similar to: Aggregate Table Data into Cell Frequencies

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches similar to: "Aggregate Table Data into Cell Frequencies"

2008 Nov 05
How to extract following data
Hi everyone, I have this kind of raw dataset : - <Temp diffgr:id="Temp14" msdata:rowOrder="13"> <Date>2005-01-17T00:00:00+05:30</Date> <SecurityID>10149</SecurityID> <PriceClose>1288.40002</PriceClose> </Temp> - <Temp diffgr:id="Temp15" msdata:rowOrder="14">
2010 Sep 24
multivariate multiple regression coefficient
hi, I considered multivariate multiple regression for respons, predictor, each 5 dimension. on going process, through initb <- eigen(temp)$vectors[,1:3] temp <- vhalf%*%Kproduct(Ir,initb) (herein 'vhalf' is root for inverse of covariance matrix and 'Kproduct' is Kronecker product) and then process regression. However, I have tried using the
2006 May 31
Automatic .santize?
Hello and thanks in advance to those who post back, I''m working on a calender but, it renders the data in the controller then saves it as @code so I call it in the veiw <%= @code %>. So everythings working and I add this line.. @event = Event.find_by_date("#{@temp13.year}-#{@temp13.month}-#{}") if @event == nil @@td = "<td width=50 height=50
2012 Aug 10
Zoo object problem: Find the column name of a univariate zoo object
Hi everyone and Achim, Achim, I appreciate your help about the function "NCOL". When I use "NCOL" instead of "ncol", I can find out the number of columns (number of time series) in the presence of only one time series (one variable, one column). Now I want to know how I can find out the column names of the zoo objects? In case of more than one time series, the
2012 Aug 09
Zoo object problem: problem when I attempt to create a zoo object of only one column
Hi, Part of my program is to calculate the number of time series in a zoo object. It works well if it has more than one time series, but it fails if it has only one. How can I access the number of column (i.e. the number of time series) when I have only one column? Why is the number of an object of only one object "NULL"? It should be one, shouldn't it? (The following example