similar to: Using lubridate to increment date by business days only

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Using lubridate to increment date by business days only"

2012 Oct 10
How to replicate SAS by group processing in R
Hello, I am trying to re-code all my programs from SAS into R. In SAS I use the following code: proc sort data=upper; by tdate stock_symbol expire strike; run; data upper1; set upper; by tdate stock_symbol expire strike; if first.expire then output; rename strike=astrike; run; on the following data set: tdate stock_symbol expiration strike 9/11/2012 C 9/16/2012
2012 Oct 19
Creating a new by variable in a dataframe
Hello, I have a dataframe w/ 3 variables of interest: transaction,date(tdate) & time(event_tim). How could I create a 4th variable (last_trans) that would flag the last transaction of the day for each day? In SAS I use: proc sort data=all6; by tdate event_tim; run; /*Create last transaction flag per day*/ data all6; set all6; by tdate event_tim; last_trans=last.tdate; Thanks
2012 Aug 31
Conditional merging in R & if then statement
1)I am wandering how the following SQL statement can be written in R language w/o using sqldf: create table detail2 as select a.* from detail a, pdetail b where a.TDATE=b.TDATE and (a.STIM >= b.STIM and a.STIM <=b.MAXTIM) 2) when try if then in R it only applies to the 1st row & not to whole dataset like in SAS. How do you get round that? in SAS: data summary; set all1;
2013 Apr 03
Can package plyr also calculate the mode?
I am trying to replicate the SAS proc univariate in R. I got most of the stats I needed for a by grouping in a data frame using: all1 <- ddply(all,"ACT_NAME", summarise, mean=mean(COUNTS), sd=sd(COUNTS), q25=quantile(COUNTS,.25),median=quantile(COUNTS,.50), q75=quantile(COUNTS,.75), q90=quantile(COUNTS,.90), q95=quantile(COUNTS,.95), q99=quantile(COUNTS,.99) )
2013 May 23
Removing rows w/ smaller value from data frame
Hello, I have a column called max_date in my data frame and I only want to keep the bigger values for the same activity. How can I do that? data frame: activity max_dt A 2013-03-05 B 2013-03-28 A 2013-03-28 C 2013-03-28 B 2013-03-01 Thank you for your help -- View this message in context:
2013 Apr 05
How to perform a grouped shapiro wilk test on dataframe
Hello, I was wandering if it is possible to perform on a dataframe called 'all' a shapiro wilk normality test for COUNTS by variable Group ACTIVITY? Could it be done using plyer? I saw an eg that applies to an array but not to a dataframe: lapply(split(dataset1$Height,dataset1$Group),shapiro.test) Any thoughts would be much appreciated. My dataframe is in shape: dat ACTIVIT
2012 Aug 29
Deduping in R by multiple variables
I have a dataset w/ 184K obs & 16 variables. In SAS I proc sort nodupkey it in seconds by 11 variables. I tried to do the same thing in R using both the unique & then the !duplicated functions but it just hangs there & I get no output. Does anyone know how to solve this? This is how I tried to do it in R: detail3 <-
2012 Nov 30
subset data frame by variable with missing value
Hello, I have a variable in a data frame that contains NA values. I just want to subset so that I get the obs where that variable is missing. In SAS I would do: data missing; set test; if myvalue=' '; run; How can I perform this simple task in R? Thanks in advance for your help. -- View this message in context:
2012 Sep 18
Conditional operations in R
Hello, I am a newbie to R coming from SAS background. I am trying to program the following: I have a monthly data frame with 2 variables: client pct_total A 15% B 10% C 10% D 9% E 8% F 6% G 4% I need to come up w/ a monthly list of clients that make 50% or just above it every month so I can pass them to the rest of the program.
