similar to: no y-axis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "no y-axis"

2012 Aug 28
barchart with 3 Arguments
Hi @ all, I have a problem concerning the barplot (barchart lattice) of a dataframe. I work with the attached dataframe. When I try to plot this dataframe I only get two rows plottet. When I try to plot the whole dataframe, there is message, that it is 'height' must be a vector or a matrix. On the y-axis, the "amount_cattle" should be displayed and on the x-axis the
2010 Oct 08
Heatmap/Color Selection(Key)
Hi I made heatmap of QTL based on Lod score. Where I have traits in columns and marker data (rows). I can not cluster both column and rows as I need the right order for marker data. Can someone suggest me better way of generating heatmaps especially the colour key I want to select to visualize the results which are more interesting to look at. > library(gplots) >
2011 Apr 13
latex, eps graphics and transparent colors
I have a diagram to be included in latex, where all my figures are .eps graphics (so pdflatex is not an option) and I want to achieve something like the following: three concentric filled circles varying in lightness or saturation. It is easiest to do this using transparency, but in my test using the postscript driver, the transparent color fills do not appear. Is it correct that postscript()
2011 Nov 29
Matrix for correlation
hi @ all, I have problem with creating a matrix for a cor() function. I try to use the cor() function on a matrix to test the correlation between each value in a column. Maybe like corr(x, method = xyz). My x has two columns maybe like this: MEDIA VALUE Car 23 Train 26 Plane 25 Cab 22 Bike 15 .... and so on. Now I want to calculate the correlation between Car and Train, Car
2012 Jan 10
colored outliers
Hi @ all, I have question how to mark significant outliers in R. This is my very simple script to plot a regression: TOC_NI<-read.csv2("C:/Users/XYZ/Desktop/Master/Daten/Statistik/TOC-NI.csv", sep=";", dec=",", encoding="UTF-8") plot(NI~TOC,data=TOC_NI,col="blue", pch=16, xlim=c(0,4500000)) abline(lm(NI~TOC,data=TOC_NI),col =
2010 Jan 17
datasets para regresión logística binomial y multinomial
Buenas. Sé que en R hay multitud de datasets y me haría falta alguno que trataran de variables relacionadas con salud, sobre todo para aprender más acerca de cómo realizar una regresión logística binomial o multinomial. Gracias..
2011 Jul 20
Grouping columns
*Hi @ all, I have a question concerning the possibilty of grouping the columns of a matrix. R groups the columns alphabetically. What can I do to group the columns in my specifications? The script is the following:* > #R-Skript: Anzahl xyz > > #Quelldatei einlesen > b<-read.csv2("Z:/int/xyz.csv", header=TRUE) > > #Teilmengen f?r die Einzeljahre generieren >
2012 Nov 08
Regrouping dataframe
Hi @ all, I hope for some help of you. I have a dataframe and I want to regroup it. examp4.csv <> I need the arguments of "VAL" as table heads and the "TYPE " only in individual expression. The result should look like in the example pic. exp4.png <> I
2012 May 10
setting global options for a package
This may be elementary, but I can't find an answer: How can I set up global options for some specific arguments to functions in a package which can be easily changed by the user? This question relates to the selection of colors used in functions in several packages (heplots, genridge), where I want to provide reasonable default values for plots, but allow users to change those defaults
2012 Nov 15
merge dataframes with condition
Hi @ all, I wamnt to combine two dataframes including a condition. I have two dataframes like the following: animal<-c("bear","bear","lion","monkey","fish","monkey","bear","zebra","zebra") val<-c(2,42,67,5,12,9,87,1,12)
2013 Apr 26
[newbie] how to find and combine geographic maps with particular features?
SUMMARY: Specific problem: I'm regridding biomass-burning emissions from a global/unprojected inventory to a regional projection (LCC over North America). I need to have boundaries for Canada, Mexico, and US (including US states), but also Caribbean and Atlantic nations (notably the Bahamas). I would also like to add Canadian provinces and Mexican states. How to put these together? General
2018 Feb 04
help with the plot overlay
Dear R Community, I recently read an article and found a plot as attached. It has scatterplot, barplot, and error bar. Could anyone help me to figure out what package I can use in R to generate such plot? Thank you very much for any inputs! Kind regards, Ace -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Screen Shot 2018-02-04 at 6.38.14 AM.png Type: image/png
2006 Aug 18
Query: how to modify the plot of acf
I need to modify the graph of the autocorrelation. I tried to do it through plot.acf but with no success. 1. I would like to get rid of the lag zero 2. I would like to have numbers on the x-axis only at lags 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, ... Could anybody help me in this? Any help will be appreciated Thank you for your attention Stefano [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Jan 06
help on rmeta
Hello I'm trying to plot hazard risk values using the function metaplot with the specifications: > metaplot(HR,SE,W,labels=row.names(lc),xlab="Hazard Ratio",ylab="Covariates", logeffect=TRUE,logticks=FALSE,colors=meta.colors(box="black",lines="dark gray",zero="darkgray"),cex=1.5,cex.lab=1.5,font=3) However, in the plot the x axis
2018 Feb 05
help with the plot overlay
Hi Ace, You can do it with plotrix: library(plotrix) barpos<-barp(c(1,5,38),width=0.5,col=c("white","lightgray","darkgray"),ylim=c(0,70)) ehplot(c(1,0.8,0.9,0.8,1.1,1,4,3,5,14,3,2,32,27,33,30,50,61), c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3),median=FALSE,add=TRUE,cex=2, pch=21,bg="white") dispersion(barpos$x,barpos$y,c(0.1,1,5),lwd=2,arrow.cap=0.03)
2012 Sep 11
plot dataframe with inconsistently relations
Hi @ all, I work with a dataframe like the attached one. I want to plot it, so that "value" is listed on the y-axis, "year" on the x-axis and "states" as lines in the coordinate system. I tried the following code: require(ggplot) plot1<-ggplot(TEST, aes(year, value)) + geom_line(aes(colour = state)) The result could be very nice but the the lines are stacked.
2012 Nov 08
Stacked Barchart as relative share
Hi @ all, I'm looking for a solution to plot a dataframe as a stacked bar chart like on this picture: My dataframe example2.csv <> My questions: Is there a standard function to convert the values to 100 percent relate to
2009 Aug 22
Why is R so slow at plotting on Ubuntu 9.04?
under Ubuntu 9.04 R seems to be very slow at plotting. the example below illustrates with a plot of error bars of sample means where i watch as each error bar is plotted one at a time. very annoying and pain in the neck when running Sweave repeatedly. running R 2.9.1 under Windoze on the same machine the error bars plotted in the code below appear instantaneously. has anyone else noticed this
2013 Feb 13
[lattice] display a projected map on a layerplot
summary: I can display a lon-lat map on a lattice::layerplot, and I can display a Lambert conformal conic (LCC) map on a spam::image, but I can't display an LCC map on a lattice::layerplot. Example follows. What am I doing wrong? details: I've been using `lattice` (via `rasterVis`) successfully to display global atmospheric data, which works well enough (though I am definitely intrigued
2006 Nov 16
Gantt chart problem after upgrade to R 2.4.0
I am having a problem with a gantt chart since moving to R2.4.0. from 2.3.1 I made some adaptations to the code from and successful produced a simple gantt chart. However when I upgraded to 2.4.0 it no longer works as desired. See for the two charts. The charts were produced