similar to: Labelling x axis in plot function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Labelling x axis in plot function"

2010 Mar 01
setting the steps for x axis labels on plot
Hello, I'm new to R, I've been working with it for the last 2 weeks. I am plotting some data and not getting the labels on the x axis I am expecting on my plot. my code reads #hours in the day h <- c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23) #hp is a data frame with a pivot table of 25 columns (label and data for 24 hours) plot(h, as.matrix(hp[1,2:25]),
2018 May 05
Adding Year-Month-Day to X axis
Hi Greg, What you are getting there is a factor, interpreted as a 1:n sequence based on the sort order of your "dates". Here's a way to get dates on your x-axis in the format you want: x_yyyymmdd<-as.Date(c("2018-04-25","2018-04-26","2018-04-27",
2007 Aug 20
Labelling certain points on the x-axis
Hello, I created an empirical distribution function: x = c(1.6,1.8,2.4,2.7,2.9,3.3,3.4,3.4,4,5.2) F2.5 <- ecdf(x) plot(F2.5, verticals= TRUE, do.p = TRUE, lwd=3, ylab = "f(x)", xlab = "x", main = "Figur 2.5 Empirische Verteilfunktion", xlim = c(1,5.5)) abline(h= (0:5)*0.2) Now I would like to label the points on the
2010 Oct 07
text/mtext axis labels on graphs
Hello everyone I have problem with axis labels on graphs, I have my code as below: plot(0,0,xlim=c(1,ncol(PA)),ylim=c(1,nrow(PA)),main="Stratigraphic Range",xlab="Time Bins",ylab="Taxa",cex.axis=1.5,cex.lab=2,cex.main=2.5,mgp=c(5,1.5,0),xaxt="n") text(1:(length(strat_name)), y= 0, adj=1, srt=45,labels=strat_name,xpd=TRUE, cex=1) #adds text to x
2018 May 05
Adding Year-Month-Day to X axis
Jim, Thanks for responding! I am using the official R 3.5.0 for Mac OS X. This apparently does not include library (plotrix) library(plotrix) Error in library(plotrix) : there is no package called ?plotrix? Greg > On May 5, 2018, at 6:50 PM, Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at> wrote: > > Hi Greg, > What you are getting there is a factor, interpreted as a 1:n sequence >
2018 May 05
Adding Year-Month-Day to X axis
I am using R 3.5.0 for Mac OS X. Issuing these two commands yields the expected plot. y_duration <- c (301.59050, 387.35700, 365.64366, 317.26150, 321.71883, 342.44950, 318.95350, 322.33233, 330.60333, 428.99516, 297.82066) plot (y_duration, type="l?) Adding Year-Month-Day values for the x axis, and then calling plot (x,y), yields a bizarre plot. Apparently, R does not
2009 Sep 23
Stretch the x-axis for better alignment comparison
I have the following code that aligns the two graphs. Problem is that in .pdf it gives me it x-axis (0-100) is broken down into 0-20, 20-40..and so on. I wonder if there is for it to display the x-axis (and y-axis) in more detail than that. I'd appreciate your input -- pdf(file="VECTOR & ICA ALIGNMENT.pdf", height=5, width=5)
2005 Mar 21
Force labelling of x-axis
Hi, I'm trying to do a box-whisker plot of two columns of a data frame, a list of category names in one column vs. some numerical values in the other. The plot itself works fine, but only a few points of the x-axis ( the category names ) are labelled. I think that this is because the category names are too long. Is there any way to force R to label each x-axis value, preferably at a
2007 Mar 22
Labelling a second y-axis
Hi, I am using the following code as an example function to create multiple y-axes on one plot. I have it working fine however, I can't seem to add a label on the second (right) axis. I have tried adding ylab="y2" in the axis call but, that didn't work; any ideas? Thanks, Jesse Code: function() { par(las=1,xaxs="r",mai=c(1,0.75,1,1)) x<-1:10 y1<-x
2009 Jun 08
increase number of ticks on x axis of dates
My x axis is a series of daily dates (e.g., 01/01/2000, 01/02/2000, etc.) from 2000 to end of 2008. The default only gives me 4 ticks. I want more. Why doesn't this work? sdate<-as.POSIXct(strptime(date,format="%m/%d/%Y")) plot(ppt~sdate,type="l",ylim=c(0,47),col=1,lwd=1,pch=16,ylab="Salinity, psu",xlab="Year",las=1,main="Duck Key
2004 Feb 19
suppressing non-integer labels for plot x-axis
Dear R-helpers, I am having difficulty making R plot only integer labels on the x-axis of a simple graph. I want to plot the median values of a score on each of three occasions. Non-integer occasions are impossible. But, R keeps labelling the x-axis with half-occasions, despite my attempts to stop this using the "xaxs" and "xaxp" parameters of 'plot'. p1=c(1,2,3);
2013 Feb 25
How to plot 2 continous variables on double y-axis with 2 factors: ggplot2, gplot, lattice, sciplot?
