similar to: Equation 6 in the CELT paper

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Equation 6 in the CELT paper"

2010 Dec 05
What CELT version to choose
Hi, ?I'm trying to improve CELT according to the bit allocation problem and psychoacoustic masking which was mentioned in the paper "A High-Quality Speech and Audio Codec With Less Than 10-ms Delay". What software version do you prefer for me to choose?on my study? Best Regards, Osama Y. Fadhil. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
2011 Feb 24
What does f mean in CELT's source code?
Hi, I have noticed in the source code of CELT the numbers?like 2.f ,? 102.f? ,? 0.1f? ,? etc... What does the " f "? mean in this case? Is the number 102.f?? equal to the number 102 or the number 0.1f?? equal to the number? 0.1?! Thank you for your attention. Osama Y. Fadhil. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2011 May 18
Hello, ? I don?t know whether this is the right place to discuss such a question here. I?m sorry. ? I want to evaluate the CELT codec using a known MATLAB implementation of the PEAQ software. If anyone has used this test program he could see that one of the input parameters (3rd one) shifts the frames for both the reference and the under test audio signals. Another parameter (4th one) marks the
2010 Nov 23
CELT Output audio file does not run
Dear all, Iam a student pursuing MSc degree in computer science at the University of Babylon,Iraq. My project is about the CELT. I have chosen version 0.3.2 of the software, lcc compiler, windows xp environment. One of my current problems is that when I execute the?testcelt program tool,?the output audio file can not be payed. Could you help me, please? I have tried some media players ,like
2010 Dec 05
Bit allocation in CELT
Hi, Can you give me some directions or notes which to be followed in order to do dynamic allocation in CELT ? Best Regards, Osama Y. Fadhil. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2010 Dec 02
Function call
Hi, Can you tell me where is the function that calls the function compute_allocation() in CELT codec version 0.3.2 ? Best Regards, Osama Y. Fadhil. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2009 Apr 15
Journal paper on CELT
Hi guys, Just wanted to let everyone know that the paper we submitted to IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing has just been accepted. You can find the manuscript (hasn't been edited by IEEE yet) at: Along with Tim's LCA 2009 presentation at these are the best sources of information
2011 Apr 25
Possibility of Incorporating a psychoacoustic model in CELT
Good Morning; Iam asking whether any one have knowledge about is it possiple to incorporate a psycoacoustic model?(specifically?I mean ?MPEG-1 psychoacoustic model 1) into the CELT codec(any version even older versions of the coder,?no matter) Iam using version 0.3.2. Kind Regards; Osama. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2009 Nov 20
What is the relation of CELT and SPEEX?
Hi Jean-Marc, I got to this mailing list while trying to use the latest SPEEX version (1.2rc1) VAD capabilities. I had difficulties to successfully distinguish speech from non speech on recorded files (probably doing something wrong). Digging into the code I found out a remark saying :"*The VAD has been replaced by a hack pending a complete rewrite*". In search for answer I found out
2008 May 18
CELT 0.3.2, listening tests
Hello all, This is slightly off-topic, but should be of interest to some people on this list. I just released version 0.3.2 of the CELT ultra low-delay audio codec ( CELT is designed to encode high quality speech and music with less than 10 ms delay and at rates starting from around 32 kbit/s. This version is "special" in that it is the basis for some
2008 May 19
CELT 0.3.2, listening tests
Hi Jean Marc, I was very impressed by the comparative results. Could you give a bit more information about what really are 7kHz and 3.5kHz in the 48kHz table? I am looking forward that this will bring a bigger separation between the basic tools and speex in a sense that the basic tools could be used with more than one codec. I even understand that there is interest in the tools alone (Echo
2009 May 09
Another paper on CELT
Hi, For those interested in reading more on CELT, here's another paper that just got accepted. That one focuses on the low-complexity mode and is based on 0.5.1. J.-M. Valin, T. B. Terriberry, G. Maxwell, A Full-Bandwidth Audio Codec with Low Complexity and Very Low Delay, Accepted for EUSIPCO 2009. Cheers, Jean-Marc
2007 Dec 09
Experimental release of Ghost/CELT 0.0.1
Hi everyone, I've just made the first public release of some new *experimental* codec work I've been doing (part of the vague Ghost project) with help from Monty and Timothy. This is mainly intended with developers with DSP knowledge, not for doing anything useful with it (but it does encode and decode already). Also, the main idea is *not* to replace either Speex or Vorbis, but to code
2007 Dec 09
Experimental release of Ghost/CELT 0.0.1
Hi everyone, I've just made the first public release of some new *experimental* codec work I've been doing (part of the vague Ghost project) with help from Monty and Timothy. This is mainly intended with developers with DSP knowledge, not for doing anything useful with it (but it does encode and decode already). Also, the main idea is *not* to replace either Speex or Vorbis, but to code
2007 Dec 09
Experimental release of Ghost/CELT 0.0.1
Hi everyone, I've just made the first public release of some new *experimental* codec work I've been doing (part of the vague Ghost project) with help from Monty and Timothy. This is mainly intended with developers with DSP knowledge, not for doing anything useful with it (but it does encode and decode already). Also, the main idea is *not* to replace either Speex or Vorbis, but to code
2007 Dec 09
Experimental release of Ghost/CELT 0.0.1
Hi everyone, I've just made the first public release of some new *experimental* codec work I've been doing (part of the vague Ghost project) with help from Monty and Timothy. This is mainly intended with developers with DSP knowledge, not for doing anything useful with it (but it does encode and decode already). Also, the main idea is *not* to replace either Speex or Vorbis, but to code
2011 Aug 05
CELT/Opus Status Update
Hi everyone, I've made several posts recently about CELT being "replaced" by the Opus codec ( ) and I thought it was time to give an update on what's going on. As many of you know, I've been involved at the IETF on this new Opus codec, which essentially merge (a modified version of) Skype's SILK codec with CELT. This is more than just two codecs
2009 May 11
22 kHz version of CELT
Hi, I'd like to know the reasons why CELT supports only signals with sampling frequency in the range of 32-96 kHz. In effect, it can clearly outperform speex at high bitrates, and has potential to be used in high quality voice communications even for 11, 16 and 22 kHz speech signals. It could also compete with SILK codec (to be soon released by Skype). See this page for more specifications
2011 Feb 15
CELT 0.11.1 is out
Hi everyone, I'd just like to announce CELT 0.11.1 (sorry about failing to announce 0.11). The bit-stream is now is "soft-freeze", which means we won't change it unless we find bugs -- which we did between 0.11 and 0.11.1. The API should also be close to the final API. Compared to 0.10.x there are also small quality improvements, mostly at high bit-rate. I'd also like
2010 Sep 25
improve CELT
Hi, In paper" A High-Quality Speech and Audio Codec With Less Than 10 ms Delay", you are mention that: There are still several ways to improve CELT, such as by incorporating better psychoacoustic masking in the dynamic bit allocation. This is a difficult problem both because there are few bits available for coding the allocation and because the analysis window is short. it is