Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How to make pch symbols thicker?"
2010 Nov 29
map() and pdf clipping
Below is a function (test.map) that permits drawing the same map using
three different devices. The "pdf" device doesn't clip polygons to
the plot region as I see it does by both the native device (in my case
"Quartz") and the "png" device.
test.map("pdf") # produces "test-map.pdf" with no clipping
test.map("png") #
2012 Oct 29
XML namespace control
I am working with a database system from which I can retrieve these kinds of user defined fields formed as XML ...
<udf:field unit="uM" type="Numeric" name="facs.Stain final concentration">5</udf:field>
You can see in the above example that "field" is defined in the namespace "udf", but that the "udf" namespace is
2012 Nov 14
How to filter xml value in R?
I have one xml file.
<Node1 code ="1"> First node </Node1>
<Node2 code ="1"> Second node </Node2>
<Node3 code ="1"> Third node </Node3>
<Node1 code ="2"> Fourth node </Node1>
for (i in 1:xmlSize())
print(Class[i]) # how can i filter Node1 ?
2011 Oct 28
Polynomial regression line
The cubic regression of my model is significant and I want to plot a line
that best fits. It's not abline() function, because it has a curve. Please,
how can I plot it?
Fernando Andreacci
Fone +55 47 9921 4015
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Mar 12
creating list of lists
Question 1:
I have a long list of variable names such as
first <- c("one","two","three")
and what I want to do is create a list of lists ... where the names of each of overall lists components are "one","two", and "three".
This is the same result as
second <- list(one=list(),two=list(),three=list())
Is there a way to exploit
2011 Nov 15
if/else scope
What is wrong with the following?
x <- 1:2
if(x[1] > 0)
if(x[2] > 0)
print("1 & 2 > 0")
print("1 > 0")
if(x[2] > 0)
2010 Dec 10
Textwrangler Languages Folder
Dear R Community,
I recently switched to a Mac (10.6.5), and have installed Textwrangler to
run code to R. However, I can't install the syntax highlighting file because
I can't find the directory: "~Users/username/Library/Application
Support/TextWrangler/Language Modules/". Is there a different location I can
place the syntax highlighting file?
[[alternative HTML
2011 Dec 23
Custom XML Readers
I need to construct a custom XML reader, the files I'm working with are in
funky XML format:
<str name="author">Paul H</str>
<str name="country">USA</str>
<date name="created_date">2010-02-16</date>
I want to read the file so it looks like:
author = Paul H
country = USA
Does any one know how to
2012 Sep 26
RCURL ftp upload - ASCII or Binary type?
I'm trying to upload a file using RCURL:s ftpUpload() to a ftp-server using the following command:
> ftpUpload("'VERY.ODD.FILE.NAME(+1)'",to="ftp://x.x.x.x/","' VERY.ODD.FILE.NAME(+1)'",userpwd="USER:PASSWORD")
The file I'm trying to upload is a very simple text-file but with a bit weird filename. Note the ' on each
2011 Sep 09
split variable / create categories
is there a function or an easy way to convert a variable with continuous values into a categorial variable (with x levels)?
here is what I mean:
I want to transform x:
x <- c(3.2, 1.5, 6.8, 6.9, 8.5, 9.6, 1.1, 0.6)
into a 'categorial'-variable with four levels so that I get:
[1] 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1
so each element is converted into its rank- value / categorial-value
2012 Sep 06
[Rscript] difficulty passing named arguments from commandline
Wanting a commandline solution (for a problem detailed @
) I turned to Rscript, and whacked out the q'n'd
However it wasn't as quick as hoped, because I spent quite a bit of time
figuring out how to pass the arguments.
2012 Jan 05
automatic SI prefixes as ticklabels on axis
i want to plot values with frequency on a logarithmic x axis.
similar to this example that i found in the web:
I would like to convert long numbers to si prefix notation
like in the example
(200000 to 200k, 35000000 to 3.5 M)
Of course i could create labels by hand, but
i have many files so i need some automatic function.
Has anyone done that
2013 Jan 22
Creating a Data Frame from an XML
I'm attempting to read information from an XML into a data frame in R using
the "XML" package. I am unable to get the data into a data frame as I would
like. I have some sample code below.
*XML Code:*
Data I want in a data frame:
<row BRAND="GMC" NUM="1" YEAR="1999" VALUE="10000" />
2018 Mar 22
how to add a child to a child in XML
Big thanks. newXMLNode works great. Wonder why it is not included in the documentation.
There is newXMLDoc and newXMLNamespace, but no mention of newXMLNode.
From: Ben Tupper [mailto:btupper at bigelow.org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 6:18 PM
To: Bond, Stephen
Cc: r-help
Subject: Re: [R] how to add a child to a child in XML
XML doesn't use the `$` to access child nodes.
2018 Mar 22
how to add a child to a child in XML
It's a reasonable question. The answer is that it actually is included, but there are many instances across packages where multiple functions are documented on a single help page. The following brings up such a page... (for XML_3.98-1.9)
> library(XML)
> ?newXMLNode
You can see the same on line...
2018 Mar 22
how to add a child to a child in XML
Just to clarify and hopefully catch the attention of the maintainer:
The newXMLNode function is not mentioned in:
which supposedly describes all functions in the package.
From: Ben Tupper [mailto:btupper at bigelow.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 10:40 AM
To: Bond, Stephen
Cc: r-help
Subject: Re: [R] how to add a child to a
2018 Jan 02
httr::content without message
Thanks to all that replied. I had just looked through the httr code and sure enough for a .csv mime time it calls readr::read_csv(). The httr::content docs suggest not using automatic parsing in a package, rather to determine mime type and parse yourself and Ben's suggestion also works if I do:
junk <- readr::read_csv(r1$content, col_types = cols())
Perfect. Using httr rather than
2018 Mar 21
how to add a child to a child in XML
I am trying to add a child to a child using XML package in R. the following fails
node1 <- c("val1","val2","val3")
names(node1) <- c("att1","att2","att3")
root <- xmlNode("root", attrs=node1)
node2 <- LETTERS[1:3]
names(node2) <- paste("name",1:3,sep="")
root <-
2016 Apr 30
Could not find function "pointsToRaster"
Dear All,
I have a script that draws longitude and latitude of lightning
occurrence. This script was running fine before. But when I changed my
system and do a fresh install on another laptop, this error persist.
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
could not find function "pointsToRaster"
I have tried to see if there is any other package I need to install
2017 Sep 06
rgdal error when trying to import raster
Indeed, Ben, but the question was something more like it is not a Dependency, just Suggested, so why the error...
If you read the Introduction to the 'raster' package vignette, it indicates that some input formats are supported within the raster package and some rely on other packages. Clearly the attempt to read a TIFF was an example of the latter. Had you used a different input