similar to: of the FAQ (Mac)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: " of the FAQ (Mac)"

2012 Oct 08
device error pdf
Hi, Iwrote 'pdfc' in analogy to 'lpr': pdfc <- function (file = "Rplot.pdf") { current.device <- dev.cur() = pdf, file = file, ...)) dev.set(current.device) print(paste(file, "generated.")) } lpr <- function (object, file = "", ...) { if (missing(object)) { current.device <-
2012 Oct 17
history and readline, Mac OSX
Hi, Obviously history() will only work with readline installed: so far I have not been able to find working advice for installing and enabling readline on MacOSX. > sessionInfo() R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit) locale: [1] C attached base packages: [1] tools tcltk stats4 splines parallel datasets compiler [8] graphics
2012 Sep 24
Question lattice SplomT
Dear Deepayan Sarkar, I have (again) a question concerning "panel" and my function "SplomT", see attachments. Some time ago you helped me to write this function, thanks again. I have used it to great advantage in my statistics instructions. Now the problem I encounter is that the .pdf figure generated in Sweave consists of one extra empty page at the start. This prevents
2012 Oct 22
help stored permanently
Hi, Each > help.start() generates a new tree of the R help system, somewhere in, each xxx being difeerent. This tree disappears when exiting R. How can the current help tree copied to a permanent place for reference outside a running R? This would be practical for not having to enter M-x R . TIA --Christian -- Christian W. Hoffmann, CH - 8915 Hausen am Albis, Switzerland
2013 Jan 12
Aquamacs Preferences not showing, windows inaccessible, Scrolling not possible !!!
Hi, sorry for bothering, but I suspect the start of M-x R within Aquamacs is causing my problems: *Scrolling* is *not possible*, neither by key stroke nor by mouse. Aquamacs does not show all windows. 'Prefences', 'About A.', 'Check fo updates' will not open. Menu 'windows' shows several windows, but clicking on them will not open their buffers. Also,
2012 Sep 15
R CMD check and browser
Hi, Every time I do system("R CMD check mypackckage" the process executes a help.start(). Why does this happen? Cheers Christian -- Christian W. Hoffmann, CH - 8915 Hausen am Albis, Switzerland Rigiblickstrasse 15 b, Tel.+41-44-7640853 c-w.hoffmann at, christian at,
2012 Aug 28
Package cwhmisc and problems
Hi, I have revised my package cwhmisc and want to re-submit it (meeting a deadline soon). One big stumbling stone is the 'sudden' appearance of > sessionInfo() R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit) locale: [1] C attached base packages: [1] tools tcltk stats4 splines parallel datasets compiler [8] graphics grDevices
2009 Aug 17
image() generates many border lines in pdf, not on screen (quartz) - R 2.9.1 GUI 1.28 Tiger build 32-bit (5444) - OS X 10.5.8
Dear all, I have invested substantial amount of work in a complicated, yet on screen perfect looking graph that uses image(). Unfortunately saving it as pdf (or at high resolution) all generate very disturbing border lines around each small rectangle that image() has drawn. While using Preview it helps to turn off antialiasing to make those faint lines disappear on screen
2017 Sep 11
M-x R gives no choice of starting dir
Hi, I experienced a sudden change in the behavior of M-x R in not giving me the choice where to start R. May be that I botched my preferences. I am using Aquamacs 3.3 on MacOS 10.12.6 Christian -- Christian Hoffmann Rigiblickstrasse 15b CH-8915 Hausen am Albis Switzerland Telefon +41-(0)44-7640853
2018 Jun 01
values of list of variable names
Hi, I have searched the documentations of eval, substitute, expression, and I cannot make work something like the values of a list of variable names: lis <- ls(pattern="pr") # all variables with names containing 'pr' What is the mantra giving me the _values_ of the variables whose names are contained in 'lis'. eval(parse(ls(pattern="pr"))) will not do
2018 Apr 02
lintr error
library("lintr") Error: package or namespace load failed for 'lintr' in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]): there is no package called 'magrittr' library("magrittr") Error in library("magrittr") : there is no package called 'magrittr' session.Info(): R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15) Platform:
2013 Oct 14
there is no package called 'boot'
Hi, R CMD mypackage /Users/hoffmann/R/cwhmisc check --as-cran gives me * checking Rd cross-references ... WARNING Error in find.package(package, lib.loc) : there is no package called 'boot' although there is no textual reference to 'boot' in my /R and /man within /cwhmisc nor any file of that name. How could I possibly find the culprit? TIA C. sessionInfo() > R
2012 Nov 14
install own package ?
what happens here: > install.packages("/Users/hoffmann/R/cwhmisc_4.0.tar.gz",repos = NULL) Error: file '/Users/hoffmann/R/cwhmisc_4.0.tar.gz' is not an OS X binary package > sessionInfo() R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit) locale: [1] C attached base packages: [1] tools tcltk stats4 splines parallel
2012 Oct 10
history() does not work? 2
Hi, > history() gives Error in savehistory(file) : no history available to save although I can scroll throu history with C^uparrow an C^downarrow. How can I make history() work and/or show the current history in a *file*, so that I can choose from previous commands? The notion of having readline enabled: How can I do that on mac osx? I work with R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) Platform:
2012 Oct 10
history() does not work?
Hi, > history() gives Error in savehistory(file) : no history available to save although I can scroll throu history with C^uparrow an C^downarrow. How can I make history() work and/or show the current history in a file, so that I can choose from previous commands? The web did not throw up anything useful. TIA --Christian -- Christian W. Hoffmann, CH - 8915 Hausen am Albis,
2012 Oct 10
Contacting Delphi ??
What does the sudden appearance of "Contacting Delphi ......the oracle is unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience." mean? A bug? It appears at plotting. Thanks Christian -- Christian W. Hoffmann, CH - 8915 Hausen am Albis, Switzerland Rigiblickstrasse 15 b, Tel.+41-44-7640853 c-w.hoffmann at, christian at,
2008 May 03
Quartz doesn't display x-axis properly until a window resize (PR#11368)
Full_Name: Luis Lopez-Oliveros Version: 2.7.0 OS: Mac OS X 10.5.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( In R 2.7.0 for Mac OS X, Quartz plots are drawn a little bit off-screen. What happens is that the plots appear to be displayed a little below than where they should be in the Quartz window, causing the x-axis to be drawn off-screen, "below" the bottom of the Quartz window. When
2002 Nov 08
Mac specific - quartz leads to crash (PR#2276)
Full_Name: Martin Renner Version: 1.6.0 OS: MacOS X 10.2.1 Submission from: (NULL) ( Opening a new graphics device with quartz () produces a quartz window but it cannot be resized, there's no red close-button and R usually crashes within the next 20 seconds (unexpectedly quit). Also, I can't copy this window (copy does not do anything, old clipboard is not replaced).
2010 Nov 23
Lattice and Quartz
I ran this script in a source file on my Mac: library(lattice) year <- 1900:2000 dollars <- (year-1899)^2 plot(year,dollars) quartz("year") histogram(~dollars) The first plot appears in Quartz 2. The second quartz window, named year, opens but the histogram doesn't appear. However, when I copy and paste this script directly into the R console, both quartz windows (Quartz 2
2010 Jan 28
quartz() and dpi
Hello all, I am using quartz (on OS X obviously) to produce PDFs and PNGs from my plots, for later inclusion in LaTeX. I am typically using something like: plot(0) dev.print(quartz, file="foo.pdf", width=5, height=3) dev.print(quartz, file="foo.png", width=5, height=3, dpi=72) I want the sizes of the PDF and PNG to be *equal* in *inches*, which works with dpi=72. However,