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2009 May 01
Double summation limits
Dear R experts
I need to write a function that incorporates double summation, the problem
being that the upper limit of the second summation is the index of the first
summation, i.e:
sum_{j=0}^{x} sum_{i=0}^{j} choose(i+j, i)
where x variable or constant, doesn't matter.
The following code obviously doesn't work:
f=function(x) {j=0:x; i=0:j; sum( choose(i+j,i) ) }
Can you help?
2012 Oct 18
summation coding
I would like to code the following in R: a1(b1+b2+b3) + a2(b1+b3+b4) +
a3(b1+b2+b4) + a4(b1+b2+b3)
or in summation notation: sum_{i=1, j\neq i}^{4} a_i * b_i
I realise this is the same as: sum_{i=1, j=1}^{4} a_i * b_i - sum_{i=j} a_i
* b_i
would appreciate some help.
Thank you.
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2008 Aug 29
more efficient double summation...
Dear R users...
I made the R-code for this double summation computation
Here is my code..
sum(sapply(1:m, function(k){sum(sapply(1:m,
In fact, this is
2012 Nov 08
map two names into one
Yes. Your approach can identify:
Glaxy ace S 5830 and
S 5830 Glaxy ace
But you can not identify using same program:
Iphone 4S 16 G
Iphone 4S 16G
How should I solve both in same time.
Kind regards,Tammy
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 May 18
LM with summation function
Hi all,
I'm trying to model some data where the y is defined by
y = summation[1 to 50] B1 * x + B2 * x^2 + B3 * x^3
Hopefully that reads clearly for email.
Anyway, if it wasn't for the summation, I know I would do it like this
lm(y ~ x + x2 + x3)
Where x2 and x3 are x^2 and x^3.
However, since each value of x is related to the previous values of x, I
don't know how to do this.
2008 Nov 15
make a triple summation more efficient
Dear R users...
I made the R-code for this triple summation computation
Here is my code..
x=seq(.1,1,.1); l=10
y=seq(1,10); m=10
z=seq(.1,1,.1); n=10
sum(sapply(1:l, function(i) {sum(sapply(1:m, function(j) {sum(sapply(1:n,
function(k){exp(x[i]*y[j]*z[k] )/gamma(y[j]+1)}))^(1.5) }))}))
2004 Mar 16
multiple summation
I have to compute a multiple summation (not an integration because the
independent variables a
are discrete) for all the values of a function of several variables f
(x_1,...,x_n), that is
sum ... sum f(x_1,...,x_n)
x_1 x_n
have you some suggestion? Is it possible?
I know that for multiple integration there is the function adapt, but it has at
most n=20. In my case n depends on the
2009 Aug 20
how to compute this summation...
Dear R users,
I try to compute this summation,
f(y|x) = Negative Binomial(y, mu=exp(x' beta), size=1/alp)
In fact, I tried to use "do.call" function to compute each u(y,x) before the
summation, but I got an error, "Error in X[i, ]
2005 Jun 15
need help on computing double summation
Dear helpers in this forum,
This is a clarified version of my previous
questions in this forum. I really need your generous
help on this issue.
> Suppose I have the following data set:
> id x y
> 023 1 2
> 023 2 5
> 023 4 6
> 023 5 7
> 412 2 5
> 412 3 4
> 412 4 6
> 412 7 9
> 220 5 7
> 220 4 8
> 220 9 8
> ......
Now I want to compute the
2007 Oct 17
Need help with function that includes 2 summation
I am relatively new to R, so this may be a much simpler question than it
seems to me. I am trying to create a function that includes two
summations, and can't figure out how. I am attaching the equation as a
pdf file. This function will then be optimized over a chosen range of
values, but right now I just need help with the function. Thank you.
Zack Darnell
Duke University
2010 Jul 14
Convergent series
What are some reliable R functions that can compute the value of a
convergent series?
David R. Bickel, PhD
Associate Professor
Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology
Biochem., Micro. and I. Department
Mathematics and Statistics Department
University of Ottawa
451 Smyth Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8M5
Office Tel: (613) 562-5800 ext. 8670
Office Fax: (613) 562-5185
2013 Sep 25
Computing calculation among two vectors
x<- 1:4
?y<- c("*","/","-","+")
res<-sapply(y,function(i) {x1<-expand.grid(x,x); unlist(lapply(paste0(x1[,1],i,x1[,2]),function(u) eval(parse(text=u))))})
row.names(res)<- as.character(interaction(expand.grid(x,x),sep="_"))
#??? *?? /? - +
#1_1 1 1.0? 0 2
#2_1 2 2.0? 1 3
#3_1 3 3.0? 2 4
#4_1 4 4.0? 3 5
#1_2 2 0.5
2013 Jun 10
Combining CSV data
Hello R community,
I am trying to combine two CSV files that look like this:
File A
Row_ID_CR, Data1, Data2, Data3
1, aa, bb, cc
2, dd, ee, ff
File B
Row_ID_N, Src_Row_ID, DataN1
1a, 1, This is comment 1
2a, 1, This is comment 2
2011 Jul 16
Finding all rows of a matrix equal to vector
Hi everyone,
my question might be very trivial, but I could not come up with an answer...
I want to find out how often a matrix contains a certain vector as row:
How can I find out, how many times x1 is a row of A?
Thanks in advance and best regards,
2010 Aug 11
storing the results of an apply call
Hi R-users,
I have a function (myfun) that I want to apply to the rows of a matrix.
Basically, "myfun" takes the values from the matrix ("exp.des"), which
represent the different combinations of my experimental design, and pass
them as arguments to some other functions (fun1 and fun2). As I want to
replicate the results of fun1 and fun2 a certain number of time (e.g.
5), I
2006 Oct 03
Summation in R
Maybe this is a trivial question as I'm still a new baby in R but I wish
that u will help me.
I want to calculate the following
U= sum (t_j*v_j)
where t_j is a vector
and v_j is the matrix
2011 Jul 11
Summation resulting in a list?
Probability <- function(N, f, m, b, x, t) {
#N is the number of lymph nodes
#f is the fraction of Dendritic cells (in the correct node) that have the
#m is the number of time steps
#b is the starting position (somewhere in the node or somewhere in the gap
between nodes. It is a number between 1 and (x+t))
#x is the number of time steps it takes to traverse the gap
#t is the number
2013 Sep 02
Product of certain rows in a matrix
You could try:
A<- matrix(unlist(read.table(text="
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
9 8 7
6 5 4
3 2 1
#? [,1] [,2] [,3]
#1??? 4?? 10?? 18
#2?? 63?? 64?? 63
#3?? 18?? 10??? 4
2013 Oct 11
matrix values linked to vector index
In the example you showed:
m1<- matrix(0,length(vec),max(vec))
?m1[!upper.tri(m1)] <-? rep(rep(1,length(vec)),vec)
#But, in a case like below, perhaps:
vec1<- c(3,4,5)
?m2<- matrix(0,length(vec1),max(vec1))
?indx <- cbind(rep(seq_along(vec1),vec1),unlist(tapply(vec1,list(vec1),FUN=seq),use.names=FALSE))
m2[indx]<- 1
#???? [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
2012 Oct 14
how to show iterations
I am new to R, and am working on some optimization problems - I was
wondering if there was a way that I could show all the iterations in R -i.e.
showing for each iteration, what the iteration is, how much the function is,
what the norm of the gradient would be...
Any help is greatly appreciated!
thank you!!
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