are Krylov subspace methods, but
they are as far as I can tell not implemented in either of the packages
mentioned, nor in any other R package I have found.
Does anybody know if Krylov subspace methods are available from
any R
2007 Oct 30
flexible processing
unfortunately, I don't know a better subject. I would like to be very flexible
in how to process my data.
Assume the following dataset:
par1 <- seq(0,1,length.out = 100)
par2 <- seq(1,100)
fac1 <- factor(rep(c("group1", "group2"), each = 50))
fac2 <- factor(rep(c("group3", "group4", "group5", "group6"), each =
2009 Dec 29
pass functions and arguments to function
I wonder how to pass several functions and their arguments as arguments to
a function. For example, the main function is
f = function(X ) {
I have a few functions that operate on X, e.g. g1(X, par1), g2(X, par2),
g3(X, par3). par1, par2 and par3 are parameters and of different types. I
would like to pass g1, g2, g3 and their arguments to f and g1,
2006 Feb 08
expand.grid without expanding
Dear list,
I've recently came across a problem that I think I've solved and that I wanted
to share with you for two reasons:
- Maybe others come across the same problem.
- Maybe someone has a much simpler solution that wants to share with me ;-)
The problem is as follows: expand.grid() allows you to generate a data.frame
with all combinations of a set of values, e.g.:
2007 Dec 19
recode based on filter
Hi, I have a data frame DATA, which (simplified of course) looks like this:
know1 = c("Y","N","N","Y","N","N","Y","Y","N")
know2 = c("Y","Y","N","Y","N","N","N","Y","Y")
2008 Aug 26
no output when run densityplot...
I have downloaded a R script from
This script produces a densityplot graphic, amongst others, when is
executed from the web page.
However, when I run it in my machine the *densityplot* function produces
any output, I mean a blank graphic.
But, it's interesting if I run the following lines in the R interactive
> y <-