Hi, I have a data set with two continous variables that I want to plot MEANS (I am not intrerested in median values) on a double-y graph. I also have 2 factors. I want the factor combinations plotted in different panes. Dummy dataset: mydata <- data.frame(factor1 = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 40)), factor2 = factor(rep(c(1:4), each = 10)), y1 =
2010 Apr 04
Adjusting X-axis time scale
Dear all, I am plotting daily data from 1950 to 2000 and I wish to have the time in X-axis to indicate years and NOT days (i.e 1950 1951,......,2000 instead of 1,2, 3, ......). How do I set the x-axis to show years instead of days. ZABLONE OWITI GRADUATE STUDENT Nanjing University of Information, Science and Technology College of International Education Add: 219 Ning Liu Rd, Nanjing,
2011 Apr 14
Categorical bubble plot
Hi, I do not have much R experience just the basics, so please excuse any obvious questions. I would like to create bubble plot that have Categorical data on the x and y axis and then the diameter if the bubble the value related to x and y. Attached to the email is a pic of what I would like to do. I do hope someone can help me. -- Regards/Groete/Mit freundlichen Gr??en/recuerdos/meilleures
2011 Nov 16
plotting a double y axis when x and y lengths differ
Hello All, Many thanks to the help I have received so far. Here is an example data set I hope to plot Data1 Year Data SE 1 2005 2 0.01 2 2006 4 0.01 3 2007 5 0.01 4 2008 2 0.01 5 2009 3 0.01 6 2010 6 0.01 Data2 Year Data SE 1 2006 32 1 2 2007 100 2 3 2008 60 4 4 2009 67 3 5 2010 8 1 Notice Data2 has one less years worth of data than Data1 (which is my
2011 Feb 17
need tick marks by 10s or 20s up to 200 on x axis
Sorry, I have read other posts on tick marks but nothing is working. Here is my R code. I was able to turn off the x axis at one point (I removed that code), but never got the tick marks on by 20s. It always goes to the default of 50, 100, 150, 200. Thanks. R code: hist(OMY$FL, main = "2010 Oncorhynchus mykiss Fork Length Frequencies at Buck Creek Reach 1", include.lowest = TRUE,
2010 Aug 24
Rotate x-axis label on log scale
Hi I'd appreciate some help with plotting odds ratios. I want to rotate the labels on the x-axis by 45 degrees. The usual way of doing this, using text - e.g. text(1, par('usr')[3]-2.25..) - gives no result when the y-axis is a log scale. I guess this is because, as the par help says, for a logarithmic y-axis: y-limits will be 10 ^ par("usr")[3:4] Does anyone know
2012 Aug 22
Barplot with Secondary axis
Hi all, I am trying to plot a bar chart and trying to plot a line as a secondary axis as my scale is different for two y axis. I am plotting a clustered bar chart by using besides = True option in barplot function and my y coordinates are not plotted exactly at the center on each two bars. Please help me. I am pasting the code as follows. x =
2012 Oct 19
Centering labels on X-axis
Dear all: I am trying to center labels on my plot with not much success. I have tried text(), mtext() but it's not working. I think I am using the wrong function for my task. Any help will be appreciated. My working codes. axis(1, at=c(1,2,3,4,5),font.lab=2,cex.axis=1.5,cex.lab=3,label=c("W0","CWH2","CWHmc","CH2","CHmc")
2018 May 07
Adding Year-Month-Day to X axis
Jim, Thank you very much! How do I use the axis command for side=1 to label the x horizontal axis, in the format="%Y-%m-%d? style? Greg y_duration <- c (301.59050, 387.35700, 365.64366, 317.26150, 321.71883, 342.44950, 318.95350, 322.33233, 330.60333, 428.99516, 297.82066, 258.23166) x_yyyymmdd <-as.Date(c ("2018-04-25", "2018-04-26",