similar to: install option on wiki homepage

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "install option on wiki homepage"

2012 Feb 20
Promo Store is now open
hi Guys, We've been trying to get something like this setup for long time, now thanks to Khusro Jaleel's efforts its online! The CentOS Promo request system is available at And we have some TShirts there - three different designs, six different colours and a few options on sizes for each type. Get them quick! The TShirts are already paid for by sponsors, all you
2012 Oct 31
network and stability issues
hi Guys, Over the last 24 hours we have had a series of stability issues. First, the DC our mail/lists machine is hosted in had power issues ( Internap LGA9, NY, USA ); then we had a h/w failure and needed a chassis swap ( thanks to the guys in the DC who executed this within minutes ); and we have since again had network issues - although power to the DC and the server seems stable now. Over
2012 Dec 03
OpenNebula on CentOS-6
hi, Some of you might have seen the email on the centos-devel list, for the rest I just wanted to point out that we've been working on getting opennebula ( ) rpms and contextualised images for opennebula available with a very low barrier to entry for CentOS. The 'win' with OpenNebula is that its easy to install, easy to get going, scales well and mostly
2012 Jan 31
Red Hat extends production lifecycle for EL5/6 This will be of interest to pretty much everyone on the list. "Red Hat offers support throughout four life-cycle phases?called Production 1, 2, and 3, and an Extended Life Phase?for each major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Red Hat offers 10 years of Production
2012 Nov 22
AWS images and the Sydney zone
hi guys, So it turns out that Sydney is too new a zone and not in the regular AWS image-production-pipeline. Although that should get fixed soon, in the mean time, should we go ahead and push images there ourselves ? - kb -- Karanbir Singh +44-207-0999389 | | ICQ: 2522219 | Yahoo IM: z00dax | Gtalk: z00dax GnuPG Key :
2012 Oct 21
Vendor Specific / Agnostic images
hi guys, I've been going round in circles trying to workout the best way to handle vendor agnostic images and in the interest of sanity and actually getting something out of the door - it looks like the best pln is to get the vendor specific requirements and push images with them ( and suitability marked ) With that in mind, AWS is a good target to start with. Do people have opinions on : -
2012 Dec 31
Happy new years everyone
hi, 2012 has been a great and eventful year for CentOS, the project. CentOS the Linux Distribution and for everyone involved, including the users. Along with new initiatives, lots of new relationships came up - and most of all, lots of new people stepped up to help in various corners of the project. Hope to see even more new efforts kicking off in 2013 and even more people getting involved.
2011 Jul 29
Release for CentOS-6.0 Minimal i386 and x86_64
We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS-6.0/minimal for i386 and x86_64 Architectures. The minimal install iso media is an alternative install to the main CentOS-6.0 distribution and comes with a trimmed down, preselected rpm list. However, it still runs off the standard installer, with all the regular features that one would expect from the main distribution, except
2009 Nov 03
CentOS Social, London, UK : 10 Nov 2009
Hi Guys, Some of us are yet-again going to be getting together for a CentOS Beer evening on the 10th Nov 2009 at the Kings and Queens. The Pub is mostly quiet during the week, has a fair selection of drinks and is central enough to most people in the city. The full address is : King & Queens, 1 Foley St, London, W1W 6DL? Here is a Google Street view of the place We
2011 Jul 29
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 77, Issue 9
Send CentOS-announce mailing list submissions to centos-announce at To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to centos-announce-request at You can reach the person managing the list at centos-announce-owner at When
2010 Oct 14
performance differences between kvm/xen
hi guys, Just wondering if anyone has done any performance testing between kvm and xen on CentOS-5 ( using centos as host and vm in every case ) ? Regards, -- Karanbir Singh London, UK | | ICQ: 2522219 | Yahoo IM: z00dax | Gtalk: z00dax GnuPG Key :
2015 Jan 06
the install url on homepage
hi, The install link on the homepage could potentially use some attention. Maybe just lose it and send similar attention to the /Documenation page instead ? -- Karanbir Singh +44-207-0999389 | | GnuPG Key :
2010 Apr 16
4 and the wildcard dns
hi guys, At the moment there is a site. There is also a wildcard dns setup that directs to's content This has a couple of 'issues' with SEO and google sepcifically. The reason we have such low page rank is that google marks all of this as duplicate content. I am sure there are other search engines that do as well ( Bing has a
2010 Jan 08
Help with the bugtracker
Hi Guys, There are a fair few issues reported at around virt issues, Xen / KVM and even VMware stuff. And I know there is a lot of knowledge and talent around those areas here on this list. Just wondering if some of the people here might be able to help with those issues on bugs.c.o - it should not be more than a few hours / week in terms of commitment. Thanks for
2009 Dec 21
feedback for Amavisd page
This from irc: 13:07 < orogor> hi here 13:07 < orogor> how do i edit a centos wiki page ? 13:08 < orogor> chkconfig --level 123456 sendmail off 13:08 < orogor> 13:08 < orogor> need to add this line arround the service check configuration lines 13:08 <@z00dax> orogor: could you post that to the docs list ?
2012 Oct 03
Package lists for Cloud images
hi Guys, As we get ready to start publishing Cloud Images ( or rather images consumable in various virt platforms, including public and private clouds ) - it would be great to have a baseline package manifest worked out. What / how many images should we build. At this time we were thinking of doing : - CentOS-5 32bit minimal - CentOS-6 32bit minimal - CentOS-5 64bit minimal - CentOS-6 64bit
2015 Jan 13
Pull Request wiki.c.o/AdditionalResources/Repositories
On 01/09/2015 11:49 PM, Tom Sorensen wrote: > KB -- I made those changes several months ago (Sep/Oct I believe), with > discussion in IRC. This was after a spate of people in the main channel > having issues with Atomic (there's a name that's going to end up causing > problems...) and the continued use of RPMForge/RepoForge, with no > indication that they're really
2015 Apr 22
This last week in CentOS
Hi, This is a summary of some of the major things going on in the project, its not a comprehensive list, but should cover most of the major traction points: Firstly, lets all welcome Brian Stinson to the fold ( ) ---------- Updates for CentOS 5/6/7 : All updates from upstream are released into the CentOS Linux mirror network.
2016 Oct 10
2 edit group
hi guys, we've got more and more people who need edit rights to this page, at - is it worth doing a ContainerEngGroup and make that group own this page instead of adding usernames to the page itself ? Regards, -- Karanbir Singh +44-207-0999389 | | GnuPG Key :
2016 Mar 02
wiki addition for AWS
On 22/02/16 22:58, Warren Turkal wrote: > My wiki name: WarrenTurkal > > Page for addition: > > Proposed addition: I would like to add a column for the product code > for the CentOS images listed with AWS marketplace URLs. I use the > product code for "CENTOS-7 x86_64" to find the AMIs to start hosts > with that image in each