2012 Sep 13
Cannot install package xlsx
I get following error message: trying URL '' Content type 'application/zip' length 365611 bytes (357 Kb) opened URL downloaded 357 Kb Error in read.dcf(file.path(pkgname, "DESCRIPTION"), c("Package", "Type")) : cannot open the connection In addition: Warning messages: 1: In
2012 Aug 24
if then in R versus SAS
I am new to R and I have the following SAS statements: if otype='M' and ocond='1' and entry='a.Prop' then MOC=1; else MOC=0; How would I translate that into R code? Thanks in advance -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2012 Sep 13
Paasing values to sqlQuery like SAS macro
Hello, We lost our SAS licence & I am busy transfering my old SAS programs to R environment. I am very new to R. In 1 program I was creating SAS macro vars & passing them into a SQL query to run against the server. There are 3 variables firm, begindt, enddt. # of values for each varies month to month. Is there anyway I could do the same thing in R & pass the afore mentioned values
2013 Apr 12
Stat question: How to deal w/ negative outliers?
Hello all, I have a question: I am using the interquantile method to spot outliers & it gives me values of say 234 & -120 or for the higher & lower benchmarks. I don't have any issues w/ the higher end. However I don't have any negative values. My lowest possible value is 0. Should I consider 0 as an outlier? Thanks ahead for your thoughts -- View this message in
2018 Mar 29
Problem with my function using as.POSIXct
Hello all: I wrote a function: my.bastimeToSynoptic <- function(x) { f<-unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), " ")) hr<-unlist(strsplit(f[2], ":")) if(as.numeric(hr[1])<6) { synoptic<-"00" } else { synoptic<-as.integer(as.numeric(hr[1])/6)*6 } tdate<-paste(c(f[1],"
2018 Apr 15
Adding a new conditional column to a list of dataframes
Hi all .., I have a list of 7000 dataframes with similar column headers and I wanted to add a new column to each dataframe based on a certain condition which is the same for all dataframes. When I extract one dataframe and apply my code it works very well as follows :- First suppose this is my first dataframe in the list > OneDF <- Mylist[[1]] > OneDF ID Pdate
2015 Nov 06
(sin asunto)
Hola a tod en s, sigo intentando representar una variable en función de meses. En la columna Mesos tengo los meses de la siguiente manera: 01/08/1996, 01/09/1996 etc. He probado con el siguiente comando: plot(Mesos, Serie01) obteniendo y tendría que obtener: [image: Imágenes integradas 2] Pero donde pone Observation Index, me gustaria tener los meses (para esta grafica he usado
2018 Apr 15
Adding a new conditional column to a list of dataframes
> On Apr 15, 2018, at 4:08 AM, Allaisone 1 <Allaisone1 at> wrote: > > > Hi all .., > > > I have a list of 7000 dataframes with similar column headers and I wanted to add a new column to each dataframe based on a certain condition which is the same for all dataframes. > > > When I extract one dataframe and apply my code it works very well as
2014 Oct 19
Warnings en GLMM (lme4)
Hola, Soy nuevo manejando R y no tengo mucha experiencia. Estoy intentando modelar una función que me relacione el nº de cebas (nº de presas que los padres traen a los pollos) con el tamaño de parche de un bosque (factor categórico; 2 niveles= grande y pequeño). Al ser un conteo (nº de cebas) he pensado utilizar familia= poisson con link= logarítmico. He construido un GLMM con: Nº de cebas
2010 Sep 17
removing specific rows from array
I'm attempting to create an array of treatment comparisons for modelling data generation. This involves comparison of one treatment (c2) with another (c3), relative to a common comparator (c1). Attached code gives me the correct array but need to remove duplicates. Duplicates relate only to c2 and c3 such that I need to remove r3 because c2 and c3 are same as r1 with c2 and c3 swapped r5
2009 Sep 02
Help with sub-setting data.frame
Friends I have a data frame, df that I want to extract some rows from Here is a sample of the data > head(df) TDate Expiry Underlie Strike CSettle PSettle Futures ExDate TTE 1 20080102 200801 200803 0.840 0.0000 0 0.9207 20080104 0.005479452 2 20080102 200801 200803 0.850 0.0000 0 0.9207 20080104 0.005479452 Rate Disc 1 0.0457 0.9997496 2 0.0457