similar to: paths and Rook problems only in OSX CRAN binary package?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "paths and Rook problems only in OSX CRAN binary package?"

2013 Apr 01
missing exported methods when compiling vignettes in R 3.0.0 RC
A new problem has cropped up with compiling vignettes for my package BayesFactor. I'm not sure when it started, but I can tell you it didn't occur on R 2.15.3, and it does on 3.0.0 RC (2013-03-31 r62463) (session info is at the bottom of this message). I have defined methods for which.min and which.max for a class (I've defined both S3 and S4 methods for the class
2012 Oct 24
concurrent requests (Rook, but I think the question is more general)
This question involves Rook, but I think the answer will be general enough that it pays to post here. At any rate, I don't know enough to know whether this is a Rook only issue or a general R issue. Here's what I'd like to do (and indeed, have code that should do this): 1. Start R, Rook 2. Start an analysis via a HTTP request to Rook. This analysis uses .Call() to some compiled C
2012 Jan 11
Rook: software and specification for R web applications and servers
Dear ?useRs, Rook version 1.0-3 has been submitted to CRAN. In the mean time you can get it here: The latest release contains support for deployment with rApache. Please see 3.6.5 and 3.6.6 under section 'Configuring rApache' in the manual: What is Rook? A
2012 Jan 11
Rook: software and specification for R web applications and servers
Dear ?useRs, Rook version 1.0-3 has been submitted to CRAN. In the mean time you can get it here: The latest release contains support for deployment with rApache. Please see 3.6.5 and 3.6.6 under section 'Configuring rApache' in the manual: What is Rook? A
2012 Sep 18
creating graphs using Rook
hi, I m said to display graph in browser using Rook. So i found a code i.e library(Rook) # for web functionality library(ggplot2) # for graphing library(tseries) # used to grab time series from yahoo for stock symbols library(plyr) # data tweaks PIC.DIR = paste(getwd(), 'pic', sep='/') # define the web page form newapp = function(env) { req =
2012 Oct 14
problem with OSX binary package build?
I noticed that my package BayesFactor ( is not available on Mac OS, and the note says to see the check log. The only issue in the check log is a note: checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE : <local>: no visible binding for global variable 'i' no visible binding for global
2012 Nov 01
Start R from bash/bat file and end in interactive mode
I have a r-script (rook.R) that starts a Rook server. To present users from having to start R and type in source("rook.R"), I want to create a bash script and bat file that starts R and sources the script. However, to keep the Rook server running R should not close after running the script and stay in interactive mode. This proves more difficult than expected. I tried various
2011 Apr 25
Rook: software and specification for R web applications and servers
Dear useRs, Rook is a new package that does three things: - It provides a way to run R web applications on your desktop with the new internal R web server named Rhttpd. Please see the Rhttpd help page. - It provides a set of reference classes you can use to write you R web applications. The following help pages provide more information: Brewery, Builder, File, Middleware, Redirect,
2011 Apr 25
Rook: software and specification for R web applications and servers
Dear useRs, Rook is a new package that does three things: - It provides a way to run R web applications on your desktop with the new internal R web server named Rhttpd. Please see the Rhttpd help page. - It provides a set of reference classes you can use to write you R web applications. The following help pages provide more information: Brewery, Builder, File, Middleware, Redirect,
2006 Nov 14
sshd behaviour when people are trying to break in
Hi, When people try and break into my system from the internet I get lots of messages like: Nov 14 19:08:13 rook sshd[6333]: Failed password for invalid user guest from port 40811 ssh2 Nov 14 19:08:19 rook sshd[6338]: Invalid user admin from Nov 14 19:08:19 rook sshd[6338]: Failed password for invalid user admin from port 40920 ssh2 Nov 14 19:08:24 rook
2006 Oct 30
as.zoo question
this is probably a question for gabor or achim but maybe someone else can answer it in case they are not around ? Ifr you paste the code below ( again you would need the zoo and chron libraries to be installed ), you should get the error "Error in Ops.POSIXt(frequency, freq) : %% not defined for "POSIXt" objects". What I want to do is take the numeric vector, lt, and
2012 Sep 19
problem in displaying image in browser using Rook
hi, I wanted to convert a graph into image and display it in browser, i got the image in the given folder and everything is coming out well but the image is not being displayed, even the error or warning is not being given so i dont know what exactly i have made mistake in the code, please can anyone help me out in this please. sample = function(env) { req = Rook::Request$new(env) res =
2000 Mar 29
regularly lattice & neighbors
Dear R-users, Is there a procedure to identify neighbors in a regular lattice using either a "rook" or a "queen" criterium? To be more specific, suppose: My lattice: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "Rook" Neighbors 1 has neighbors 2,4 2 has neighbors 1,3,5 ... 5 has neighbors 2,4,6,8 "Queen Neighbors" 1 has neighbors 2,4,5 2 has neighbors 1,3,4,5,6 For each case,
2012 Nov 27
Problem in Starting R Server - object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
Hi All, I am trying to start R Server to run some Java Script in my local machine using the library, 'Rook'. I use Windows 7. And my codes are following, > library(Rook) > myD3dir <- 'D:\\STUDIES\\Java script\\d3-master' > s <- Rhttpd$new > s$start(quiet=TRUE) and i get the following error for the above line, Error in s$start : object of type
2011 Jun 07
Connect intercom to Asterisk?
Hello I just read this article about a kid in England who built a box with a 3G SIM card: When someone rings your intercom, the box will call your cellphone so you can answer just like you were home. I don't know anything about electronics and would like to
2018 Nov 12
Better cleanup of example session during check
I have a couple of packages (?fiery? and ?reqres') that uses a mock of a rook request for their examples. The mock is an R6 object containing a rawConnection, along with a finalizer that closes this connection when the object is removed. So far so good. I?ve recently been getting CRAN errors due to the rawConnection not being closed in examples > cleanEx() Error: connections left open:
2006 Feb 17
Matrix indexing in a loop
How do you specify matrix location a[i,j] (or a[i-1,j], etc.) in a "for" loop? I am looking for a flexible method of indexing neighbors over a series of lags (1,2,3...) and I may wish to extend this method to 3D arrays. Example: Data matrix > fun [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 5 9 [2,] 2 6 10 [3,] 3 7 11 [4,] 4 8 12 For each element a[i,j] in
2007 Jan 25
Error in loadNamespace(name) (PR#9464)
Full_Name: Ross Darnell Version: 2.4.1 OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( rdarnell at pc:~/Data$ ls -al .RData -rwxrwxrwx 2 root root 13551 2006-12-06 08:58 .RData rdarnell at pc:~/Data$ R R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18) Copyright (C) 2006 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to
2008 Jan 25
Using bquote: question
Hi all Observe: x <- c(1,2) y <- c(1,-1) phi <- 1 p <- 2 par( mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(x , y, main=bquote( paste( p==.(p)," and ",phi==.(phi)) ) ) plot(y ~ x, main=bquote( paste( p==.(p)," and ",phi==.(phi)) ) ) par( mfrow=c(1,2)) On my system (details below), the first plot is correct (in my understanding), and produces a title reading "p=2 and phi=1"
2013 Jan 09
R encrypt/decrypt
Hello, I am working on a web system (php) that uses R in the backend, and we need some basic fast encryption/decryption for the underlying mysql database that can be used by both R AND php. It does not need to be top-of-the-line, but just provide some basic level of fast encryption/decryption. Any suggestions? Thank you, Ramiro [[alternative HTML version deleted]]