similar to: read.csv.sql() to select from a large csv file

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "read.csv.sql() to select from a large csv file"

2009 Sep 22
matching pairs regardless of order,multiple matches
Dear Jim and Henrique, thank you both for your help. I have done this but run into another problem: ? In the example?below "loc1,loc2" occurs in the (now correct, thanks to your advice) "list" twice. ? ? trips=("loc1,loc2","loc2,loc3") ? DF$listoftrips=("loc1,loc2", "loc1,loc3", "loc2,loc3","loc1,loc2"). ? I?am
2009 Sep 18
matching pairs regardless of order
Dear list, ? I am using match() to match pairs of locations, e.g. trip="loc1,loc2" from a list of such pairs, e.g. list=("loc1,loc2", "loc1,loc3", "loc2,loc3","loc2,loc1"). ? In this example match() will match "trip" with the first element of "list", but not the 4th, because the order is reversed. ? How can I get a match with
2010 Sep 23
plotting multiple animal tracks against Date/Time
Dear list, I would like to create a time series plot in which the paths of several individuals are stacked above each other, with the x-axis being the total observation period of three years ( 1.1.2004 to 31.12.2007) and the y-axis being some defined range[min,max]. My data consist of Date/Time information and the paths of 45 individual as the distance from the location of release. An example
2010 Feb 08
evolution of Nelder-Mead process
Dear list,   I am looking for an R-only implementation of a Nelder-Mead process that can find local maxima of a spatially distributed variable, e.g. height, on a spatial grid, and outputs the coordinates of the new point during each evaluation. I have found two previous threads about this topic, and was wondering if something similar has been implemented since those messages were posted.   Thank
2008 Apr 04
Reading an ArcGIS raster file
Dear members, How can I read and plot an ArcGIS raster file into R ? The file has extension .aux and contains floating point bathymetry data. The purpose is to create a spatial model in R that uses ArcGIS map data. I have managed to read and plot various shape files into my R project, but I am stuck with this now. I am new to this list and also to R, so any help would be much appreciated. Many
2009 Sep 24
aggregate() - error message
Dear list, ? would anybody be able to tell me why the statement ? Tripstatistics=aggregate(TripsData[2:3],by=list(Trip=Tripmatch),FUN="mean") ? seems to work well with TripsData 1 but not with TripsData 2 ? ? With TripsData 2 it yields ? Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) : arguments must have same length I can't see a difference in the two data sets. Could someone shed light on the error
2008 Dec 15
Movement within a circle
Dear list, ? I am trying to program semi-random movement within a circle, with no particles leaving the circle. I would like them to bounce back when they come to close to the wall, but?I don't seem to be able to get this right. ?Would somebody?be able to?give me a hint ? This is my code so far, the particle starts at some point and moves towards the wall, but I don't get the
2008 Dec 15
Semi-random movement inside a circle
Dear list, I am trying to program semi-random movement within a circle, with no particles leaving the circle. I would like them to bounce back when they come to close to the wall, but I don't seem to be able to get this right. Would somebody kindly give me a hint ? This is my code so far, the particle starts at some point and moves towards the wall, but I don't get the "bouncing
2013 Jan 15
SQLDF column errors
I am trying to exclude integer values from a small data frame 1, d1 that have matching hits in data frame 2, d2 (Very big) which involves matching those hits first. I am trying to use sqldf on the df's in the following fashion: df1: V1 12675 14753 16222 18765 df2: head(df2) V1 V2 13647 rd1500 14753 rd1580 15987 rd1590 16222 rd2020.....
2012 May 09
Problem with SQLDF - Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, : RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: no such table:
Hi All, I am having trouble executing SQL statements on a few dataframes, but the funny thing is that I am able to execute the statement on some other dataframes. To test, I have 2 very small dataframes (6 rows and some columns). One is 'lessliq', the dput is given below. > dput(head(lessliq)) structure(list(V1 = c(50464677L, 50464846L, 50432581L, 50426614L, 50504329L, 50504735L), V2
2006 Jan 17
find_by_sql column ordering defect?
