similar to: Tamaño de la matriz de términos y memoria. Paquete TM

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Tamaño de la matriz de términos y memoria. Paquete TM"

2009 Nov 12
package "tm" fails to remove "the" with remove stopwords
I am using code that previously worked to remove stopwords using package "tm". Even manually adding "the" to the list does not work to remove "the". This package has undergone extensive redevelopment with changes to the function syntax, so perhaps I am just missing something. Please see my simple example, output, and sessionInfo() below. Thanks! Mark require(tm)
2010 Apr 04
How to add a column to dtm showing a part from directory source?
Hello Experts, I'm new with R and having troubles doing my graduation project.I have 20 subfolders including almost 20000 txt files.What i need to do is to create a dtm and add a column to it showing a "class" information of the txt files. My directory source is like "C:\\R\\20news-18828\\" for the comp.graphic subfolder.I need to take only
2017 Nov 15
NEED HELP : Association in single DTM
If you consider the definition of a DTM, and that findAssoc() computes associations between words as correlations across documents(!), you will realize that you can't what you want from a single document. Indeed, what kind of an "association" would you even be looking for? B. > On Nov 15, 2017, at 12:40 AM, Rahul singh <rahulutube69 at> wrote: > > I have
2017 Nov 15
NEED HELP : Association in single DTM
I have free text data in a single text document. I create a corpus, and then a document term matrix out of it. I can create a word cloud too. But when I do word association for the same, using "findAssocs(), it always returns numeric(0). EX : findAssocs(dtm, "king" ,000000000000000000000.1) I read on stack overflow that it is because I have a single document. What is the
2017 Nov 16
NEED HELP : Association in single DTM
Hi Boris, In that case, if I have lot of free text data (let us assume part of an Election speech) in one single TEXT document, and i want to find the association of the top 3 most frequently occurring words with the other words in the speech, what method do I adopt ? On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 7:08 PM, Boris Steipe <boris.steipe at> wrote: > If you consider the definition of
2013 May 20
Términos cronobiológicos (Fuera de tema, disculpadme)
Hola a tod@s: Tengo una duda que no es relativa a R en sentido estricto, aunque sí al fin para cuya persecución he necesitado utilizar R. Veréis: me gustaría averiguar la diferencia (si existe) entre los términos Cronobiometría y Ritmometría. ¿Alguien lo sabe o puede indicarme alguna lista de correo o referencia bibliográfica que me sirva de apoyo?. La única referencia que encontré es ésta:
2010 Feb 16
tm package
Hi, I'm using version 0.5.1 of tm package with R 2.10.1. It looks to me as if after the following reuters21578 <- Corpus(DirSource(corpusDir), readerControl = list(reader = readReut21578XMLasPlain)) reuters21578 <- tm_map(reuters21578, stripWhitespace) reuters21578 <- tm_map(reuters21578, tolower) reuters21578 <- tm_map(reuters21578, removePunctuation)
2017 Nov 16
NEED HELP : Association in single DTM
In general, statistical methodology queries, which seems to be your concern, are offtopic here.This list is about R programming. Consider for statistical queries. However, the CRAN task view on natural language processing might be useful, so you may wish to check it: Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter
2012 Jan 13
Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
Dear all, I have some troubles using the stemming algorithm provided by the tm (text mining) + Snowball packages. Here is my config: MacOS 10.5 R 2.12.0 / R 2.13.1 / R 2.14.1 (I have tried several versions) I have installed all the needed packages (tm, rJava, rWeka, Snowball) + dependencies. I have desactivated AWT (like written in
2001 Mar 02
Mult Samba incarnations on aliased IPs
Paul Cliff wrote: > just a thought but do the clients really need all printers to be > available ? > If not you could split the clients into groups giving each group > a separate smb.conf with only the relevant shares This is precisely what I am trying to achieve - but in order to do so I need to be able to run multiple instances of smbd which until today wasn't working -
2012 Oct 19
Skype and Sound
I have installed Skype on my new workstation running CentOS-6.3 (kvm) and the Gnome DTM. This host has an Intel DG43GT motherboard with on-board audio. The sound works when tested in the sound preferences in the desk top. Skype runs and the integrated usb video and microphone both work (I infer this from the mic test in Skype options showing movement on the intensity bar as I can hear
2002 Feb 26
syslinux timeout
Hi. I've ever wondered how nuch timeis left to timeout while waiting at the boot prompt, so I've writen this small patch to show it. This add a configuration command 'showtimeout'. If you like the patch I could improve it (for example to show the timeout in decimal because now it uses the writehex functions) Regards. -- ______ ________ / / \/ /___ ) I N T E G
2017 Jun 12
count number of stop words in R
You can use regular expressions. ?regex and/or the stringr package are good places to start. Of course, you have to define "stop words." Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking things into it." -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip ) On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 5:40
2012 Oct 25
Minería de texto
Cordial Saludo Actualmente estoy realizando una función para gráficar una nube de palabras el código que tengo es el siguiente: library(twitteR)library(tm)library(wordcloud)library(RXKCD)library(RColorBrewer) tweets=searchTwitter(''@afflorezr'', n=1500) generateCorpus= function(tweets,my.stopwords=c(),min.freq){ #Install the textmining library require(tm) require(wordcloud)
2014 Jul 29
wordcloud y tabla de palabras [Avanzando]
Buenas tardes grupo. Saludos cordiales Carlos J., muchas gracias por tu orientación. Efectivamente, me había dado cuenta que la razón por la que no se aplicaba colnames era porque no tenía columnas. La cuestión es que no logro visualizar completamente/claramente en qué parte del proceso de creación del corpus se puede hacer. Sin embargo, siguiendo el ejemplo de
2011 May 11
filtering out unwanted words in a Term Document Matrix
Hi Y'all, I am using the text mining package (tm). I am trying to filter out all of the words in a Term Document Matrix that are not in a list of words that I am interested in. I am using the following code: z<-tm_intersect(txt.dtm, c("communications", "safety", "climate", "blood", "surface", "cleanliness",
2006 Oct 13
Unable to create/find SIP channel for this INVITE & Broadvoice
I've setup Asterisk to work with Broadvoice for both incoming and outgoing calls. I can make outgoing calls, but when I try to receive an incoming call I see the following message on the console: [date] NOTICE[8661]: chan_sip.c:13178 handle_request_invite: Unable to create/find SIP channel for this INVITE It's registered with Broadvoice: Name/username Host Dyn
2017 Jun 12
count number of stop words in R
Hi all, Is there a way in R to count the number of stop words (English) of a string using tm package? str="Mhm . Alright . There's um a young boy that's getting a cookie jar . And it he's uh in bad shape because uh the thing is falling over . And in the picture the mother is washing dishes and doesn't see it . And so is the the water is overflowing in the sink . And the
2014 Jul 25
wordcloud y tabla de palabras
Buenas noches grupo. Saludos cordiales. He seguido en la búsqueda de una forma que me permita realizar la comparación de dos documentos pertenecientes a los años 2005 y 2013, y que pueda representar finalmente con wordcloud y con una table en la que las columnas sean los años de cada informe "2005" y "2013", y las filas sean las palabras con la frecuencia de cada una de ellas
2014 Jul 28
wordcloud y tabla de palabras
Hola, La referencia (gracias por proporcionarla) que has incluido es bastante clara y se puede seguir. ¿Has podido sobre tus dos discursos utilizar la misma lógica? La forma de salir de dudas, para empezar, es que adjuntaras el código que estás empleando por ver si hay algún error evidente. Aunque la forma adecuada para que te podamos ayudar es con un ejemplo reproducible: código + datos.