Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Conditional inference forest error: levels in factors do not match"
2012 Apr 29
CForest Error Logical Subscript Too Long
This is my code (my data is attached):
OLDDATA <- read.csv("/Users/Abigail/Documents/OldData250412.csv")
OLDDATA$YD <- factor(OLDDATA$YD, label=c("Yes", "No"))?
OLDDATA$ND <- factor(OLDDATA$ND, label=c("Yes", "No"))?
defaults <- cbind(YD, ND)
2011 Jul 20
cforest - keep.forest = false option? (fwd)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 10:17:00 -0700 (PDT)
> From: KHOFF <kuphoff at gmail.com>
> To: r-help at r-project.org
> Subject: [R] cforest - keep.forest = false option?
> Hi,
> I'm very new to R. I am most interested in the variable importance
> measures
> that result from randomForest, but many of my predictors
2011 Jul 18
cforest - keep.forest = false option?
I'm very new to R. I am most interested in the variable importance measures
that result from randomForest, but many of my predictors are highly
correlated. My first question is:
1. do highly correlated variables render variable importance measures in
randomForest invalid?
and 2. I know that cforest is robust to highly correlated variables,
however, I do not have enough space on my
2012 Sep 13
cforest and cforest_unbiased for testing and training datasets
I am using cforest to predict age of fishes using several variables; as it
is rather difficult to age fishes I would like to show that a small subset
of fish (training dataset) can be aged, then using RF analysis, age can
accurately be predicted to the remaining individuals not in the subsample.
In cforest_unbiased the samples are drawn without replacement and so it
creates a default
2012 Dec 06
Package party Error in model.matrix.default(as.formula(f), data = blocks) :allocMatrix: too many elements specified
Dear all:
I¡¯m trying to get unbiased feature importance of my data via package ¡°party¡±, which contains 1-5 integer value, and a few numeric values attributes. The class label is 1-5 integer value as well. In total I have 20 features with 1100 observations. I checked the type my data in R using class(my_data_cell), no factor has been observed. I received a commond error like others did
2011 Jun 16
Fwd: varimp_in_party_package
> Hello everyone,
> I use the following command lines to get important variable from training
> dataset.
> data.controls <- cforest_unbiased(ntree=500, mtry=3)
> data.cforest <- cforest(V1~.,data=rawinput,controls=data.controls)
> data.cforest.varimp <- varimp(data.cforest, conditional = TRUE)
> I got error: "Error in
2012 Oct 11
Error with cForest
All --
I have been trying to work with the 'Party' package using R v2.15.1 and have cobbled together a (somewhat) functioning code from examples on the web. I need to run a series of unbiased, conditional, cForest tests on several subsets of data which I have made into a loop. The results ideally will be saved to an output file in matrix form. The two questions regarding the script in
2012 Jan 19
ctree question
Hello. I have used the "party" package to generate a regression tree as
The above works fine. Orig data was my training data. I now have a test
data file (testdata), and
2011 Oct 17
Party package: varimp(..., conditional=TRUE) error: term 1 would require 9e+12 columns (fwd)
> I would like to build a forest of regression trees to see how well some
> covariates predict a response variable and to examine the importance of
> the
> covariates. I have a small number of covariates (8) and large number of
> records (27368). The response and all of the covariates are continuous
> variables.
> A cursory examination of the covariates does not
2013 Jan 11
Error with looping through a list of strings as variables
Dear R users:
I have been trying to figure out how to include string variables in a for
loop to run multiple random forests with little success. The current code
returns the following error:
Error in trafo(data = data, numeric_trafo = numeric_trafo, factor_trafo =
factor_trafo, :
data class character is not supported
In addition: Warning message:
In storage.mode(RET@predict_trafo) <-
2011 Oct 14
Party package: varimp(..., conditional=TRUE) error: term 1 would require 9e+12 columns
I would like to build a forest of regression trees to see how well some
covariates predict a response variable and to examine the importance of the
covariates. I have a small number of covariates (8) and large number of
records (27368). The response and all of the covariates are continuous
A cursory examination of the covariates does not suggest they are correlated
in a simple fashion
2013 Feb 03
RandomForest, Party and Memory Management
Dear All,
For a data mining project, I am relying heavily on the RandomForest and
Party packages.