Hello. I have a program that accesses a metadata (translation) table for column names as well as the ordering of columns for a specific model. Also in there is a collection of bool options such as column_visible_on_form, column_visible_on_screen_quicklist etc. The idea is that our customer can specify to a certain extent how their layout/user interface will appear. To accomplish this, I use
2010 Jan 25
question on sqldf syntax
trying to structure sql to merge two datasets. structure follows: dbs.possible.combos (all possible combinations of dates and places) Date Place 1/1/10 N-01 1/1/10 S-02 1/2/10 N-01 1/2/10 S-02 etc... dbs.aggregate (the raw data aggregated by date and location) Date Place Days 1/1/10 N-01 6 1/1/10 S-02 10 1/2/10 S-02 5 Trying to merge so I look-up the values for each possible combo
2010 Sep 06
Failure to aggregate
I have a (very big - 1.5 rows) dataframe with a (POSIXt" "POSIXlt") column h (hour). Surprisingly, I cannot calculate a simple aggregate over the dataframe. > n.h1 = sqldf("select distinct h, count(*) from x group by h") Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, : RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: no such table: x) In addition: Warning message: In
2008 Apr 03
sqldf file specification, non-ASCII
Dear R-Listers, I am a Windows user (R 2.6.2) using the development version of sqldf to try to read a 3GB file originally stored in .sas7bdat-format. I convert it to comma-delimited ASCII format with StatTransfer before trying to import just the rows I need into R. The problem is that I get this error: > f <- file("hugedata.csv") > DF <- sqldf("select * from f where
2010 Jul 20
Error using sqldf
Hi, I am running a query using sqldf() [package : sqldf]. The query is:- userid <- 5 taskid <- 5 tab1 <- fn$sqldf("SELECT tobiiEvents.data1, tobiiEvents.data2, events.`timestamp` as tobiiTime FROM tobiiEvents INNER JOIN events ON events.eventid = tobiiEvents.eventid WHERE tobiiEvents.subtype = 'MOUSE' AND tobiiEvents.userid = 5 AND tobiiEvents.taskid = 5 ORDER BY
2011 Apr 18
SQLDF syntax
Hi, I am new to R and trying to migrate from SAS. I am trying to use sqldf to create a new table from existed table and change some of the columns. I have table called DataOld with columns commodity, rate and total and I am trying to create new table called DataNew with columns commodity, ratenew and totalNew. > sqldf("create table datanew as select commodity, ratenew as rate * 10, >
2012 Mar 21
Using extract function for dates in sqldf
I'm trying to use sqldf to query for the earliest date of a blood test when patients have had multiple tests in a given year. My query looks like this: test11 <- sqldf("select CHILD_ID, min(SAMP_DATE) from lab group by CHILD_ID having extract (year from SAMP_DATE) = 2011") SAMP_DATE has class "date." I get the error
2010 Aug 26
sqldf syntax
Please correct the following > sqldf("update esc left join forwagg on esc.ym=forwagg.Date set esc.ri2=forwagg.N1 where esc.age=12","select * from main.esc") Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, : RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: near "left": syntax error) Thanks. Stephen [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Sep 24
Adding a AD Group to a Unix user account
Hi Guys, First of all I can do the following: "usermod -g GID bobby" and it adds the group to the user account fine (GID being the actual number value not the name). but if i don't use -g it fails to work, I want to ADD the group "Domain Users" to "bobbys" account, so I tried: "usermod -a -G GID bobby" but it doesnt not appear to do anything...
2009 Sep 12
[LLVMdev] [PATCH] Linux support for compiler-rt's BlocksRuntime
I've reattached the patch to runtime.c, this time as output from svn instead of git. As the original git commit noted, it does the following: define OSAtomicCompareAndSwap(Long|Int) for non-Mac/Win32 systems if neither TARGET_OS_MAC or TARGET_OS_WINDOWS are defined, check to see if GCC atomic built-ins are available (and use them if they are). yours, Bobby On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 3:24 AM,