Due to the large size of the data set, I have often memory problems (in
particular with the Party package; RandomForest seems to use less memory).
I really have two questions at this point
1) Please see how I am using the Party and RandomForest packages. Any
comment is welcome and useful.
2009 Feb 06
party package conditional variable importance
I'm trying to use the party package function varimp() to get
conditional variable importance measures, as I'm aware that some of my
variables are correlated. However I keep getting error messages (such
as the example below). I get similar errors with three separate
datasets that I'm using. At a guess it might be something to do with
the very large number of variables (e.g.
2010 Apr 30
ROC curve in randomForest
rf.pred<-predict(fit, valid, type="prob")
> rf.pred[1:20, ]
0 1
16 0.0000 1.0000
23 0.3158 0.6842
43 0.3030 0.6970
52 0.0886 0.9114
55 0.1216 0.8784
75 0.0920 0.9080
82 0.4332 0.5668
120 0.2302 0.7698
128 0.1336 0.8664
147 0.4272 0.5728
148 0.0490 0.9510
153 0.0556 0.9444
161 0.0760 0.9240
162 0.4564 0.5436
172 0.5148 0.4852
176 0.1730
2010 Jun 10
Cforest and Random Forest memory use
Hi all,
I'm having great trouble working with the Cforest (from the party package)
and Random forest functions. Large data set seem to create very large model
objects which means I cannot work with the number of observations I need to,
despite running on a large 8GB 64-bit box. I would like the object to only
hold the trees themselves as I intend to export them out of R. Is there
2011 Feb 07
"Where" command in ctree (party)
I need to classify (i.e., export a vector with terminal node id's) new cases
using a ctree (party package) model based on different cases (learning
I tried the where command with the following syntax:
> where(tree, newdata=data2)
expecting to get terminal nodes of data2 cases based on rules of tree model
(data1 as learning sample). However it returned the following error
2008 Jun 07
Random Forest (fwd)
> Hello
> Is there exists a package for multivariate random forest, namely for
> multivariate response data ? It seems to be impossible with the
> "randomForest" function and I did not find any information about this
> in the help pages ...
party:::cforest can do, here is an example:
y <- matrix(rnorm(100), nc = 2)
x <- matrix(runif(50 * 5), nc = 5)
dat <-
2013 Feb 14
party::cforest - predict?
What is the function call interface for predict in the package party for
cforest? I am looking at the documentation (the vignette) and ?cforest and
from the examples I see that one can call the function predict on a cforest
classifier. The method predict seems to be a method of the class
RandomForest objects of which are returned by cforest.
> cf.model =
2024 Nov 27
R Processing dataframe by group - equivalent to SAS by group processing with a first. and retain statments
On 11/27/24 08:30, Sorkin, John wrote:
> I am an old, long time SAS programmer. I need to produce R code that processes a dataframe in a manner that is equivalent to that produced by using a by statement in SAS and an if first.day statement and a retain statement:
> I want to take data (olddata) that looks like this
> ID Day
> 1 1
> 1 1
> 1 2
> 1 2
> 1 3
> 1 3
2024 Nov 27
R Processing dataframe by group - equivalent to SAS by group processing with a first. and retain statments
?s 16:30 de 27/11/2024, Sorkin, John escreveu:
> I am an old, long time SAS programmer. I need to produce R code that processes a dataframe in a manner that is equivalent to that produced by using a by statement in SAS and an if first.day statement and a retain statement:
> I want to take data (olddata) that looks like this
> ID Day
> 1 1
> 1 1
> 1 2
> 1 2
> 1 3